What's your opinion on alexandria ocasio cortez?
Progressive Thread
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shes going to cry when she sees how it really is
But what if she takes over the Democratic party leadership?
I would eat her ass
She's a lying beast of burden who doesn't have a genuine bone in her body. She'd be more fit bagging groceries at Walmart than she would in a Congressional seat. She was elected solely because of her race, and nothing else.
Another left radical that wants to flood the country with illegals
Yeah that wont happen, they will kill her first. Nobody gets power unless they want you to have power, and most of the people who end up with authority find that one out when they try to make actual changes.
Who keeps shilling this lady...noone cares ..liberal policy socialist....yes pol and smart americans hate her
I don't give a fuck about yankee politics.
Useful idiot
Absolutely nothing will be lost because the seat was always safe democrat. Bernie bros will trash the democrat party because they won't embrace being openly socialist, even though they support 95% of their initiatives already
>yankee politics
wrong memeflag
She looks like a horse.
obvious another trump plant to ensure victory in 2018, 2020 and 2022.
She could not have won on a better district.
The more she pulls to the left, the better things will be for republicans in the short term.
In the long term we will become a socialist country and collapse will soon follow.
All empires must end, we had a good run
Peace flag - Rainbow flag The most common recent design is a rainbow flag representing peace, first used in Italy at a peace march in 1961. The most common variety has seven colours — purple, blue, azure, green, yellow, orange, and red — and is emblazoned in bold with the Italian word PACE, meaning "peace".
It’s going to be funny seeing the dumbocracts get torn apart like the tea party
Tired of hearing about her as I couldn't give a shit less. Talk about over-hyped, forced as fuck.
Ugly commie bitch who is a perfect example of the kind of garbage the democrat party spews out.
She isn’t as “equal outcome” as she might say she is. Deep down she is the same kind of “socialist” that real socialists will say “but she wasn’t a REAL socialist”
>pic related
I've never seen a still image of her where she doesn't look crazed and evil.
I love her. She's exposing the Democrats for what they really are. Can't hide it any more.
why comment yurofag
she has weird, scary eyes.
then you don't give a fuck about world politics. Why are you on Jow Forums then?
We hope she does #Trump2020 assured
ya done fucked it up shill
you're supposed to rename it before you take it out of the fucking mega folder
>naive to think she can change the world
>a symbol of an equally deluded minority
>eventually ineffectual as she did nothing more than push another, more connected dem, out of the House
>useful idiot
it's nice to see the loony base jamming up the democratic leadership and driving more centrists to vote for the right. progressives are like the Republican evangelical christians; they make the overall party look stupid and are a drag on more sober political debate
She's not going to do any of the shut she ran on. She's going to complain and virtue signal. Much like Trudeau
She's only "28-years-old", you know. And from a poor family. She's done work. So she's just like me, a young hard-working mixed-race true Mexican-American underdog. Yep. Because politicians don't lie and political campaigns are always about helping the represented.
>beast of burden
West Coast Maxine Waters. She won a minority heavy District.
50% Hispanic
11% Black
16% Asian
18% white
Some PAC probably intervened. Tom Steyer and other billionaires shilling for impeachment want the party going hard left.
she is a dumb whore being pushed by retards like you on a board no one could care less about her, apart from the fact she's trying to escalate political tensions, which also explains all the civil war talk being shilled
>Nobody gets power unless they want you to have power
She's a fraud who interned for Kennedy just before he died.
kek saved, thanks lad
Hillary sure does have a type. she must like those horse teeth on her dusty labia.
Honestly man, it will be interesting to follow her career.
But I doubt she will be allowed to make major moves without playing (((their))) games.
I want to fug her
>West Coast
I'd rape her. Make her tell me her background and every time she lies I'd put a copper wire loop connected to a battery onto her oversized mutt clit and shock her until she complies; and submits as my mutt slave.
Policies? She's a leftist so it doesn'tmatter what she says, it's all pie in the sky bollocks.
>lied about poor upbringing
>her father was actually an architect
>rich upbringing
>wants communism
She will have 6 houses like Bernie soon.
Fuck off commie shill.
I'll vote for 10 Clinton and Obama terms before giving this bolshevik piece of shit spic a single vote.
Her policies are probably the direction the Democrats are heading.
Caviar Communist, globalists puppet, MK ultra goblina
No idea how to pay for the things she promises.
Paid for by communist backers.
Supports degeneracy.
Wants to turn America into a shithole with open borders (white genocide.
She's the next nobody being propped up by the press. This is all explained in Mein Kampf quite thoroughly. The masses will react in unison. All of the sudden she's /ourgal/ for the normies. She probably will get DNC leadership. Probably will run for President someday, too. Sage.
>Caviar Communist
Love it.
she is the next bernie
will grab the money and run
This brown bitch wants to flood the country with more browns and systematically confiscate wealth from whites to distribute to the new browns.
when you have a degree in Economics and public policy and you still advocate socialism you're either a kiked liar or a drooling retard.
wouldn't put either past her.
She's a socialist. She wants to reward failure and punish success. She will take all that you work for and give it to those who do not work.
Probably one of the best things for the right wing in this country. She will spook the boomers and even many gen x into voting right wing because anyone alive during the cold war is still spooked by anyone even remotely related to communists
I'd hate to see her in charge, but she's got the establishment dems scared. People like her will pull the party so far left that they will lose their centrist support. Majority America doesn't support any of her key issues.
The future is Nazi!
>Poor family
Poor family my ass. Her father is an architect. They moved to a nice neighborhood when she was a kid and went to BU which is just as expensive as Brown or Princeton.
East Coast Maxine Waters. Her district ain't white. She beat out a white guy.
Tom Steyer or one of the Kennedy people gave her money to topple the white Irish-Catholic dude.
We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions.
>t. A. Hitler
She's /ourgal/
DSA are a bunch of filthy revisionists, but I respect her for trying at least. I hope she accomplishes something, and I hope Trump would consider adopting some DSA initiatives like Medicare for All, which would boost his approval rating.
It's already been proven that his base doesn't care so much about *what* he is doing but rather who does it.
Also, her Republican opponent is an economics professor. I hope they debate, not that anyone from her district will ever care.
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Star Whores? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
She's a full blown commie. The organization she belongs to DSA, advocates for seizing the means of production, state control or natural resources, healthcare, ect, ect.
Barbells user, barbells
She should be deported. She wants to turn USA into Venezuela, but it is just easier to deport her there.
I'm going to have to sit down and see her interviewed, but I hate her eyes, I've met a lot of sociopathic people in my life and she has "the look"
roast beef usually putrefies as it rots but this one is spoiled as compost. thanks to shelleyduvallenhammer666 for explaining
She's a hot latina, ay mama, caliente...
I think her initials are AOC and every time I read her initials as AOC I think "Age of Consent"
Roastie spic
Great scammer