Let's discuss asians

Asians are given a free pass here but let me drop a few red pills about these so called "honorary whites."

>come to America to establish colonies in the name of their country.
Wherever an Asian community exists you can be sure that that area is no longer America. They practice their own traditions and customs along with extreme nepotism. They speak their own language and are very rude to English speakers. They talk about you right in front of you knowing that you can't understand them. They smuggle in more Asians, and since they practice extreme nepotism and only interact in their own communities they are hardly ever caught.
>They smell, and look ugly
Asian women cough with their mouth open while staring directly at you on the subway.
>They are ready for an invasion
Imagine if China decided to invade the U.S. at a time when she was weak. Well guess what they already have entire towns which have been claimed in the name of their people. The Chinese are integrated in our schools and churches. There are tons of Chinese Americans in our military already.
>they don't care about you
The only reason chinks show any emotion is because they are copying the majority population. They could care less about anybody but their immediate family, then their race after that.

They don't get a free pass just because they don't break the law. Fuck Asians.


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Other urls found in this thread:


They cheat the US and Chinese government while driving Ferrari's and Lamborghini's

>Asian women cough with their mouth open while staring directly at you on the subway.
That's just New York.

>The only reason chinks show any emotion is because they are copying the majority population. They could care less about anybody but their immediate family, then their race after that.
That's everyone. That's pretty much human nature.

Asians redpill is typically staying with their own race and never expanding or moving anywhere. They also buy up all the property to hide money. 2nd Generation asians however, are pretty tolerable. They're basically Americans that have some silly desire to still be Asian, even though they will never fit in their home country anymore.

They are also very insecure and complain no woman wants to date them.

In small numbers they are unassuming and stay to themselves, in large numbers they are nigger tier. Watch some China hate webms and get redpilled

>That's just New York.
Sorry, they do this in San Francisco also.
>That's everyone. That's pretty much human nature.
No. In their own country they show no empathy to children and dogs.
>2nd Generation asians however, are pretty tolerable. They're basically Americans that have some silly desire to still be Asian, even though they will never fit in their home country anymore.
They speak with an accent despite being born here and growing up here. They adopt black culture and pretend to be gangsters. They look ugly.

>They are also very insecure and complain no woman wants to date them.
That's because God hated them so much he smashed their faces in.

I once used a bathroom after a Chinese man used it. He pissed on the toilet paper and shit was everywhere. I also see them spit on the street all the fucking time.

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Mass immigration of pretty much any group is bad m8s. Asians can be based as fuck but don't let them take over your homelands. Large scale immigration of ANY group regardless of race to an established nation is pretty bluepilled

>>come to America to establish colonies in the name of their country.
the british bankers brought them in to build railroads so they would set up their heroin networks

>Imagine if China decided to invade the U.S. at a time when she was weak.
most of them would drown swimming here

Beauty is also something I value. A race of ugly people should not be allowed to immigrate here.

>They adopt black culture and pretend to be gangsters.
Chinks are fucking gangsters all on their own, ruthless criminals

Those ugly peasant asians with no manners should be genocided.

t. asian



Chinese are to Asia as the nigger is to the black.

They're the stealthy Immigrants because they're hardworking, low crime, high IQ.

But does that make them any less dangerous?
What if it's actually more dangerous?

They seem to fall in line with the same Anti-White narrative as the rest of the Non-Whites.

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Protip: you're not going to get any credibility if you cant properly use the phrase
>couldn't care less
in conversation you fucking moran

>No. In their own country they show no empathy to children and dogs.
Stupid. Get off Jow Forums and stop just watching those webm. Despite the fact that everyone was blasting the driver of that kid that got ran over. And dogs are free game for food.

They vote anti-white but keep their politics to themselves.

This is the same reason we don’t have a (legitimate) paki problem. See

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there's beauty in all races

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You're starting to sound like a chink

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The only reason Asians squint is because they're looking for their dick all the time Chinese boy

Stop it! Leave the Chinks alone! They just want to build a china town

You won't get Freedom of Speech, Gun Rights, Human Rights, or Animal Rights, with any other group, but Whites.

The only Non-White groups that display some of those tendencies, were taught to them by Whites.

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>promotes race mixing
>uses leftist forced meme
Jew or Chink detected.

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Stereotypes only work because they're true, which makes your little reversal dog shit.

You get F. Come back when you Doctor.

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asia generally consist of slanty eyed ants
Japan is really the only exception, throughout history they always looked up to the west and at one point even debated to change their entire language to English.

the asians you see are chinese, koreans, southeast asians. Japanese integrate extremely well into the society, fact is Japanese don't even leave their country. Japan is basically like Germany or Sweden, all the nigger races are trying to get there. the chinks and the slanty eyed jungle monkeys would flood the country if they opened their borders.

anyway hitler said the japs were honorary asian, asians are generally alright and a much better alternative than niggers or sandniggers but ultimately you want the japanese discipline if you gotta chose one asian.

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so whites do reference their dick because they think that is what women want the most? And then these same 56%ers refer to same women as whores...

you mad white boi
I cucked many of you white boi in America now you cucks are under me at my job because muh diversity, and the fact that I did better in school than all you white bois.
Bretty soon we will rule the world while the white bois fight about bathrooms and pussy hats.

>self hating asian prefers white women over his own kind
>thinks banging sluts is an accomplishment

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i love myself and heritage, and guess what I can do it publicly without every faggot in the streets calling me a Nazi, you can't say the same white boi.
I married a traditional conservative Japanese girl, I have my waifu

Based slayer of chankoros.

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Soon my Japanese brother, we will rule this world

>fight about bathrooms and pussy hats
The absolute state of white people

Obviously not Japanese by the way you are acting. Japs are the exception to the Asian Scum and you're acting like a Jungle Asian

I don’t care if they come here, just don’t brutally kill and eat our cats and dogs

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obviously I'm trolling, but yes I am Japanese. I actually love white people and hope you conservatives win, the liberals are filthy degenerates

What red pilled me on East Asians is the way Asian diaspora behaves and you see that spill over on Jow Forums as well. I used to be naive about East Asians thinking they were different. Looking back I was very silly.

>insults white people when the flaws of his race are pointed out
>says he loves white people when we make an exception for you
You're behavior says a lot.

look tyrome your government had to learn the hard way white people dont rule the world under g.w.bush. a nickel embargo on america was enough to shut him up. thats a metal nigger. you need if for everything. china by itself did that

obama was to black to understand that he would be removed from office if he didnt stop being a nigger after 2013. it was pretty close to him being impeached quietly and just saying he died in a plane crash while he served time in a foreign prison after china invaded washington state

why did that have to happen hungry niggers and rednecks wanted to start a fight because none of them have accomplished anything and know when the time comes they wont be allowed to exist. facebook has a backlog of posts that zuckys wife took to china. you wont be allowed to live. there is no changing you. only ending you

this is a Japanese Hentai Origami board why so serious?

These reasons are why Asians are taking over at the highest echelons of government, business and academia

Asians are
>form strictly homogenous communities

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Definitely not just New York. Asians make taking public transit hell everywhere. Especially Toronto. They have no awareness of their sickening behavior.

South East Asians and Hispanics are the worst kind of cancer on this planet. They contribute nothing and take everything they can. This world would genuinely be a better place if they didn't exist.

Only the animefags like japs
I admire Takeshis Castle and not much more

Japs are subhuman. Gooks are animals.

Stronger? Really? I've never heard that one before.

As a community overall.

They can't infiltrate our government cause they look so differen't. Jews are a problem but Asians get praise just because they aren't niggers.

Not the british?? Their empire did kill over a 150 million and that just innocent lives.. Can also be argue they created the problems which started WW1 to protect their oil fields, which in turn help created WW2. Also the mess in the middle east n india n pakistan n ofcourse israel confict! So ofcourse them asians are the worst...