They're coming for you, Drumpftards #resist #punchanazi #goodnightaltright
>Vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party’s headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Monday night, the party said Tuesday.
>Republican staffers found a spray-painted message beneath the broken window: “ABOLISH ICE.”
>be #resist >throw brick thru a window in the middle of the night >leave graffiti >big guys >march in the streets >Get BTFO by chad We're not scared of you "coming" for us faggot
Levi Jackson
Our numbers grow every day. The Revolution has no need for moderate pussies.
Landon Sanders
why does it look like pikachu busted through the glass
Jayden Cox
devil in the window and in the heart of this thug
they have to go back, and the ships have to stop
Aiden Murphy
maybe if they're more violent they'll get their way?