>tfw britain revolution in progress
>tfw american civil war tommarow
>tfw huevualution may still be underway
>tfw france revolution starting up
Are we gonna win, anons?
Are we actually going to somehow win this?
fuck white people
thank you MY nigger
I beat up a nigger today.
Boy it was fun
If we don't win I choose to die in this war. I'm not living in a world ruled by Antifa faggots and Feminazis. That is even if they do anything which I doubt they will because they are pussies.
It was always inevitable that we would win as the new world order is a rebellion against human nature
The old guard who have been in charge don't realise that money can't buy permanent loyalty
If you aren't willing to put your life on the line then you will always lose eventually
say to that to my face, wh*toid
we blacks hold together
pic related is what happens to average wh*toid when he comes near my people
You disrupt our classrooms? Only white in that video is the teacher.
whatever, cocksucker
Yakub can't help you now, dark man.
The fire rises.
>That's all we ask
>queen of spades card on helmet
no ty kuck
You aren't even black. Do you get a thrill out of LARPing it..? The BBC thing is a myth you know, the mean average shows a 0.1" difference in the favour of blacks but that is misleading. The typical Africans dick is half an inch shorter than the typical European dick.
Therefore you are pretending to have a little dick.
That's just freaky. Jews eh? What are you like. Always cutting your dicks short.
look at history.. how does this always work out?
We 100% certainly will win. Which is why it's a good thing for it to start now. The sooner the easier.
what about this, you jealous cracka?
>arguing about dick size
the jews have won
>we blacks hold together
Screw you nigga, you ain't my brotha. I don't want any to do with americans going on a lyching spree cause of you.
>Britain revolution in progress
What because of the Tommy 'riot'? Worse shit kicks off after a Newcastle game mate
Stop typing in jive you silly bugger.
What's the idea behind it, to try to keep us busy with nog wrangling instead of oven baking you chaps..?
You never understand do you. Just stop being evil and nobody will want to gas you.
Shits on edge. Troubles ready to happen. Big trouble too, if it starts it will gather momentum quickly and there's nothing to stop it.
It's kind of a joke you mucky little so and so.
Excepting genocide, nobody wins war.
ill believe it when it comes home big fella