Do you think she used to use it on him? they don't sleep in the same room
She has a bulge
Yeah... she's also done naked pictures so we know you're full of shit, Op.
Fippy bippity
OP gay
Op is a Sage Fag
those are obviously fake lrn wut Photoshop is
Wait, did Trump plan this? Michael is often ridiculed for having a bulge and being a man, but if your wife has appeared nude to the world, they can't do the same to her.
4D chess?
b4 or after her trans surgery
Imagine if she actually did have a bulge. Would be pretty funny to see Jow Forumsfags being okay with it when it's her but not when it's Michelle.
Melania would be so hot as a mature tranny pornstar.
It's not a bulge it's how the dress is rising as she walks, Michelle Obama however does have a bulge which it's not surprising since Obama is a homosexual
sure kid keep up the damage control for Drumf
you wish it was a bulge, you fucking faggot
Stupid bait posters
You mean Michael
what's in reflection ?
>Believing a "Melania is a tranny" meme will stick
>literally pictures of her 10/10 cootch all over the Internet for all to see
The absolute fucking state of the left.
I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
30% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn, the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.) (as this anti-Melania post here)
30% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "Aren't you feeling tired, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling, posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
30% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 10% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them. They're quite often the most useful and helpful among the lot.
you can't turn this around on us because if you try to shame trump by calling his wife a tranny then you can't call yourself a progressive anymore and now you're one of us.
Christ it's huge and going down her left leg!!
Here's a picture of Melania Trump while pregnant.
Can anybody provide an image of Michelle Obama while pregnant? :)
dumbass that was AFTER her surgery, also why do you even have that picture, your very sick
it's an obvious dress wrinkle with her legs staggered. with Michael Obama his legs were straight and it's just one dong bulge. nice try s.oy b.oy
>legs staggered
So now she has developed Parkinson's?
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Star Whores? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this