A former Ohio State wrestler has accused Rep...


A former Ohio State wrestler has accused Rep. Jim Jordan — one of the most powerful conservatives in Congress — of knowingly ignoring sexual abuse allegations while Jordan was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University, according to a report by NBC News.

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Jim Jordan must be really close to exposing the deep state if they're coming out against him so hard.

ok so as long as you fight against a boogie man later in your career than you can let your teams doctor molest your athletes... good to know

OSU is totally a gay rape school

makes sense why jim jordan worked there

Chuck Schumer must know what's going to.

Yeah this is definitely an out of left field attempt to slander someone who put very heavy pressure on the FBI. They don't have anything on him so they need to throw shit that we was near on him. Just so happened to be a "pro wrestler" that breaks the news too; and not any time before now.

Try harder schlomo

'pro wrestler'? they were part of the wrestling team... the same one who were diddled by the doctor which jim jordan didnt do shit about.

Seriously this is WAY too obvious. You even have a fucking name. At least try to psyop you fucking suck at propaganda

Yeah thats the point that matters.

Hows the weather in tel aviv

weathers hot as balls here on the east coast of the US faggot

Im just letting you know this is the 4th sage ive done on this ridiculously transparent thread. Fucking Jow Forums has been taken over by shills that dont even care if you know theyre shills anymore

ok cool so this asshole gets a pass... cool cool cool

Yeah but im asking about where you are schlomo.

just ask the dead doctor what he did

Nobody believes you and you trying so hard makes it more obvious lol

Heres the deal bud; if you were actually trying to hold people accountable you would be naming the doctor but youre not youre just trying to slander a politician who is putting pressure on the FBI. We're not retarded; we see through that. You're mad at him and not the actual rapist; because you want people to react to him and not the actual rapist. It is t r a n s p a r e n t and a very tired tactic thats about 8 months too late to work anymore.

I really hope they arent paying you well.

lol adult men in college and wrestlers so strong ones at that expect people to believe that they were molested when they showered willingly with some old guy and played slap and tickle

A finger up the sphincter is a common hazing tactic.

Is there really that much difference between wresting as sexual abuse?

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Last week he went hard on Rosenstien, this week some bs against him. Totally not obvious.

ahahahahaha. what a faggot.

let me guess, he is up for re-election in the mid-terms?

Do you have source for that pic? I want to see the guy's comeback.

Didn't they try something with Nunes and he was under investigation for a year or something before being cleared? It was why he didn't do much until the start of this year when he was cleared.

Wow the timing isn’t suspicious or anything

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The shills have run out of ideas boys. (((They're))) finished.

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who the fuck cares? those wrestlers are old enough to be in the military and are some of the most physically fit athletes on earth. why do they need jim jordan to white knight for them because some guy asked them to pull their pants down?

>Jim Jordan must be really close to exposing the deep state if they're coming out against him so hard.
either that or he was the pick to lead distraction on this shit and he is yet another congressional child molester

he has being one of the only 8 guys at the awan hearing but any accusations have to be considered

>ignoring sexual abuse
>at a college
Dude ain't a cop. If you're 19 and some couch tickles your balls, punch him or go tell the police

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why did it end with her making him sniff her butt?
He was likely drowning in her juices.

>Hows the weather in tel aviv
perfect temperature to make voting machines to sell to stupid Americans

Hot Rod is pushing back. He's the boss.

>Do you have source for that pic?
Jow Forums
>I want to see the guy's comeback.
That's illegal user.


Deep state is scared.

>Jim Jordan was a police officer

fucking idiot

Please leave youre glowing too bright

What a load of shit
>Strauss died in 2005
>allegations come out now
>right when Jim Jordan has become a thorn in (((their))) side
what a cohencidence

This too. These aren't female high school tennis players, wrestlers are one of the least fucked with groups on campus. If an old man tried to diddle one he would end up in the hospital.


also kys.

and... kys again.

hey! kys.

>If an old man tried to diddle one he would end up in the hospital.
they're dumb as bricks and the molesting coaches were known to target them

haha groups who are likely to be molested



can't make this shit up
