There is literally no reason not to abolish ICE.

>They've existed for barely a decade.
>They are accused of heinous human rights violations.
>They separate children from their parents...and laugh about it!
>They arrest Undocumented Americans across the country and deport them to their wartorn home countries.

#AbolishICE is a position supported by out most caring and intelligent politicians, like Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Mark Pocan, and rising Socialist star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

Abolish ICE--It's the Christian thing to do!

Attached: abolish ice.jpg (710x473, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Break the law you get arrested.

Who did ICE job before them?


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>1 post by this kike, again
Fuck off

Amazing. Last week the Left was demonizing the Right for "attacking" law enforcement after the FBI texts messages were revealed. This week the Left wants to completely abolish a branch of law enforcement. Lmao. How can anyone take these faggots seriously?

I agree. Let's put an artillery range across the border. 2 birds 1 stone.




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I agree OP.
How can anyone keep supporting such a deranged, abusive, and uncaring government agency in light of all we've seen these past few weeks.


Kristen Gillibrand, like the others you listed, was outspoken against illegal immigration until President Trump was elected. Zero principles.

Jesus was the first communist


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Got any links or sources to back up your claims?
If you say no, you're a faggot.

naw..he's abolishing affirmative action instead..get fucked commies

wow, she used to be a Republican in Democrats' clothing.

What happened?

Reminder to sage all shill threads.
This is a shill thread.

>came here to post this

You're right. We forget that the military's primary purpose is to secure a nation's borders not fight wars in the middle east. We should abolish ICE and use the military instead

>It's the Christian thing to do!
found the jew

A law enforcement agency enforcing the law. Looks ok to me. Keep up the good work.


A country is its people. A culture is its people. If you let another culture in, your letting another people, and with that a desperate country. Illegals do not assimilate. They do not WANT to assimilate. They're the kind of person stupid enough to love a place they left for safety. Emotion has no place in this argument for anyone that does not seek the death of a nation.


Another* I ducking hate phones. Can't wait to get my pc back.

I'll abolish ICE as soon as we abolish medicade and medicare,

>#AbolishICE is a position supported by out most caring and intelligent politicians, like Bernie Sanders
not true

Overturn the Patriot Act and defund every single government agency created after 2001.

Refund whatever remains of SS and Medicaid based on how much you paid in.

Repeal the 16th Amendment. Enact Tariffs on luxury items.

Raise interest rates to 15% and suck up the pain so our kids might have a future. It's gonna hurt really bad...

Just some places to start.

Oh, almost forgot...

Peg the dollar to a basket of gold, silver, and copper. Sound money is like a steady heartbeat, fiat is like an adrenaline shot, if it lasts too long you die.

>Undocumented Americans
This is chilling nu-speak

>They've existed for barely a decade.

That's because fucking illegal faggots haven't been a problem for very long. You're a dumbass.

>They are accused of heinous human rights violations.

Like what?

>They separate children from their parents...and laugh about it!

If you went to jail your children wouldn't go too.

>They arrest Undocumented Americans across the country and deport them to their wartorn home countries.


How fucking retarded do you have to be.

GO fuck off.

Let's get rid of ICE and replace it with RWDS.

Ol' Bernie finally came around today, where've you been?


>>They arrest Undocumented Americans across the country and deport them to their wartorn home countries.
That's their job. That's why we need them.

Abolish ICE?
Ok so let's let:
>cartel members who behead any opposition
>gun smugglers of illegal automatic "babykillers"
Now for the muslims
>lets let ISIS enter....their sweet
>9/11 every day
>mass shooting everyother day
>bus bombings
>mass rape
Fucking really? This logic is fucking retarded

ICE isn't border patrol, stupid.


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Find out more on how to abolish ice and destroy your country on JimmyRustler.com. Brought to you by your local merchant friends.

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Jesus was not for any sort of earthly economic system, you heretical jackass.

They've existed for barely a decade

Yeah, before thenough or was just called immigration.

America isn't a country. The US is a country. Stop getting triggered by words. Words can't hurt you.

>#AbolishICE is a position supported by out most caring and intelligent politicians, like Bernie Sanders
Wrong, he's right wing now.

see Bernie caved and is now on the right side of history

Thank fuck, I donated like $150 to his campaign.

OP, if you abolish ICE in your country, the water levels will rise and flood your city, making most harbor cities inhabitable.

There is absolutely no reason to abolish ICE, that would create a global warming.

Laughably pathetic you absolute fuck up, go shill somewhere else nigger.

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You're right its time for the Right Wing Death Squads to take over.

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>that’s not happening, not now, not ever.
>being this fucking stupid

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