This is was FREEDOM looks like

This is was FREEDOM looks like.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only National Socialism can save humanity..

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Anyone notice a spike in spelling errors?

Christ this is so sad. Why don’t you fucking do something about it mutts?!

I do, what is going on?


Technacally it wouldn't be a speling eror but an oversigth on my behalve. It's obvios I intened to spell "what" but in my hayste acidentally write a separete word "was".

Woah, is this meme magic?

Attached: 20180703_165806.jpg (1080x614, 205K)

What's the story behind it

what is this

Just wanted to feel less crazy. IDK.


So this is the power of libertarianism and natural law...

Parents in US found dead in car from overdose with their kid in back seat.

Did they die alive?

Heroin overdose

School is out for summer so all the 12 year olds who saw Jow Forums mentioned on Reddit are here, they were expecting le epic me-mes

I think it’s ironic that the “Dad” is wearing a seat belt


Funk off negro unless you got them dank me mes ok? thnx gbye

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Save yourself first loser.

>tfw you know more about this than fucking burgermutts

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I often wonder what is really the point of saving yourself if everything around you is going to shit? Being the last man alive on a sinking ship seems not a comforting idea.

I also noticed since school is out for summer, that’s when this 30 year old boomer meme came up out of no where.
Although I find it funny as fuck & use the meme myself since I’m only 19, it just shows how much the kids can influence this place

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They didn't die.

Old as fuck in current year.


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and it's beautiful


As a 35 year old boomer myself I fucking love this meme.

They live to OD another day.

My favorite thing about it

Why would everyone in the US know about it? It's not all that big of a story.

Whiter than you Slav

why would he have a monster drink. he'd be already on his 4th can of beer by 10

Freedom to destroy yourself.

And bleeding hearts want to keep these two people subsisting on methadone for an indefinite amount of time, save the childs future, and give em a bullet instead.

Stormniggers aren't white

I'd much prefer this than my own enslavement by Jews to serve them and their non-white pets where I'd end up in the same or worse situation anyways.


How should I explain this to you. ....

The girl in the pic....
Is Jewish.

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Call 911 now

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So, what's the big deal? Dad took a nap while someone was doing a magic trick of pulling a coin out of mom's ear to entertain the child.

Attached: Carlos.png (350x350, 138K)

Libertarian paradise.

>What're you lookin at smoothskin?

I did
I pushed the car off the road.
It was blocking traffic.

Low pay grade shills.

Oh thank God
I thought this was another anti gun tank your fucking heartstrings out shit thread.

Maybe an increase in phoneposting? I've noticed that when typing of the phone's keyboard is way easier to make spelling errors.

Parents die, kid goes to work in coal mines to survive or he dies too.
It all takes care of itself. Paradise.

millennial moms

And seatbelt

*on and *it's.

people are no longer wasting time fixing their shit

stop being funny, user was attention

Freedom to live is freedom to die.

And this is a good thing. The quality of the board has gone down. but we shouldn’t be selfish and turn away the newfags. They’re the only avenue we have with which to normalize our politics and shift the Overton Window.

This. If I spend more than 5 sedonds on a post i consider myself to have wasted fvalueablel waifu time and anaime watching time for anime watching.

Phone posting definitely. If it's the wrong word at least.

Go away shill you are not welcome in my thread.

that's the point dumbass. Fix yourself first.

>tfw your phone autocorrects a correctly spelled word to another different but also correctly spelled word

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Painkillers are a plague and lead to harder drugs but the medias won't talk about it cuz they're owned by the same jews who own the pharmaceutical industry.

more like old news, MM episode was inspired by the sad reality of life

Your mother's husband should've killed you.

I prefer dangerous freedom over safe slavery.

Because bongs and yuros are obsessed with the US.

>This is was FREEDOM looks like.

In their heads they're having the time of their lives, don't worry about it

holy fuck I thought I was going crazy


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this actually, ive stopped caring about typos

So make drugs illegal

33 here, i would be posting that meme and shittign on 30+ when i was their age too