Reminder that white people have been nothing but a net drain on society culturally, economically, and environmentally
Reminder that white people have been nothing but a net drain on society culturally, economically, and environmentally
Shitty vapid brainwashing thread is shitty.
You've accomplished nothing.
Thats why all the non-white people want to come to our poor shitholes right?
Give proof you faggot.
Because we've drained their lands of all wealth they had. Can't blame them for wanting to experience a bit of the good life before we squander it all on our own vanity
>No link
>nobody account
>8 month old screencap
>meme flag donkey
But according to your first statement we either already squandered it or never had it to begin with so why are they coming here? also our environment is shit according to you so why are they coming here if were such shitholes?
Okay, then consider this:
Why did the people of Africa accomplish pretty much nothing during the time when Europeans were not present?
>drained their lands of all the wealth
This is complete bullshit there are ridiculous amounts of diamonds in Africa still and the locals kill each other over them
>Because we've drained their lands of all wealth they had.
lol, yeah man. Totally.
Sure looks like a funnel to me
You buddy just proved my point. The more niggers there are in a country, bigger the economic drain.
This graph is a better indicator of the amount of work people are doing
There are resources all over in Africa but none of the locals are working to use them
There would be no culture or economy otherwise. Point taken on the environment. The best minds are trying to invent us out of this, however. Thank goodness they have a society in which to practice their innovation.
You're unworthy of anything bar this Chinese knockoff meme
>missing the point of us being a net drain on society
>not seeing how we're obviously pillaging the rest of the world
What are the earrings made of?
Exactly what resources are we pillaging?
And from exactly where?
Also, reminder that US Militaries are 40% non white people.
Stop bringing your europhobic antisaxonism to Jow Forums! We believe all races deserve their own future. No more masorasism, Dunbar!
>white people have been nothing but a net drain on society culturally, economically, and environmentally
>pillaging the rest of the world
we have rocket ships, a particle accelerator and internet
they're still on mud huts, child soldiers and warlord government
to the victor go the spoils
this is the jews
the strong and wise bubble up and the weak and stupid stay down, what is your problem with this
lol @ op image, boomers betting on coercive big government and losing
>missing the point of us being a net drain on society
You still have not given me evidence that we are a net drain of society.
>not seeing how we're obviously pillaging the rest of the world
>Whites come to Africa
>See wealth of resources and niggers
>use niggers to create infrastructure to gather resources
>Eventually let niggers go and leave infrastructure there
>Niggers turn out to be too stupid to use said infrastructure
>Quality of life of nigger nations goes back to being what it was before whites arrived.
You tell me that whites pillaged the resources of Africa, and this is the reason that they are poor. You are wrong.
Why is it that niggers were unable to utilize those resources before the Europeans?
Why is that niggers did not accomplish anything great before the Europeans?
Why is it that after the whites left the countries returned to their original shithole statuses?
Why was the wheel rarely utilized in Africa before the Europeans?
I. can. only. explain. it. to. you.
I. can't. make. you. understand. it.
Obv, you're not going to get it right tho with the kind of racism y'all are holding onto
You still present no proof that whites are a drain in any of your mentioned areas.
You assume that us holding on to our points is due to racism, but no, it is because you have simply not presented an argument with enough information to back it up besides personal beliefs.
You must be super salty about Affirmative Action being repealed huh?
But you haven't explained it, the earth is covered in resources and we do with them the best we can.
We would be a net drain if we just squandered those resources and didn't develop rocket ships and internet but it was in fact the third world that were squandering resources and being a drain. Our destiny is the stars and no one has gotten us further than white people.
Europe has by far less resources than Africa and yet whites were able to master those resources and go to secure new ones. Africans had a head start both in timing and abundance.
That Latino number wouldn’t be as bad if we stopped giving them essentially free healthcare and gibs that couldn’t be traced because they aren’t legal
I have tho. Smdh that you can't even put 2 and 2 together even after being handed 4
Are we counting Russia?
Russia easily gives the entirety of Africa a run in natural resources.
I am not, no.
Let us see here
No info
No info
No info
No argument/info
No argument/info
I don't see your proof faggot.
>t. stupid nigger who knows nothing about world history or international events
you have taken in all the anti-white brainwashing. the facts are that whites built modern civilization over the past 3000 years. other civilizations have risen and fall, and know we have a white hegemony with Asians second. Middle Easterners have seen their time come and go. Africa has never amounted to anything and continues to rape, kill and enslave one another at pretty much the same rate that they always have. There is no reason that white countries should be taking in low-iq third worlders who offer nothing to the society. It is an overall detriment to human kind as they will hamper progress and prevent humanity from ever progressing to its full potential while we pay billions to support worthless minorities who will never substantially contribute to humanity.
>I have no argument so im just going to keep dancing around the issue.
brainlet confirmed
I agree. All these so called “white” people are unironically deserved to be hanging from trees.
Interesting how you wish to bite the hand that feeds you.
so you can turn yet another country into a black shithole? blacks will never kill whites in america because they would lose their meal tickets.
Sage all jackass flaggot nigger threads
photo is you with shittier diction.
Oh yeah, people feed me off of a long line of tortured black bodies. History coming for you white boy. Those same deltas where poor young blacks got drowned are going to have a whole lot of anime loving white boys
This is the exact sort of thing I'm talking about with societal drain.
You just straight up threatened to cut him out of the wealth owed to him, simply because you have taken it for yourself and can't realize that maybe you might be wrong
You act like a black man can’t go all George Jetson and press a button. We’ll have our George Jefferson and push you into the ground.
I think about this sometimes, how my dog is smarter than the average pavement ape, because he understands that he relies on me for his survival and thus does everything he can to please me and get in my good graces, knowing that this will in turn make the best life for him. Meanwhile, the average nigger goes on about how they hate "whitey" and does nothing but create needless annoyances, violence and inconveniences for whites to address, all while completely ignorant of who is paying to keep them alive.
>africans accomplish nothing before europeans
>africans accomplish nothing during europeans
>africans accomplish nothing after europeans
fucking wypipo
Blacks and Hispanics are a huge net negative on society. In the coming decade, black wealth will reach an average of $0, while still being the biggest ethnic recipients of welfare. A huge drain on society.
No he didnt. The nigger was saying he wants to kill all whites (as your type often say), and the poster was responding, logically, that without whites blacks would not have welfare to survive. In the given scenario they would be cutting themselves off from the benefits they receive yet should not be getting.
Your dog tricks you into being an altruist when he damn well knows if you croak he is going to eat your face off your body.
Babby's first political view: I was told what to think Edition
Forgive me, but I think your lack of an argument got clouded by your victim complex.
You do realize that the fact we need to feed them means that they are the drain, and not us.
He actually can't.
South Africa went from being a Nuclear power under Apartheid to starving under the ANC. If you want to live in bombed out ruins while whites go build cities on other planets that's up to you.
We don’t need EBT. We know that our niggers are going in the ground too. Only strong black bodies will survive to make an Africana Republic in America. We will follow the Greek and Roman model.
You will never get a response.
So if the white man dies, you will revert to cannibalism as you admit to have an inability to manage a society.
White people CREATED this society.
Hispanics and blacks literally cost society about 5x more.
What the fuck are you talking about? LOL
Funny way to say black people
They are gonna have their due time. Only strong black bodies will make this happen.
What are you even trying to say nigger? The Jefferson's portrayed blacks in the 70s, right after the civil rights movement when they realized that America offered them many possibilities if they worked hard and stayed out of jail. However, blacks no longer aspire to the values of the Jeffersons, they have regressed to thug culture, commercialism, drug abuse, criminality and intraracial violence; as your kind always seems to do. Instead of taking pride in hard work and family. they embrace single parenthood, ignorance and welfare gibs. They are a race without aspiration, with no chance of bettering themselves. And yet they still blame whites for their regression. We have given you so much and yet you still fail and ask for more.
Another thing this board use to be NatSoc central. Whites literally built it into a place for discussion about taboo subjects while niggers screeched at them from the sidelines. Now that Jow Forums is successful we have niggers turning up here telling whites what.
Kind of proves the point.
See this is exactly what I mean. It is like you are completely unable to understand a basic symbiotic relationship. You can only thing in selfish and simplistic terms. Its why your race continues to sink into poverty, violence and ignorance.
I know, these people are analogous to koalas. You hand them information on a plate, but they refuse to acknowledge it if it does not stem form their narrative. (For clarification, it has been shown that koalas will only eat leaves of a tree and not In other circumstances.)
>kill all whites
>we will follow the white model
you are unbelievably stupid. how do you think blacks will be able to follow the white model without whites? you will inevitably end up following the Liberia model of society collapse, violence, rape and cannibalism.
Maybe it will be for the good but i would be more about being stuck down here with those Asians if i were you than trying to prove yourselves to whites who are going to be fucking off to mine mars for resources.
All I read is a white man putting up a wall of text that blacks will climb. You can either help strong blacks up and hope we spare you or give us the fight we don’t want to have. Blacks are 20% of the Military and we have many brothers and sisters in chains who wanna knock whites out.
Or if the jews have their way whites will leave America/be forced out, and Asians will secure global hegemony which will almost certainly result in colonization and genocide of Africa while the jews continue to enslave the blacks.
So you admit that you have such an intellectual deficit that you can not comprehend an argument past a sentence?
Reminder that you are and always will be a nigger.
>cant even read
And they will stay in chains. Over 50% of your people end up with felony charges before adulthood. How about this you stupid fucking ape, why dont you try to fix your own race before worrying about trying to take over inherently superior ones? You are 12% of the country. Every race in this country including hispanics hates you. You have the lowest IQs in the country. You have literally no chance of an uprising.
Nah niggers are pretty dumb this one talking about knocking whites out while Zimbabwe is asking them to return can't fix stupid i fear they will just keep shitting up the place until we get off this rock.
That's why China is in Africa, to set up infrastructure in exchange for nothing because they are just that nice lol
This is almost a perfect real time recreation of exactly what I'm saying
I handed you 4 like you got handed all the wealth and prosperity in the world.
I reminded you that just because you have it doesn't mean you actually made it.
>nah this is mine, please provide proofs
Rinse and repeat above ad infinitum. Continue to dance around the facts you have been presented...
Democrat policies first made my insurance rates double the first year then triple the second year and on the 3rd year over regulation of EPA standards (on things like the clean water act- selenium) put me out of a job.
I even tried to tell him how to fix his race and he replied that he couldnt read that much. I like the part where he claims they will kill all whites then follow the roman model. This is what a sub 100 iq looks like.
This whole forum can’t even see the OP is a known twitter troll and proceeds to get angry at various strawmen. This is stormfront tier levels of intellectual thought.
>blacks are smart enough to be space coons
Point me to a fact in you previous postings.
Refer to for help.
Shit, wrong reference
>got handed all the wealth and prosperity in the world.
what an incredibly ignorant and simplistic view of the world. you have such a limited knowledge of history that you cannot even be appreciative of what it took to achieve the comfortable life of prosperity that you now lead. You sit behind your computer in a first world country, yet never have the awareness or intellect to think about how this world all came to be. You are content with the most simplistic answer as it doesn't require you to think, or to read, or to even imagine.
The greatest resource will always be the human mind, not rocks in the ground, it is what you can turn them into that counts and is why Negroes in Africa are still poor.
South Africa is a perfect example, chasing people like Elon musk out of their country so he ends up revitalizing a white nations space exploration instead of contributing to theirs.
Stupid. Can't fix it. They are thousands of years behind.
No shit but he is getting triggered and replying lmao also learn to read.
Projection. Reminder that LIBERALS have been nothing but a net drain on society culturally, economically, and environmentally.
'tis not a fact, but an opinion, for facts are supported with information.
How typical, calling a fact an opinion. Just like calling a fact fake news
sage this white h8 pos slide thread. Do not reply!
Where is your proof of it being a fact?
Once again I repeat
>white people build a thing
>entire world want said thing
You’re kind of an idiot.
You are an idiot if you think your posts constitute proof for an argument.
Let us see:
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
No proof
Not once in all your posts have you given ether a good argument or solid proof to reinforce said argument. You sir are a mental midget if you think what you have put forth constitutes a good argument.
Turn off the VPN, Vlad
Reversion to an insult without presentation of what I have requested just proves my point.
Is every thread on here a bait thread?
Really gets the noggin jogging.
Lol and people think Russian Shillbots didn't happen.
Once again, you revert to an insult without the presentation of what you need to make a good argument. Calling me a Russian bot makes no difference to the fact that your argument is shit. Also, you say I am a Russian bot, but at least I have the courage to show my flag.
Sure man, I will. The following information proves that niggers are more retarded than white, and are an economic and cultural drain.
Oh boy! Here comes some more cringey, racist """""""facts""""""" from """"whites""""
but white people ARE society
Still, you have no basis, while I have one with reputable sources of information.