In the inevitable event of a Yellowstone eruption, history shows an 80 year volcanic Winter would result.
>That’s how long two volcanic winters may have lasted after two separate explosions of the Yellowstone volcano about 630,000 years ago, the same eruptions that formed the Yellowstone caldera, and the last big eruptions of the volcano. The explosions occurred about 170 years apart and helped drop the ocean surface temperature by about 5.4 degrees.
>These conclusions are the result of a detailed examination of sediments collected in Santa Barbara Basin, off the Southern California coast. By drilling into the basin’s mud, scientists from the University of California Santa Barbara could see the individual layers on an almost decade by decade basis, an amazingly detailed view.
What would become of all the millions of people living in North America and Europe? How much space would be covered in snow and ash? What's our solution to this?
Twas there last week. Big ass fucking park. Need 2 full days minimum to get to all the good stuff easily. Also many Chinese will be vaporized immediately if it goes off in a surprise flash, but I doubt it. One can only hope.
Aiden Gutierrez
The universe was created in 4004BC.
Noah's flood happened in 2348BC
Anything claiming to be dated before this is through radiometric dating which is not proof of an old Earth.
Connor Morgan
>Rio Grande Valley its mexican as fuck but atleast im safe
Zachary Ward
You don't have enough food to survive 80 years of Winter. That is the entire point of this post. You'll run out of stored food and your animals will starve with nothing to eat.
Parker Morales
Son, you went full retard. Never go full retard.
Anthony Brown
Oh gevalt, sure beats this heat.
Sebastian Hughes
I see this volcanic Winter going like this:
Everyone north of Texas and west of Appalachia is smothered in smoke.
Anyone north of South Carolina (and north of Southern France if we assume this decrease of temperature affects Europe) starves in the cold without crop or livestock.
Am I wrong?
Aiden Gray
No. Just kill them. If that doesn't work we can then try killing the niggers.
Michael Cox
Odds are it won't happen in our lifetimes. I worry much more about unchecked immigration and sweeping demographic change destroying Western society than I do about Yellowstone
Did you factor killing the jews into your equation? I bet you didn't.
Brody Campbell
For the Yellowstone to explode is the only way to prevent human extinction. By total annihilation of the US
Cameron Smith
There would be ash rain over the entirety of the Northern hemisphere, and I would guess the farthest reaches wouldn't be entirely fucked by actual ash deposits. Any sizable area of open water would be exposed to potassium (and other Alkaline metal) hydroxide-producing conditions as ash accumulates, which would be really shitty for oceans and lakes and generally the entire watershed. The food stores would keep survivors alive since so many would be dead. Over time there would always be more walmarts and warehouses to unbury and fewer mouths to feed...
Lincoln Anderson
I worry about the long future. We need to prepare now to give future generations the best chance of survival. It doesn't help if Scandinavia got rid of their nogs just so half the population or more could die in a Winter that never ended.
Wyatt Bailey
>What would become of all the millions of people living in North America and Europe? A significant portion of North America would simply be unmade by the eruption, life and civilization within that dark purple circle will almost completely cease to exist and anything deeper into the blast zone is simply killed outright without a chance of survival. Famine will clamp down on the rest of the country as ash devastates crops, and the rest of the world won't be too far behind as fallout cuts off light from great swaths of the planet. >How much space will be covered in snow and ash. Use your eyeballs and look at the map, the entire US, some of Mexico, a lot of Canada. >What's our solution to this? Extensive preparations, stockpiling of massive quantities of non-perishable food, construct buildings with several inches of ash weight in mind, construct extensive early-warning systems around the crater, major expansion of hydroponically grown food as opposed to more conventional farming techniques.
There is no solution as of now, except to brace ourselves to survive the event.
Jaxon Murphy
And that's a good thing because it means only the smart will survive.
Jace Cox
As a Geologist who has been warning others of this event for several years along with my colleagues, we've been brushed aside for the most part, called crazy.
Call it whatever you want but Mount St. Helens was just a preview, a warning. The tectonic plates off the coast of Washington state are past overdue. We're overdue for several geological and volcanic events and it terrifies us.
What happened back in 2017 in the Indian Ocean was just the Earth relieving some pressure. While the event wasn't all that impressive, it was a signal that something was going to happen. I direct your attention to Hawaii. The longer the volcano goes off, the more the pressure lets off.
Currently the volcano doesn't seem to want to stop any time soon. The only good news from this volcano is we're gathering a ton of data on the event.
If it's any consolation, Yellowstone hasn't shown any geological activity that echoes volcano activity. Yet.
Nicholas Green
Some animals and plants will live and some people will eat those animals and plants.
Benjamin Torres
Jackson Bailey
The eruptions vary by like 50,000 years though. It could go off tomorrow. It could go off 50,000 years from now. It's not a set schedule.
Jordan Taylor
Good. Its been fucking hot recently. Bring on the global winter.
Kevin Taylor
When you think about it, it kinda goes hand in hand though. If this unchecked immigration keeps going on and people don't recognize the threat of the yellow stone eruption soon enough in time, this could seriously put the human race into near extinction. Not enough people are preparing for something like this.
Nathan Campbell
Truth. It would not utterly destroy the population of humans in the Americas. The dark purple probably becomes the basis for Hell in the Book of Fire, Latter-Day Testament, written by the dour priests of the Virginia Dominion.
Owen Powell
Because the eruption may not even happen in our lifetime, or even our great great great great grandchildrens lifetime. Why be so concerned with something that MIGHT kill you 50,000 years from now, when there are already so many nigs and spics here that could kill you tomorrow?
Juan Davis
>Yellowstone hasn't shown any geological activity that indicates volcanic activity. Wait hasn't it been pulsating for lack of a better word? Rising and falling at regular periods of time?
Alexander Collins
Lotta fish in the sea user. Just dont eat the radiation lined heroin infused mussels off the coast and you'll be fine. Those red tide shell fish in the gulf of mexico might not be a good bet either due to all the missippi run off from a yellowstone eruption. Hope you like eating carp. I wonder how this will affect the syrup elves production in leaf land.
Michael Wright
Zachary Evans
1-3mm on the East Coast. That's a minor dusting. I'll be fine.
Samuel Fisher
Please stay there, the world is full.
Kayden Gonzalez
ive ripped trash bags thicker than that. who even cares about yellow stone?
Gavin Sanchez
That's an estimate. It easily could be 10 times that depending on the wind and how long the eruption goes on for. We've never seen one go off before. There's just no way of knowing how long it'll go on for.
Christopher Allen
Whites need to live in latitudes south of tundras in order to farm or grow food.
I hypothesize that the affected areas of the world-wide Winter would be north of South Carolina and North of Italy/Southern France. Any further north and it will eventually become tundra as the plants die as the years go on.
If it could happen anytime between NOW and x, that's good enough reason to know what to do when it happens.
Brandon Barnes
Geologists at Yellowstone assured us that everything was fine. We requested all the information regarding the last six months for anything to look into and while it all looked normal, for a geyser anyway. It does shed a lot of light onto more geological activity has increased over the past decade.
On the plus side, with Hawaii getting rid of more pressure, I think all it has done is buy us more time.
These are just estimates, user. For all we know, it could be regular volcano activity, or it could be something worse than Mount St. Helens.
Isaiah Jackson
Excellent. With this global warming can be defeated and the problem of black population control solved. American people will be happy to see the Mexicans return south for the winter as well.
Brayden Moore
fuck off we're full
Joseph Cruz
the hawaii event is a mere fraction of the violent past that is planet earth, and it hasn't even begun- the vents and caldera collapse are just the pregame show from what is actually going to happen, that being the caldera chamber erupting causing a massive tidal wave towards california. It IS going to happen there is just no real indication of when
Benjamin Lopez
Do you think an eruption from Yellowstone would be the impetus for a new ice age?
Carson Green
yellowstone is gay
Liam Brooks
>look mom I posted it again!
We have at least one Yellowstone thread every month of the goddamn year
Jaxson Peterson
We should have one every day. This eruption would have widespread devastating consequences and our race needs to be prepared for it.
Adam Sanders
Come crash here for a couple of decades bruh, leave the Kikes and niggers behind if you please though
It would be a great joy to see your entire country under fire and ashes
Joseph Carter
tl;dr - We don't know. It would depend on several factors on how active the volcano is. Several hundred tons of ash could rain for miles in all directions or be in a more localized area. Worst case scenario? Yes.
The Indian Ocean event was a drop in the bucket compared to Hawaii. Right now the volcano is doing what it's doing best - bellowing smoke, lava, and adding landmass. Also it's relieving pressure, a ton of it. We estimate if it continues to relieve pressure, it won't erupt again for several more hundreds of years.
Nathaniel James
I had 100mm of ash from St Helens, not a big deal
Grayson Butler
america still has more white people than canada
Ayden Phillips
Did you get lung cancer?
Isaiah Hernandez
No, Canada is 81% white. Just stay away from shitholes like Toronto or Vancouver.
It's not going to just erupt all at once. There's going to be huge red flags that happen at least a month or longer before it does. You're going to get plenty of warning. Like when all the toxic gas comes seething out of the earth around the whole park, turning it into a toxic wasteland. That'll be your first sign. Not to mention earthquakes that get shorter and shorter together until it's just one constant vibration 24 hours a day. Then the ground will buckle and swell. All the water in the park will boil off. It's not something that just explodes with no warning. If you can't get the fuck out of the way of it within 30 days, then you deserve to be caught in the 1400 pyroclastic flow that'll be last for hundreds of miles in all directions.
Jose James
a higher percentage of white people doesn't mean more white people. america has at least 150 million more white people than canada. also, most "white" canadians are native/chinese halfbreeds anyways
Benjamin Carter
*72% as of 2016. Less, now.
Jonathan Bailey
Why can’t we just clean the air with hepa filters?
Gavin Martin
Volcanic ash is thick, heavy, and it clogs up just about anything. Car engines, jet engines, air conditioners, etc., would fail. Even the simple act of breathing could clog your lungs up with ash.
Sebastian Morales
We'll all wear Bane masks
Thomas Perry
What's your plan for the eventual burnout of the sun? What about the heat death of the universe? Your own death?
Hunter Jones
Just imagine I posted a picture of a bane mask poorly edited over a volcano with the subtext, "Do you think that gives you power over me?
Jack Brooks
I guess Varg was not Larping in the woods after all
I can agree. In the [spoiler]Torah[/spoiler] they told the Pharaoh to stock up on food because there will be food shortages in the future so they can combat possible starvation.
Justin Lopez
What is a hepa filter
Nolan Gomez
They used to use them at Auschwitz to make lampshades.
Joshua Roberts
It meaning Hawaii or it meaning Yellowstone
Noah Torres
You are aware volcanic ash is nasty stuff, right? Not like wood ash at all, it is pulverized rock.
Josiah Moore
How many nukes would I need to set it off right now?
Lucas Murphy
The coasts would be fine. We'd just eat more fish.
Lucas Cook
The actual eruption isnt the problem caused by something like yellowstone. It will certainly destroy wyoming and render tornado alley uninhabitable. But the massive sulphur dioxide and fine ash released from the eruption that gets lodged practically at lower space altitudes is going to block out the sun. Thats going to affect the whole northern hemisphere no matter where you live and might even spread into the southern hemisphere. > nuclear winter So what does that mean? It means Ice Age. Runaway albiedo effect due to snowfall. And for the first 10-20 years you can expect a temperature drop of about 20F. > that means winter lasts longer and starts earlier, more snow further south, and it means what used to be 90F degrees is only at best going to be 70F degrees. Sounds nice... but it isnt nice for the crops. Thankfully if we get up off our asses with public works we can get Thorium Nuclear Power going and we can start growing our crops indoors (and the food would be rationed).
> about Tornado Alley Yeah they might only get a few inches of ashfall but guess what that will be EVERYWHERE as far as the eye can see, for hundreds and hundreds of miles. All of the rivers will get clogged with mudflows. You wont be able to drive a car anywhere and they wont even be able to run the trains because of engine clogging. From North Dakota to Texas it will be one huge gray wasteland and there will be enormous haboobs (dust storms) whipped up by the wind, like the dust bowl of the '30s but worse. Eventually after enough rain the ash will settle into the soil and it will all be very rich and nutritious for the plants... but the sky will still be pretty dark for a decade or two after that.
Good. I HATE hot weather. It's for Africans. Hot weather makes you lazy. Niggers sat around in hot sweaty huts masturbating and having sex all the time. Cold weather shriveled up the white mans genitals and forced him to invent and explore.
Carson Ortiz
3-10 here too. feels good senpai.
Sebastian Harris
You wont have enough filters for it. They'll get filled up Really Fast because this shit will be Everywhere, one vehicle will kick up an enormous ash dust cloud behind them and it would fuck everyone who was behind them. Even the military wont have enough filters for its vehicles. Its not like when a regular volcano goes off and the ash is deposited in one predictable place and you just have to travel through or escape from it. > have you seen the maps? its the whole USA that gets covered, its going to be everywhere > leafs will be mostly fucked too
Also this would be the end of Jet Travel, while we're speaking of engine clogging. If that one volcano in iceland shut down air travel all over europe... well there's not going to be any jets flying anywhere in the northern hemisphere for upwards of a year. > no rescue efforts or supply drops by plane, no plane transport overseas, no air-based shipping
I believe it is an imperative that anyone who wishes to be prepared for this move to a 1-10cm zone, or even better yet, move to Europe. On top of that, they should have a farm with enough food in storage to potentially last a year, and plenty of water filters.
Brayden Gray
It's not just regular ash though. It's pulverized rock. Look at it under a microscope. It's very sharp and jagged. You're more likely to die from internal bleeding after inhaling volcanic ash than you are from suffocating from it.
But the water wouldn't work. All the ash would generate mud slides all over the country, clogging up or destroying all the pumping stations.
Caleb Reed
good call man, but thats mainly for the here and now id also expect the old fashioned wood siphon filter to get the ash out of the water perfectly
> move ahead of the eruption If you're in any zone except the immediate kill zone you have enough time to toss your shit in the car and start driving away. Drive South and East as much as possible (to New Mexico/Texas, then east across the gulf).
Being prepared for that is the key, because youll need a gun and lead for it, and youll need non-perishable food preferably jerky and trail mix and energy bars. And youll need an actual Road Atlas because who knows if garmin is going to work (your smartphone will not, network will slow to a halt). And I think pretty damn important youll have to take the highways or even the backroads, and stay away from the interstates because its only a matter of time before those get a traffic jam. Big obstacle is the Mississippi River, you need to check where the bridges are that cross it. > who the hell would think to prepare like this? > hopefully its all the prep you would need, after which point you're just as screwed as someone in Maine
Lets not forget the Economy also CRASHES immediately so your money is only valuable if people believe it still is. Likewise all the stores will be empty as you cross-country. > we lost most of the midwest and there will be a famine... everyone is selling out of the market over that
Its incredibly abrasive and if you have to work in it for any length of time even with a mask on, its going to start giving you all sorts of rashes and lesions, itll get in your shoes and your crotch and you ass crack and it will rub between your waist and your pants, etc. After enough work outside in the ash youll be laid up for about a week waiting for that shit to heal, because you're not going to be able to do much under those conditions without it practically skinning you alive.
Should we drop a MOAB to release some pressure? At the geyser area which is vast
Evan Stewart
Nope, nothing can relieve the pressure. The entire thing is a yuge powderkeg. However it is supposedly a Contained powderkeg and as long as nothing pokes at it who knows how long it could stay like it is. > 'course people like me know something is going on that wont allow it to stay like that, but that inside info
Anything that lets off "steam" so to speak is just going to cause an eruption. It has no way to reach the surface. The water crevices in the rock which produce the geysers represent a weakness in the rock between the surface and the magma even though the magma is much further down than that. If the magma could break into any of those crevices its like popping a pimple ever so slightly with a sharp needle... > it would shatter through the rock, forcing a larger opening, which would reach the surface, and the rest of the magma below would continually force that opening wider > TLDR its about a 1000 Megaton explosion which will spray rocks... the remains of yellowstone park, for hundreds of miles as stony shrapnel