How did a terribly drawn cartoon made by some sperg on Jow Forums destroy the most powerful country in history? This meme is now a staple of internet culture and yet most Americans still cannot accept it.
How did a terribly drawn cartoon made by some sperg on Jow Forums destroy the most powerful country in history...
whiter than you ahmed
>most Americans still cannot accept it.
sure we do, we just don't care about you or your memes
it only affects actual mutts
if you were secure in the fact that you're actually a white American it wouldn't affect you
the meme did a good job of outing a lot of American posters as mutts
i gotta admit this meme has made me notice the goblins in daily society a lot more now. in fact after seeing this meme i noticed how rare it was to find an actual european looking american person here with blue eyes and natural blonde hair.
so if the intention was to just humiliate, demoralize, or shed light on the truth, well it worked
wh*toids btfo
blacks now take over
it's just a jacked up version of the spurdo as american stereotype meme
Yes, but American bear different, mutts make you face the reality of race mixing and they can be applied to any nationality so it's a lot more useful and is also not just used in an anthropomorphic sense like American bear but mutt depicts what they actually look like
wh*Tes btfo
True Americans have transcended past mere m*utthood. Upon ascending to the status of La Luz Extinguido, I have even gained the ability to absorbing the white ancestry from the Europeans that I reply to.
It's used by shills to push their agenda:
will only lead to more immigration
It makes for good shitposting fun but both sides usually fall for it
>that one new mutt that responds to every bait thread out there
>that one assmad europoor that loses an argument and degrades into muttposting
Why can't we make memes like this? Every other board but Jow Forums practically pioneers memes but we're the unoriginal faggots and our memes fall flat after a few months
I like it. German master.
Lol mudslime or onions boy socialist cope. We don’t give a fuck what scum like you says.
>mfw when Americans have become klurichirs
>tfw we will tear the world asunder with our newfound powers
Get ready to be burned to ash faggy (((globalists)))
Based leaf.
This. I’ve wanted state flags for years so I can safely dismiss any California or Texas flags as beaners pretending to be white Americans, but the amerimutt meme has done a pretty good job of revealing them.
It works simply because it's true, I remember "The Melting Pot" meme being pushed back in elementary school
We were burgers, martsharts, and that fat spurdo long before we were 56 percents. We've taken each of these in stride.
Hell, I hear that some of the Brits are still upset thay we use the term Yankee with pride.
USA is 80% Mexican now we look just like that how true. ha ha. USA sucks why everyone coming here.
You forgot to draw the dildo in Europe's ass.
Every time
>How did a terribly drawn cartoon made by some sperg on Jow Forums destroy the most powerful country in history? This meme is now a staple of internet culture and yet most Americans still cannot accept it.
because it's akin to the libshit memes--it's just sad. i mean, the exaggeration of the burger, the perfection of the EU lad... even the dove behind him.
it simply screams "hur-dur burger hate!", which is what all libs do (i.e., "yourra racist" or "imma be smug and point out a thing")
it's lazy.
meanwhile, true comedy comes from truth--pic related.