I have a friend who is a sjw socialist onions boy who believes antifa is good and pepe is bad, I want to find ways to piss him off and prove him wrong. Any advice or ideas?
I have a friend who is a sjw socialist onions boy who believes antifa is good and pepe is bad...
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Just tell him he’s wrong and needs to grow up. It’s a garaunteed critical hit and he’ll have a meltdown.
>antifa is good and pepe is bad
nugget of eternal truth
Well I want to have an arguement to persuade him to not think antifa is good, and that socialism doesn't work
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Say that antifa are nothing but common bandits.
and strive him of his onions levels he will eventually reach critically low and start to have "toxic masculinity".
Meant to say strive him of onions lol make sure to give him onion.
meant to say strive him of onions I said it wrong two times.
I meant onions it happen again weird
Suck his dick
what is this whenever I type the word S O Y when I press enter it appears as onions this is not a joke what could it be?
Force him to suck your dick
Have sex with his mom.
its still happening what is this.
Tell him to read this:
someone pls help me whenever I type the word S O Y normally it is changed to the word onions.
show him pictures of right wing men and left wing men
then call him a low testorone cuckold
then tell him his mom prob getting blacked by tyrone
Did you just shut up while he was throwing this bullshit at you?
Are you sure you're 'friends'? Or does he know a person that looks like you, that just agrees to his bullshit?
You have 2 choices user.
-Keep comforting him in his delusions because you 'don't disagree'
-Confront him.
Idk, just tell him you don't bust your ass everyday to pay taxes so he can just collect welfare and smoke weeds all day.
>piss him off
>prove him wrong
you can t do both senpai. if you piss him off he will automatically ignore all your arguments. if you prove him wrong you won t be able to piss him off with the truth.
Don’t piss him off, rather work to convince him that his fate too is ultimately bound to our cause.
you think i'm joking don't you it's real look it says onions
but it was meant to say S O Y
I eat onions everyday. What's wrong with them?
Talk to him about hbd stuff. Show him how races differ in terms of intelligence.
I don't get why pepe is bad. people use him to meme all kind of stuff not just political. is it a Jow Forums only thing and people just assume 4channers are right wing? I don't get it.
pepe is all over twitch for instance.
2 posts by this ID.
Are you here, OP?
Well I was kind of friends with him now it just kind of hanging on the loose end with awkward conversations and his shit memes
Can you respond to people when they take the time to tell you something?
That would explain a lot about your situation, really:
You're a faggot.
I'm sure it's just not your friend.
Nobody knows about your political views.
Actually, they all assume you're a leftwing faggot because you don't talk about it.
Your friend can go suck a dick, he's not the problem. You are.
>being this new