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The "democratic" establishment is facing a rebellion in its ranks, but its members want to hold on to power.

>this is considered upper class in muttland
LMAO would rather live in a commie block than a "luxurious" cuck shed made of cardboard

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You do realize that's easily 200k and has a nice bit of land right? Absolute dumb fuck

a fucking shack

Only an over privileged trust fund leftist faggot would not recognize this as a very nice home.

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Hey man, is Israel tells you this is luxury you should strive for, who am I to tell you any different?

>easily 200k


>People still think you're only buying the house
You're buying the land, the community it's in, the school its children go to, and the local economy around it. You can have a massive mansion in the middle of PA for 30k, but there's no electricity, running water, or jobs for hours in any direction.

She’s hardly the girl from the Bronx that she says she is, is the point. I’d take this shack in the woods over a crack house in the Bronx any day.

Using the car for size reference, is it even that small? I think the windows make it look smaller than it is.

The taxes alone on that little cuck shed are probably about $20,000 a year, don’t let the house fool you, upper westchester county taxes are high as fuck

she's clearly scared (((them))) to warrant ridiculous hit pieces

I'm on the fashy/trad side of things but some of the garbage they've been accusing her with is pathetic.

Yeah she wasn't living in some rat infested barrio but she wasn't out in the Hamptons attending prep school.

Why take away someones accomplishment? Respect the woman a little bit at least.

It's no mansion, but that is not exactly a shitty house for poorfags. The county it's in is quite wealthy, safe, has good schools, etc.


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Just checked real estate listings in Yorktown Heights on Zillow
Even a crappy 1 bedroom condo there runs well over $200k
3 bedroom 1900 sq foot house on smaller lot would run $350k or more
That house is small and has little curb appeal but would definitely run north of $300k on that big lot

Dude, it's not just the house, it's the neighborhood. Westchester County is beautiful with lots of forests and it's very safe area. You're not gonna get that and be that close to NYC without a few smaller houses.
Even Hillary Clintons home in that area isn't a huge mansion.

democrats are literally so out of touch they think a nice modest house like this doesnt make someone essentially well off.
that is why they are losing

You might be underage. Most of the value is in the land itself.

>doesnt know the first rule of real estate

the house last sold for $355,000
about $9,000 yr taxes

It's not. The county is wealthy IN GENERAL. Right-wing websites just wanted clickbait.


>Westchester County is beautiful with lots of forests and it's very safe area.

so is 99% if my country lmao

here it's normal to live around forests and not get shot to death

Looks like an ordinary house with a shitty front lawn that punishes you when you mow it.

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>grew up in the Bronx
>lived in a small house innnawoods
Pick one.

>so is 99% if my country lmao
Your country is filled with rapefugees.

fuck off muhammad

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yet another problem with leftists: they are too stupid to understand the value of location

>Flyovers think pic is some mansion
The house is nothing impressive at all.


you can literally own a house 4x that size for a starter home in flyover land. I hope the flyover meme keeps city fags in their urban hellscape.

Then why are flyovers claiming this house is "luxurious"?

Also not the bronx. She lied.

you cant even fucking read, dipshit. dont respond to me again.

>Avoiding the question

She was born in the Bronx...

>jobs for hours in any direction
Solution: plot big enough for an airstrip

OP thinks luxurious means large.
Until we see the interior of the home, we won't know whether or not it is luxurious.

1. stop with the forced meme
2. nobody says its luxurious, just not bad or poor.

Then why are flyovers using it as an attack point? If she grew up in a 300 sq ft condo on the upper-east side, maybe it would be hypocritical.


lol alright Muhammad how about you cut another soldiers head off in the middle of the day.

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fucking hell here even poor people have more "luxury" than you

because you arent allowed to call yourself poor in america if a violent nigger death was never a possibility, faggot.
why does location have no value in your world?

The location is shit. It is ~90 minutes outside the city and housing prices NOW are only ~300k. She moved there almost 20 years ago. Are you aware that people are paid more in NYC?

damn that's a low blow

This is a 1 floor shack seemingly in the middle of nowhere.
Most of the value is not the land itself unless they are living on top of a oil well you stupid faggot. Land is cheap as shit. This is why houses with very little land in cities are worth a million and taxed to shit while. You get taxed not on how much land you own but what the property itself is worth. A 1 floor shack is not luxurious.

>so is 99% if my country lmao

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The home price comes from the fact that that house is in one of the highest land value areas in the US.

They're not, its liberal retards that are. They think having a large garden is a luxury.

As a New Yorker I can tell that the value of her home is based on location. She grew up in Westchester which is a wealthy region and close to NYC. It’s also not an absolute depressing wasteland like the rest of upstate New York not including Albany and Yonkers. The median income there is over 100 thousand dollars a year.

A similar house costs 300k. Garbage men in NYC can afford that

Pretty sure it was Breitbart that started this meme

>this mutt sure was wealthy. She lived on a wooden shack

>You do realize that's easily 200k

My shed is bigger than that. That's like a glorified dog house. Anyone paying 200k for that needs a lobotomy.

>Dude, she is totally a millionaire. She lived in WESTCHESTER!

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It all depends on the location. There are parts of my city where houses exactly like this cost $50K and there are parts where houses exactly like this cost $300K and people are fighting over them.

Dad shut the fuck up you live in 2 story homes that are 2 meters wide with 20 square meters of space and no yard

even the nips live better than you

Your cucksheds are made of plaster as much as ours are made of cardboard, achmed.

this is why the people you are imitating to troll Jow Forums are considered out of touch.

>New York Jews said something

fuck off back 2reddit.

The retards here live at home and have never moved out let alone owned a house. they have no idea location is important. They'd probably call my house in Nashville a shack but it's appraised at over 500 grand just because of location.

Property value does not mean luxury you fucking retard. Especially not today, where the values have nothing to do with the house or location, just the average value of the area based on how much the chinks or indians are buying up around there.

only liberals can be retarded enough to buy a home in worst place for most money (big city)

>shitty controlled opposition media creates fake controversy to keep race-baiting relevance
Nobody fucking cares where this cunt grew up.

Out of touch? A cop with minimum overtime in NYC can hit 150k. He could easily afford a house like that. Stop acting like she is rich...

My garage is bigger than this.

>can hit 150k

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yeah but you probably live in bumfucknowhere

Yeah, can. Their salary maxes at around 120k. Work 46 hours a week, and they are at 150k.

Are you sure that's the house? She mentioned a "modest two storey".

all NYC dwellers are by definition out of touch.

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you dont understand bc you dont live in ny. its bizarro land here. that shitty little house is worth a fortune because of its location

>choice between living around 20000 white people or 2 million niggers

Places where people want to live have higher costs. The reason why some of you live in a bigger house that’s worth less is because most people don’t want to live there.

I unironically think it looks comfy. Certainly not some Jenny from the block crack den she implied she was from.

Why are you on Jow Forums defending some spic whore?

I’m from YorkTown...the issue with housing in Yorktown isn’t necessarily the cost of the’s actually cheaper than Fairfield’s the taxes in property. At the end of the day it’s extrnely expensive to live in the area

commie village hovels from the 60s are bigger than this and come with ten times the land

Yorktown is extremely well off it’s all upper middle class white collar workers.

Stop spreading disinformation...

>be frog in boiling water city dweller
>ruralites remind you of how much better everyone else lives

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>the mental gymnastics cityfags go through to justify getting raped on real estate and taxes
Truly entertaining.

That’s what these retards from outside of the tri state area don’t realize. It’s insanely expensive to live here based on both housing cost itself and property taxes/ cost of living. A 400 thousand dollar shack will cost you 15 thousand dollars a year in taxes alone

It isn't disinformation. She lived in a much higher class than she campaigned on.
You are obviously invested in her office and are here astroturfing to try and protect her image on the internet.

Maybe YOU should stop regurgitating falsehoods politicians feed you.

>posts a $400,000 home. She's NOT RICH GUYS

You need to learn how to read zillow because that's the foreclosure price dumbfuck, not the market price. Foreclosure prices are intentionally low because the bank tries to trick people into a bidding war by pricing them low. They end up selling for much higher

I went to high school with her. The family was well off and her brother is ironically a successful real estate agent right now

Right, like the cosmopolitians in Sand Francisco that are paying $1k a month to live in a literal renovated shipping container

She lived a lower-middle class upbringing and right-wing websites posted the county for ad revenue.

Went to high school with her...not disinformation...legitimately pretty well off...also annoying and pretentious but that’s besides the point

See Also, she lived moved there like 20 years ago when housing was cheaper...


It’s not even a mental gymnastic, a lot of people migrate to places like NYC, LA, Miami etc. They don’t move to places in the Dakotas for example in large numbers. It’s basic economics which is why for example a pack of cigarettes is cheaper in some places and more expensive in others. Income, location and population size determines prices.


Nope...again I went to high school with her. Yorktown is not lower class whatsoever. Before the crash it was all yuppies working in New York City. Median income is over 120k

>20 years ago, it doesn't count!
