He fell for the "whites are going extinct" meme

>he fell for the "whites are going extinct" meme
do niggers unironically think we are all going to disappear without any conflict... or are they just saying it to fuck with us ?

Attached: 11527185013091.jpg (798x619, 111K)

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i post this alot, i think it is hilarious niggers are picking a fight with us

Attached: European Demographics.jpg (928x1450, 403K)

This gives me hope..

Isn’t Ireland white as fuck too?

Attached: 1400323323655.jpg (335x365, 30K)


Attached: Samurai.jpg (1919x1082, 304K)

>White stronghold

I am sorry guys

Diolch yn fawr user
Nice to be noticed every few years

Though most of the whites here are nigger-tier english imports

They're the offspring of Northern African pirates


Attached: Crvat.jpg (1242x1684, 267K)

>implying those places don't have the lowest fertility rates in the world


Kys shit map
Includes the croats who actually had their clay in ottoman control while we dont get included kek

>Denmark not white
>Austria white
You are full of shit go kill yourself.

Which is why mongoloids from shitty areas like essex and birmingham migrate here by the hundreds?
>citation needed

Niggers don't think about shitty eastern euro countries. There are no gibs there.

Theres parts of it that went unoccupied

Attached: ocupation.png (804x768, 325K)

If I'm a huwhite lad can I come to one of those countries, it's too hot here :((

I updated the original picture with Sweden and Norway included, but Gothenburg-Malmö, Greater Stockholm, Greater Oslo and Helsinki excluded.

I don't know the demographic situation of Denmark, are refugees spread out or concentrated in Själland?

Attached: still white.png (800x622, 389K)

wh-wh-what ?

Attached: pep0.jpg (259x194, 7K)

>Croatia still in

Attached: Crvati.png (1515x1078, 1.23M)


>100m whites

Attached: 1453152963337.jpg (258x245, 12K)

>the only whites left are slavs, fingolians and celts
who cares then lol?

Dude its too much please make it stop...

what the fuck went wrong?

this is more or less a badly drawn map of majority native european areas
unsure about sweden, spain and benelux

Attached: pr1.png (2548x1190, 463K)

jesus fuck i didn't resize this shit


Attached: 1530480373277.jpg (480x360, 9K)

They joined EU and NATO

Attached: 22089531_2075288252496939_5400092874274172458_n[1].jpg (662x800, 343K)

>one anecdotal powerfantasy of a nigger VS statistics-facts-analysis
I'll take the powerfantasies, Croatia is doomed!

If you can provide good sources for Italy, France or anywhere, please post.

those big muscles... lovely chocolate skin.. dat BBC doe :3

at least they're tourists
it could be way worse

For Italy there's this site which keeps the demographics, percentage and provenience of immigrants included, of regions, comuni and cities
(here's an example with my region where foreigners are 10% and 65% of them are europeans, making less than 4% of inhabitants non-euros tuttitalia.it/umbria/statistiche/cittadini-stranieri-2017/ )
If you look into each region you'll see non-europeans mostly cluster in the north below the alps leaving centre, islands and south free apart from a few places here and there

For France i know Brittany has the least amount of nogs and nafris, that the empty diagonal having fewer economic opportunities has attracted the less foreigners, nort-pas-de-calais should be mostly poor whites or so i have been told various times, i've been a few times to coastal Aquitanie and Pays Basque and they seemed mostly populated by frenchies, few groids in sight, if any


>In 2006, non-Western immigrants constituted 75% of the total number of immigrants. They contribute much of the population growth.
>Of these 660 000 immigrants and their descendants:
>335 000 (51%)have a Western background (Australia, New Zealand, North America, elsewhere in Europe)
>325 000 (49%) have a non-Western background (Morocco, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran).

Get Norway off that map!

>300,000 shitskins and 5 million europeans
could be worse, especially considered since migrants cluster in the main cities the rest should be overwhelmingly native