Is philosophy dead? Are there any living philosophers whose writings belong in the same tier as those by Nietzsche...

Is philosophy dead? Are there any living philosophers whose writings belong in the same tier as those by Nietzsche, Hegel, Stirner, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, etc...?

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lol what about Jung bro?

There's plenty of crappy philosophers out there now. Kierkegaard at least tried though, give him some credit.

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>Is philosophy dead?
You can't kill philosophy, only philosophers.

Kanye is still alive.

>Is philosophy dead?

Philosopher here. I'm abandoning Western Philosophy and in the process of transitioning to Eastern Philosophy

yes, philosophy is still very popular in the East

My man.

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Have you even read Locke?

Step aside virgin. Here comes a true alpha.

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Dennett, Kripke, Badiou, and Zizek are still alive, as far as I know.

>be me
>like to think
>like to think deeply
>"oh boy philosophy sounds amazing"
>start studying philosophy
>wtf this is just logic and debate
>this is fucking easy

>learn about eastern philosophy
>its not about logic, but about the beauty of the world
gee i wonder which is more fun

Go and be hyper-rationalistic with two scoops of mysticism my fren. You will go many places if you sit still in a stream of... icecream.

fuck off niggerphile.

Was Locke the guy who could split hairs in a debate for hours?

Ya heard of him.

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>not being able to find beauty in syllogisms and metaphysical entities
You studied at a university with an analytical philosophy department, didn't you?

That kind of personality profile that generated philosophers in the past is probably not interested in doing philosophy anymore or simply not interested in writing.

Writing used to have way more impact in the past, because people used to read back then.

Now even thinking deeply about things is a very unpopular occupation that won't do you any good.

Philosophy has been made irrelevant by science, basically, even though scientists today feel guilty about their lack of conceptual orientation. And they often read philosophy to treat that guilt.

>implying mysticism is bad
try getting a girlfriend, they dig that shit

i had one of those new professors that was very new to the job so probably not the best place to start.

A challenger appears.

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Trudeau is a great philosopher



Kanye is dope. Do you actually listen to him


checking wise digits

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You forgot the greatest two of them all. Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus

Don't mind me, just posting a few cartoons.

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Nassim Taleb

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you're a fucking homo, no one's reading that shit

Everything there is to think has already been thought and written

>Everything there is to think has already been thought and written
A.) This is wrong and you can't prove this with evidence
B.) We can make connections with existing ideas that our ancestors failed to do

Fuck off

I'm just memeing, chill

Is this tripe what Marxists/Leninists actually believe? No wonder they keep collapsing their own countries into complete shitholes.

absense of evidence is not evidence of absense

>i'm just memeing, chill
you are posting anti-philosophy shit in a philosophy thread. own that shit.

Really good actually

fucking faggot


No. Philosophy is dead. Ended after Schoppenhauer.

Why the homophobia?

Bronze Age Mindset

The best contemporary work of philosophy

Stirner? rofl, you NOOB


Isn't Philosophy largely a branch of Communist activism nowadays?

you can't feed yourself thinkin, faggot

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philosophy is pretentious, and is really a Jewish preoccupation

The absolute state of American education

Chomsk-pffffhahahaha, sorry; couldn't say it with a straight face

I did, fuck me it sucked. If I ever go back for a phd I'm going to a school with a decent program, I don't care what it costs. Not going to suck analytic cock even if it is 5 times less expensive.

Well, what percent of prominent philosophers are Communist? Most big names I can think of are Communist or shitlib

Publishing my philosophy book in a few months, I think I’m superior to the likes of Stirner and Hiegel.

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Pretty much. The (((enlightenment))) and (((post modernism))) turned philospers into edgy nihilist faggots who would probably frequent redditt. I would say there are some good ones like evola but technically tradionalism isn’t philosophy as it isn’t simple speculation. I guess Camus is the only modern philosopher I like

There's no point in philosophy these days that doesn't attempt to answer the Technology Question.

>I can think
I think we found the problem right there

not sure what you mean. There are plenty of philosophers out there taht are brilliant. Depends on what youre into. I

Well, if you can tell me some prominent non-Communists or non-shitlibs...

what about the Great Post-Modern Alt Philosophers: Lauren Southern, Lauren Rose, Faith Goldy, Milo ??

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Mollymeme ain't perfect, but he and Jordan Peterson are all we've really got right now.

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A. I would think you could find many connections to modernism and postmodernism in Books like Ecclesiastes and the writings of the Stoics, among many others. Hard to prove it though, but I think they just said it differently.
B. They just said it differently. Perhaps better sometimes. I guess its all perspective. Philosophy stopped exciting me once I finished Kant as a layman. The 19th and later largely pisses me off. I guess the tools of philosophy are more important to me than a 'philosophy'. I think philosophy got overdone long ago, and has long since merged with politics and semantics. The Great Singer Kanye, apparently makes clothing designers, preachers, social activists, and and set designers listen to his songs and feels its just as important as a lyrist, beatman, or hook signer. Philosophy jumped the shark similarly at Kant imho sir. First the economist, then the... Well you know how it ends. The gulag.

Heidegger, Nietzsche, Hobbes, Burke, Hayek, Carl Schmitt (my favourite), Strauss, Popper, Kuhn.

And then of course many philosophers aren't really dealing with political questions, but rather epistemological or ontological ones. In that case, it is hard to say if they are this or that.

Don't forget Tommy and Sargon


Without question.

Although, he's in a higher tier than everyone mentioned in the OP, except maybe Kierk.

how to deal with muricans ... good job sir

Mitchell Heisman

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I would've said Cavell, but apparently he just died. RIP.

Sargon of Akkad


Truly the socrates of our time.

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Fuck Derrida, Foucault, and Noam fucking Chomsky, and fuck Bertrand Russell, the old cuck. They don't count, that isn't philosophy it's just politics.

Camille Paglia is far superior to either of them and even she is mentally ill.

Philosophy evolved into Christianity. What is called "philosophy" now is subversion.

Foucault never claimed to be a philosopher or doing philosophy either. He actually, unironically said his work was fiction. If only people could take him seriously. Including idiots like JP and that total degenerate Stephen Hicks.

A photo is not an argument.

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Jow Forums is the final philosopher and philosophy, get rekt brainigger

Was he really on JRE?

Fuck Joe Rogan, seriously.

>Sargon of Akkad
AHAHAH such a nice pedigree

But with philosophers being the physical manifestation of philosophy killing them would kill philosophy.What would remain would be the concept of philosophy in the minds of others but with no one alive to express philosophy it would simply be non existant.

>the fedora argument against philosophy except with "science" replaced by "Christianity"

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So how did it (its manifestation) happen the first time?

a) no it's true and you can prove it, P=NP
b) its your delusion that you think you know what they knew, in order to claim that they didn't make the same connections with the same existing ideas previously

Chomsky and Russell's contributions to analytic and language philosophy have nothing to do with their politics.

I hope the left starts running with this meme. Accidental wording or not. I hope they call all non-approved philosophy 'subversion against the people' by 'Christians'. Anybody know a Frank Perkins btw. Cops just asked for him at my door.

Zizek... incoherent, incogruent drivel passed off as insight.
What absolute bullshit this is. Hyperrealism like this is just intellectual pilpul that either goes to solipsism or stoicism.
Nobody really picked up where Nietzsche left off if you ask me. Theres still a boundary for what is possible to know, so its tricky to start talking about this direction without losing meaningful language.
> do you even UNAbom?
the link didnt work, found this:
seems a bit banal, but interesting

Science as we know it now was pioneered by Christians as well.

Fucking gross. I was eating dinner

no, it was pioneered by the archons

check out the first 100pages of Heisman and decide from there if he has merit

>he does

im confident no one has more thoroughly named the Jew, not exaggerating

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yeah dude, taleb IS the philosopher of this era.

>Theres still a boundary for what is possible to know, so its tricky to start talking about this direction without losing meaningful language.

incoherent, incongruent drivel passed off as insight.

Russell's work on set theory is an acceptable contribution, I'll grant, but he didn't come up with the concept so much as just popularized it. Regardless, it doesn't make up for the fact that the bulk of his life and energy was devoted to abusing his reputation as a philosopher for destructive political ends.

More or less accurate. Just boring variations of nihilism, skepticism, and materialism.

He would certainly say so.


A literal who only relevant on Jow Forums because of le spook memes

>Nobody really picked up where Nietzsche left off if you ask me
This, but it should hardly come as a surprise. Most philosophers are philosophers of Being, whereas Nietzsche is a philosopher of Becoming. He only has one predecessor in this school and they are separated by 2500 years.

Yeah. A lot of dumb people frequent these boards.

Hacking and a few others in philosophy of science. He especially is critical of the concept of social construction

I think he's funny because he BTFO'd Marx while he was alive, but yeah he was a meme.

Wash your penis, OP.

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