where do i as a mixed race person stand in society today? after lurking here for a few years I realized how important of role race plays in society, before that I just went along throughout my day not thinking about being a mixed race person or obsessing about "my race", but now it's all I think about. What is the purpose of someone like me who basically has no race?
Where do i as a mixed race person stand in society today...
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You creation was a Jewish scheme that your parents fell for. Best to breed with a Sheboon to tame the black race.
Civilise your brethren. Be the go between they can look up to
live your life as a normal person. it'd be nice if you wouldn't mud up european bloodlines but that's your prerogative
be thankful you have brains and go do whatever the fuck you want
>US flag
Somewhere between Ivory Coast(where slaves where from) and England
marry someone you love and be a good dad/mom
remember at all times you are in control - neither a nigger or a wigger be
and that they are dividing all of us by using the race card.
I've only had 1 encounter with an actual black (by actual I mean like ghetto thugs) and all he did was call me a "barely black nigga". I don't want to associate with those people
I'm trying to live my life but the lingering thought of upcoming civil unrest and eventually a race war scares me
>What is the purpose of someone like me who basically has no race?
to consume, you are the new world order goy, no culture no race no heritage all you can do is consume until you consume yourself
I have white skin.
My mom is 50% puertorican
My Dad is 50% French canadian
I have a big french nose and big spanish lips
I just look like a goofy white guy
I guess you can call me white..but I'm just a mutt
I'm sorta like you I have big lips like big related and blue eyes, but my lips give away the fact that I'm half black. At least my nose is normal sized I guess
pic related *
You are perfectly positioned to call out the anti white bullshit. You have a shield, being mixed and all.
And as far as what is to become of you after we hypothetically win, all i can say is fight for what you believe to be right.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
No where, mixed races never identify as either of their ancestry.
At most you can identify as you're non-white, which is the kind mentality to destroy the country you live in.
Also mixed here, it literally does not matter what you do. Black people who subscribe to the 'black culture' meme won't accept us no matter how black you try and be. And white people who subscribe to sectarianism will never accept us no matter what we do (as evidenced by Jow Forums).
Basically, don't try to be someone, just be you. To 90% of people you're just another person, they don't care otherwise. You don't have to try and fit in anywhere.
Not having a racial identity allowed me to see the world in a non-biased way, and I think that's important. I think that's our role in society. Either-way, purpose in life is what you make it. Obsessing about your race is pointless, you won't change it.
Abomination unto the Lord and nature.
>What is the purpose of someone like me who basically has no race?
destroy the kikes for doing this to you
>I'm trying to live my life but the lingering thought of upcoming civil unrest and eventually a race war scares me
Never going to happen, It's the Jew Media flipping out about Trumps plan to crush China financially and raise our standard of living.
You may find yourself fitting in with assimilated Latinos that primarily speak English? Good Luck user.
Nahh you din have to but britanny venti there she aight ,brothat aint right
Depends on what type of mix you are.If you're some sort of Eurasian,Arab or Hispanic mix then I'd say just live and let live and enjoy your life. If you're a nigger mix then I'd suggest you go out back and put a bullet in your head.
You are an error of this corrupt age, not your fault.
Live your life as best as you can and don't reproduce.
>Also mixed here
Are you the kind of person who will claim to be black in some situations but then claim to be white in other situations?
This is truly a difficult goblino face to score. I've made a poll. What percentage is this American?
do you have any cute mixed race sisters like stacy?
because stacy gets to stay since she acts white so that might be an in for you
>Also mixed here
LMAO! You think your nigger nose is normal?
KYS nigger.
mixed race persons stand with the lesser race. you have to go to wakanda, there is no place in america for you.
lol that never works. most of time they either claim you as one of them as long as you fit into their groupthink or they get butthurt and call you a traitor. you would need to at least not stand out so they dont feel inferior to you.
race war is a meme. there will always be people against you, if it scares you so much try moving to a safer location.
If that picture is you or close to you then yes you have to go back . You will be one of the smartest so you'll live well and you can help stabilize your people if that's possible. Your ancestors chose this and now you live with the reality that you don't and won't ever belong to white people or their culture. You are a bi or triracial mutt. Just be a good person no matter where you are in the world and be an example of a civilized mutt. Good luck Jamal
cant help what you were born into, just live your live and be a good person
there wont be a race war
look at the protests theres are all types of people on both sides
theres an ideology war if anything
Dumb fuck you're a slave.
>service guarantees citizenship
citizenship is by blood, you niggerloving communist faggot.
i feel bad for you guys
i can't imagine being anything other than french/english
There isn't going to be a civil war, only retards falling for MSM bullshit and committing crimes who will be crucified by feds. Just live your life. This board is satire and tbqh hilarious to fuck with normies
Does the fucker in the picture LOOK like it could ever claim to be White?
>have no race
Of course you do. You are the mutt.
>You creation was a Jewish scheme that your parents fell for.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up 0.01% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Hopefully keeping to yourself and not behaving like a nigger.
Correct, and this is how it must be. If it weren't and people would just accept you freely, their identity would quickly evaporate. If you are almost completely one race (like 95%), then you might have a chance to fit in there. If you're too much of a mutt, either try your hand at individualism, or start collectivizing with other similar mutts. There are enough of them by now that that might be possible. Start a hapa tribe, or a mulatto clan. Hell, plenty of entire countries in South America are basically mutt countries.
At least you're not a fuckin LEAF
Damn it feels good to be a white boi
>where do i as a mixed race person stand in society today?
same place as everyone else, not your race that is going to hold you back now days, but how much effort you are actually willing to put in to be someone in the society you live in.
if race shit bothers you so much, get a white wife, and breed you mixed genes out.
Just pick a side, usually mixed people identify with one of their parents race
I feel you as I am also mixed. I've given the matter a lot of thought in relation to the racial politics popular here and the only logical answer seemed to me to pick one of my two halves and mate with someone of that ethnicity. This has the unfortunate effect of causing my descendants over time (provided they also mate with people of their majority ethnicity) to very quickly be almost completely absorbed into said ethnicity. If I marry a white woman for example, my grandchildren would almost certainly be only 1/8 what the other half of me is (Indo-European, but I won't say exactly what). My great grand-children would be almost completely white.
This would be the best way in my opinion to institute racial politics as general policy as it would be cruel as well as impractical to expect people of mixed heritage to simply not breed, and it would only propagate the problem into the future to tell them to breed with each other.
If by this:
>What is the purpose of someone like me who basically has no race?
You mean how should you regard yourself and how should you identify, the angle I've chosen to try and honor each of my ancestors as best I can. The part of me that is white is itself mixed between Celtic and Germanic ancestors. I've decided to consider myself as though I were a member of all three of my races when it comes to the question of which traditions I should be knowledgeable about and which heritages I should honor. Only thing that makes sense to me and while I doubt that any of my ancestors would want a mixed descendant I feel its still my obligation to honor them. To me this means learning about them, their language, culture, and history, understanding that they are my roots and respecting that.
Hello half dutchfag
You be buffer zone peoples
There's nothing wrong with mulattoes. It's not your fault your parents had a low self-esteem. Just work on yourself and be the best person you can be. Just make the most of your life.
None of me is dutch, are you thinking of someone else?
>tfw 3 quarters white, 1 quarter spic, have brown eyes and curly wavy black hair but super fair skin and white facial structure
>look too white for other spics to accept me, they reject me as a "white boy"
>don't look white enough for white people to consider me a fellow white person
I wonder who will kill me first when the race war happens.
Those beans
In a healthy society with a common good and a preference for order it would be a non-issue, because what probably strikes the mind as being most offence is injustice, and liberal societies are nothing but unjust. Affirmative action, welfare programs, open borders, feminism, and other unjust policies would not exist in any society that cared about its citizens so the strife they inevitably produce would be nil.
I am also mixxed but passable af...when you are truly redpilled you will see that the right really doesn't care about race. I know that seems crazy esspecially on here. But if you go to any right wing gathering these days you will see a pallet of different colors. Nationalists want a strong working class and power in numbers, you included.
They don't want you gassed.
They want you based.
Bro you live in muttland just act like a decent white man that is what counts
Different colours? Colours like what?
>Not getting mixed people and sympathetic undesirables to fight with you in exchange for a restricted form of citizenship.
Good thing you will not hold power I suppose.
Ya know..we go on about "gassing kikes" and whatnot but this thread is much more in tune with pol's true beliefes; at the end of the it's not you skin color that people will see degeneracy in, ITS EVERYTHING ELSE.
Be a decent bro, and you'll never know what it's like to be a nigger. Promise.
I forget that everyone born after 1995 is a mongrel and it makes me really sad
At least their parents reproduced...but you won't because no one loves you and you are alone on Jow Forums
¡Mira hermano! ¡El güero americano!
You were lied to. Race has no purpose. You're not obligated to act whatever race you are. You will be judged but you're above judgement. Stand for yourself not for "your people." You're an individual it's time you started acting like it.
Brown, black, yellow, red, white. They all got republicans.
go camping. guaranteed clarity.
The Cape Bastards became their own identity, despite being 1/2 black and white. Why not become a homosexual, OP? That way you can be 1/2 way between a man and woman, just like you are 1/2 way between black and white. I'd say, your best bet is to find a high yellow female. That way you aren't ruining anyone's genes.
Staggering amount of civnat boomer retards in this thread.
OP, I would say move to some mutt south america country if you want have family, or support your white ancestors in a way that doesn't damage the gene pool. For example, start a business as a minority but hire young whites. Convince shitty centrist whites that it's okay to not want to be replaced in their own country. Etc. Plenty of ways to contribute.
>Staggering amount of civnat boomer retards in this thread.
Fucking this
These Civicuck Magatard Neo-Boomers are fucking cancer.
>Nationalists want a strong working class and power in numbers
You mean civic nationalists. Not national socialists.
go to South Africa, North Cape specifically. They speak a mix of English and Afrikaans, and have developed their own society and culture. They are now known as Cape Coloureds and are essentially their own ethnic group.
Your parents did a very evil thing. It's not your fault but it is what it is.
Anyone got that civic nationalist meme at the swimming pool?
You stand nowhere nigger. That's why we advocate against race mixing. You're neither here nor there
fucking kek
I gotchu my nigga
You have no standing
T. Mutt
You're a mistake that must be corrected.
thanks senpai
You were made to be farmed by the Jews for your votes and labor. Full stop.
Your only allies are us Nazis.
That's rich coming from you smith, come back to bed I'm not done with your boi pussy just yet.
Indo-European means Pajeet.
Step one is embracing who you are, step two is by showing your dominance over others. They can yelp and screech master race all they want, but if they're out there cleaning toilets whilst you're an engineer or an accountant or whatever and banging their sisters, who's the master race?
These little shits you're trying to suck up to on this anime board are scrawny beta males irl.
No, Indo-Aryan means pajeet.
Indo-European means actual Indo-European peoples; i.e. English, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French...Both groups have a common root but are completely different branches.
You belong to the tribe of your father, whichever way that falls. It is your parents sin that you have to pay the price for.
You'll never fit in. Maybe in 50 years some new sub race will stabilize, but you are pretty much left holding the bag. On the upside, the end is nigh, so I'd suggest you get right with Jesus and not worry about this world. Let it feed on itself till it's full.
As Lovecraft said, you belong nowhere and are in a void created by your parents.
But you’re probably right, and he just used the wrong term to describe himself in his attempt as being vague.
Best to not breed and mgtow.
it doesn't matter what race you are, forget what these shit rags spew about race, they are the losers of society desperately clinging on to scapegoats to rationalize their loser status.
>where do i as a mixed race person stand in society today?
With the other niggers, obviously.