Convince me that direct democracy is not superior to both current democracy and authoritarianism.
Direct democracy
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idk this sounds really easy to manipulate. Are you sure you're not a jew trying to undermine your host nation?
communism is better
Mob rule
Tyranny of the 51%
What could go wrong?
Because that’s what they have in Venezuela and look how well it works there
direct democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner
Consider that the vast majority of humanity is retarded and easy to deceive/manipulate with propaganda
Also consider that a vast majority of the population believes that Blumpf is literally a nazi and that Russia "hacked the election" (whatever that means) to make Blumpf kidnap gay people and gas them
What am I saying, you're one of those people. kys
Every fucking time. Getting tired of these damn kikes.
What if everyone votes to hang you up in the town square and rip your dick off with steel wire?
Why the fuck do we need MORE immigrants? Is there a shortage of dish washers lawn mowers car washers and whores that I’m not aware of?
Even in Athens only male citizens who owned property and could afford and maintain armor could vote. Direct democracy doesn't work for us because women are manipulated emotionally like children and because it gives too much power to those who don't contribute wealth to a nation.
>1965 immigration act and civil rights being passed without any vote/referendum
>I'm glad direct democracy didn't exist back then. Fuckin white people wouldn't go for that shieeet
>2016 election of Trump
>DUDE wtf if this was a direct democracy this shit wouldnt fuking happen
Simple, something I thought of on my own and then realized that Asimov said something similar:
Democracy is the belief that collective ignorance stops being ignorance the moment a majority of people think it.
The poor, weak and stupid when left to their own devices fall into all the same traps and virtually none of them make their way out. Poor people (in the modern western world) are poor primarily because they don't understand how to spend properly, they gamble, drink do drugs and buy shit, all of which result in that dopamine boost. The fact of the matter is that the majority of people fall into this category of useful consumer drones and they are the ones who have the most political power in a democratic system. Direct democracy makes that far worse by maximizing the level to which the incompetent and self-serving can push their platform and agenda.
The whole thing is doomed to failure.
Its too easy a system to cheat and also would almost certainly produce a very authoritarian government.
>Convince me that direct democracy is not superior to both current democracy and authoritarianism.
All a candidate has to do is promise free shit and he wins. Exhibit A: pic related
direct democracy is akin to mob rule. not to mention the average person is dumb and honestly should not even be allowed to vote
No. California isn’t the US and shouldn’t decide our elections
Fuck your meme flag, fuck your mob rule, fuck your slide thread, fuck you. Die.
We aren't a democracy. We are a republic. If it is a democracy it is just Texas, Florida, Illinoise, NY, and California controlling every other state just because they have massive population balls in their cities.
Middle America doesn't have to follow the rules that just city folk want.
It's a good utopia that require free and indipendent journalism and media, plus a well educated population.
Western governments should work for it to happen, maybe next century, after we clean ourselves from the shitskins and other genetic dead end.
lmaoing at bootlickers bitching about how direct democracy wouldn't work
fucking tards
You don't exist in one in your immediate circle, why would you want it on a national scale?
you have it the other way around. Why would politicians work to have LESS power? All that which you say ought to be the result of direct democracy, not a requirement for it.
>mob rule
You know I kinda like Nazis. The only problem is, ya'll wanna take all my slaves and kill em. I need those niggers for the plantation.
No, let me convince you you're mistaken. Come along with me to my local Walmart. We'll walk around a bit and I'll just kind of nod to certain people passing by or doing stuff, so you as a so-called Marxist can see it, and by the end of the day you tell ME what you just saw today should have any rights whatsoever to vote. I dare you to accept this challenge.
Fuck off commie.
what makes you special?
>democracy is bad, because all the stupid people get to vote
>we should have enlightened despotism instead
>*enlightened rules does something user doesn't like*
jesus fuck you mutts are braindead. you should look up what "ignominy" means.
he's le redpilled and educated because he read a quote from mein kampf on 4chins
I do not believe in the devine right of the common man. Direct democracy might work if only land owning males with children could vote.
>i'm insane. convince me that i'm not insane
how is this a weakness of direct democracy and not any democracy?
Do you want direct democracy nau? with the media controlled by (((globalists)))?
Enjoy your Sánchez and your feminist government then.
ITT: Party shills convincing people to keep politicians in power.
>direct democracy is bad because it gets you the same thing you have now
>because what you have now is totally what people want and not what's being imposed by an indirectly elected government
do you find the average person intelligent? is the average person easily swayed by propaganda? is the majority usually correct?
>faggot op and obvious shills avoid this explanation since it accurately dismantles the argument
are you aware that you and all the other fucktards itt are making an argument against democracy of any kind, not specifically direct democracy? Do you even know the difference?
This thread just shows that most of Jow Forums are double-digit IQ idiots parroting bs they heard on alex jones or wherever.
It's not an argument against direct democracy, it's an argument against democracy, period.
These are questions for all democracies.
There would be a difference between everyone having an equal say and voting for what they want and people voting for a person to represent them. The person that represents the people doesn't always have to follow majority rule. This is why we have a republic.