You are king of America for a day. You have absolute power, What do you do?

You are king of America for a day. You have absolute power, What do you do?

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Genocide every person who voted for Hillary or Jill Stein in the last election

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Nuke Israel.

Have sex with any girl i want.

Repeal the NFA and all assault weapon bans, audit the federal reserve, deport everyone here illegally with troops.

Use my absolute power and make myself supreme ruler indefinately

Institute myself as king for life.

Physically remove the socialists.

None of these the US President could do within 24 hours.

expel the jewry

He said a KING not a president. I would also abdicate afterwords.

Order the immediate summary execution of all niggers big and small, male and female, young and old. Squads will work in 8 hr shifts with optional overtime. Bodies will be handled in the most eco friendly way available.

end the FED. stop all funds to Israel. ban AIPAC

Genocide leftists.

Launch nukes on amerimutts.

ship all the racial minorities to their place of origin, kill all the jews and nuke israel

I'm pretty sure you'd have the title of Emperor, considering the large size of the US. I believe they wanted to crown George Washington as Emperor, but he refused. Was that a mystake?

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put all communists and leftists in gulag
shutdown all production of slotted and philips screws upon pain of death

Abolish welfare. Deport criminals to Mexico. Reinstate much better welfare and heqlthcare.

>Was that a mystake?
No, "George" was already the king of Britain. He can't be at two places.

I'd hate to be considered a king in America...

Something about rifles in the grass or something... Ahhh fuck it. Nobody cares anymore.

Nuke the following: California, NYC, Portland, Seattle, Miami, Detroit.

Create a national bank make said national bank pay of national debt with no interest rate loan kick out niggers and mexicans go after corrupt groups with in our government and execute them on site bring the pledge of allegiance back to our school and ban all forms of homosexual or trans life styles place military on southern border with instructions to shot first as soon as in the border zone the last thing glass the news and mudslides in the middle east


What a handsome, inspiring image! Does it come in bigger size?

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I fire everyone i have within my power to fire
then i nominate myself for all roles of employment
i then pass every law i want

>Remove welfare
>Eliminate journalists
>Bring back the 1924 National origins act
>Deport hispanics back south (even if they are anchor babies)
>Nuke Israel
>Remove LBJ and Obama from U.S history

Only right answer

Raid the government coffers, pay China and other Asian countries a lot to take them in. Watch those countries burn

life finds a way

I fire everyone who was ever a teacher and currently is then hire strictly military personnel

Bring me all the jewess milkers I can handle. Don't worry about what happens after I'm done.

Nuke 99% of the global population then retire in peace to a castle.

Ben Shapiro's sister on a silver platter?

>You are king of America for a day. You have absolute power, What do you do?
i partition it

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Leave every "world organization"
And kick them off US soil
Tariff everything
Abolish income tax
Bring every troop home
Bring back the us bank

We isolationist nao.

Invade Iran

>Give Lizard Queen West Coast
>(((Give South coast to Lizard Queen))
>Give 1/5 of continent to people who can't are too drunk and high to even walk straight
>Give land to Cartels
>Import niggers into Canada


>Send americans to die for zog

this is why you have a leaf on your flag user

Ban contraception.
Repeal womens suffrage.
Repeal birthright citizenship.
Pass laws to only allow immigration white immigration from white counties, iq test required, 92 minimum to enter.
Begin immediate physical removal of illegal immigrats from the country with no due process.
Make holding dual citizenship disqualifying for any government service, elected or otherwise.
End all foreign aid.
Deploy military to southern border to begin immediate construction of wall.
Bring back military from any foreign ventures to support this. End corn subsidies.
End all subsidies.
Replace DOJ personell as many times as needed in 24 hour period until hillary and her squad is arrested.
Pass legislation on standards required for civilian militias to privately hold military grade munitions etc and create a department to inspect militia facilities and grant licences (liberally).
Repeal income tax, only tax would be tarrifs.

Just a few ideas.

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I think I'd do two chicks at the same time, man.

Nuke Israel and every Jew

>ban dual citizenship
>ban circumcission
>ban usury


Kill this idiot first

Make a decree that all Olympians must donate sperm and start and breeding program.

Kek, good response

Make a 7yo girl frenchkiss my butthole while I frenchkiss another 7yo girls butthole

Skippy? I thought you were partial to boys.

Will we be going back to the usual system the next day? If so:

>Expel the Jews
>Overturn key Progressive Supreme Court rulings
>Fire all noncritical government employees
>Close all university humanities departments
>Deport all post-1965 migrants and their descendants who are a net money sink

1. Remove every food safety law, allow people to sell food on the streets again

2. End government funding of public schools, allow the schools to be sold to the highest bidder

3. Sell off all land that the government owns (1/3 of all land in the country) (except where government builds are ofc)

4. Abolish the Department of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, half of Health and Human services, Abolish the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of the Interior, Abolish the Department of Labor, Transportation, and Veteran's Affairs.

5. Abolish the House of Representatives

6. Pay off all veterans, and try to pay off as much of the national debt as possible

7. No more government healthcare or food stamps

8. Remove all licensing or certifications for all job titles including Doctors, Plumbers, Taxi Drivers, Building Codes, and others.

9. Castrate one testicle for every violent crime committed by a man.

10. Decriminalize prostitution, all illegal drugs, and abortion.

11. Remove affirmative action, remove speed limits (reckless driving would still be illegal), Remove any marriage law, remove child care, remove alimony, remove anti-polygamy.

12. Remove income tax, remove payroll tax.

13. Remove congress's ability to override a president's veto.

14. Remind people daily that is their job to take care of businesses who use bad business tactics. Allow for boycotts, remind people if they face injustice to go to websites like GoFundMe and ask for charity.

15. Convince businesses to remove their boards, and institute kings of their own companies. Incentivize businesses to merge.

16. Put myself above the laws of the land.

17. Begin having children with daughters of wealthy business men, and promising my daughters to the highest bidder. Eventually my children will be both head of the government and Apple and Google. Keep merging with my children until all businesses are owned by my distant grandchild.

18. Perfect society.

Nuke Mexico, China, the Middle East, Germany, Sweden, southern Cali, and the capital of Canada

>Make a decree that all Olympians must donate sperm and start and breeding program.
(((Chosen))) detected

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>absolute power

Make a law saying that Supreme Court Justices can only be white nationalist white males with a proven track record of supporting far-right policies.

Forcibly liquidate and confiscate the wealth of the following corporations/institutions:
-Open Society Foundation
-Goldman Sachs
-Huffington Post
-most Hollywood studios

I would convict these people of treason, and order their executions:
-Mark Zuckerberg
-Jack Dorsey
-Susan Wojcicki
-Stephen Colbert
-Bill Maher
-John Oliver
-Michael Moore
-Rachael Maddow
-Rosie O'Donnell
-most Democrat politicians
-all known members of Antifa or other Marxist groups

I would also pass a law that mandates 100% freedom of speech in all places, and even private corporations have to abide by it.

I would also funnel Federal funding to a national news network that is explicitly white nationalist and anti-communist.

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Kill every pedophile occult celebrity idol and then dig up the dead bastards in the hollywood cemetary who suicided bwfore they could be brougjt to justice for their fag role in the luciferian illuminatro.

Build a wall deport them all and then establish white only immigration

Get the word out about our lord and savior, Madoka Kaname

>Eliminate journalists
>Now every child with a diary is dead

The fact that you mention fucking Stephen Colbert by name, but not Henry Kissinger shows you know nothing.

shitpost on twitter

Kissinger and neocon kikes get the axe too.