-Things still needed:
-Proper boots
-A weapon upgrade
But better prepared I suppose
If you're fighting blacks you'll need NVGs. But it's important to stay alert for grin flares that could blind you
What did you expect from someone living in toothpaste world
>1500 exp points
Seem to be missing something there user
I also have a camping bag, it has four times the amount of space than the bag in the pic so that'd be better I guess?
A 30/30 would round that collection off nice.
They're illegal here ;(
A picture of a doggo, gotcha
Better backpack and bigger knife
What the fuck is that, you actual autist?
the average Jow Forumstard and half of the vets around lack the skills to properly deploy or utilize NVGs, and good luck identifying who needs to get slotted with some bargain bin NODs
italianbro here.
Recommendations on knifes?
Well that's pretty much why I'm asking for help? To upgrade it?
if you can afford it i suggest you spring for a mich helmet. it has NVG mounts and a better more comfortable suspension system.and it can also defeat pistol fire.
Are you hoping to commit mail fraud with that “knife” OP?
Can we still fight in the race war if we like qt Asians?
It's a stilleto knife
It’s your duty to fight in the race war. You think the niggers won’t take your chinks?
I just want to know who the official RLI Short Shorts supplier is.
Pls halp Jow Forums
>grin flares
severely underrated
Nani?! The baka niggers want to take away my Japanese princesses? Not on my watch!
Thanks this helmet is too old.
this is a bad idea, it'd be total anarchy.
you wont be fighting Antifa, you'll be fighting Somalia. You should have a plan to hide innawoods then come out after 2 weeks once most are already dead
>moeten we met jou de oorlog winnen? KEK
How you gonna get to that when you gotta get home?
Get a spyderco if you're a broke bitch or get a Benchmade, watch Jow Forums for knife threads.
And you absolutely need a better backpack. Vertx makes great bacpacks that are less military style, or you can check out maxpedition, hazard 4, atryx, or anything actually made for duty or going /out/.
How are gun laws there Italanon?
>night vision goggles
Don't even the cheapest ones cost thousands? After trying them out during conscription, I was not impressed with them. We had a ~10-15k€ thermal vision device that was pretty useful though. Moving targets really can't hide from thermal.
Night vision is pretty much only useful in urban areas, where there are some sources of light. If there's no external light sources (tobacco, etc.), the night vision won't be any better than the naked eye. You have to keep in mind that things like street lights are not a guarantee to exist in SHTF-scenario.
Bedankt man en mooie trips ;)
I see
That's more better off for sneaky shit. I'm no expert when it comes to types of knives, but different edgrs are for different purposes. I recommend something longer, slightly angular on the top, and wider than a stileto. Bonus points if it has a curved edge anywhere near the bottom.
Also, get a knife sharpening kit, the kinds where they're blocks and you run the blade softly, corresponding to the angle of the knife's edge for sharpening. Different metals and how well it's react differently. Good way to test out sharpness is if it can easily stab through
paper while holding it up, or running the sharp edge softly against your fingerpribt. If you can feel the slight edges of your fingerprint against the blade, it's sharp.
You need food, water and a medkit. Pic related is what the Vietcong used for gunshot wounds.
You really can't have a bolt-action .22 or a revolver? wewt the fuk
>Also when shit hits the fan there is no more government so buying weapons from usa would'nt be a problem,
So you think ships will just sail from America to Rotterdam like before if government collapsed completely? You really need to get everything BEFORE things go to shits.
Bows and crossbows are undervalued. If you can't get your hands on guns, seriously consider stringed weapons. They are more powerful and precise nowadays than they were when they were used for killing people on battlefields. You don't need that much training to become a decent bowman. Just like you need some basic training to use assault rifles competently.
>no gun
is zo'n kruisboog dodelijk?
Pistol, rifle, armor, rations, medical supplies, knife, tarps, backpack, carabiners and FUCK TONS OF AMMO
just so long as Tyrone fits, you'll be ok.
no plane loads of black market sellers from russia usa etc would try to sell their shit.
>welcome to europe
depends on distance, very slow loading time and range sucks. but close q its great. you can kill a dear or boar with it.
That's my weapon
>good luck identifying who needs to get slotted with some bargain bin NODs
hey fuckstick, my PVS-4s from the 80s are good enough out to about 300m but you go ahead and spend a few K for HD quality.
Context on photo?
>grin flares
All beings are a part of the whole. The beings that are flesh came from pure spirit and go back to pure spirit in the long run.
The beings that we call reptillians are not exactly like David Icke states. They are INCARNATE like us. This idea of them shapeshifting like a power rangers morphing time doesnt negate that they are in the flesh. And I would argue that the OG aliens not only have evolved but actually are 30-40 feet tall. Their proginy are the reptillians we talk about.
Guys you all need to look into alien intervention to our natural evolution. Gods not some biblical figure. GOD is the creater of everything. God gave free will to all beings(fractal segments of the unified conciousness) and karma is the Law of behavioral consequence in the flesh and after.
The world is enslaved and needs to get over its self loathing so we stop tolerating slavery of anyone. We can fly all over the world to go on vacation... But we wont disobey the Government and power the world for free with Tesla resonance
Just found it online as it's a stabbing with a stilleto, sorry man
Let's say you just happend to suddenly find a humble gun merchant. How would you pay for your gun? Guns will be the most valuable possession and their price has skyrockted. Euros have crashed by the SHTF and you can't pay with money. Okay, maybe you stockpile a pound of gold. How are you going to stop the gun merchant from simply taking your gold and shooting you in the leg?
Do you even know how to operate a gun? Post-SHTF is very bad time to start the gun hobby. You need training for taking care of the gun and being accurate with it.
I had more shit in my backpack when I was in high school in the early 90s surrounded by niggers.
t. 42 yo South Georgian who carried Rockwell books to school I bought at a gun show in 1992 but never got shit because niggers cant read
>humble gun merchant
Kill the jew, take what you need.
Mama Mia!
That's very nice!
Umm sweetie, the gun merchant is the one armed and you, the hypothetical buyer is unarmed. You are of course a Burger so you have no excuses to not get a gun pre-SHTF.
I really do recommend BOWS and CROSSBOWS for Eurocucks. Finland is one of the last nations in Europe with decent gun laws.
>multicam full uniform
>jump boots
>have plenty of weapons
>wrote an app to take FLIR camera feed and route it through a GearVR headset, slapped a defracted infrared laser on it. Now have FLIR + NVG and can add vital monitoring through smartwatch and am working on motion tracking
>72 hour bag
Should be about it.
>How would you pay for your gun?
>trade gold you've stolen from normies(only for low level plebs)
>make deals with presidents russia/usa etc gas for guns(ur getting there, but not really)
>let rich usa partriots pay it for you and deliver it(oh yea more like it)
>make deals with presidents russia/usa etc gas (still have loads) for war machining shit so u can make weapons urself, ask for bombs missiles tanks planes air sup bomb drops food medicine etc etc(NOW UR TALKING)
I like the cut of your jib. No homo.
I'm sure there are some eastern european deep web sites that sell guns.
Hello three letters
Wool sock with a potato in it.
Just tell cops that you're Irish and it's your lunch.
>emergency food
>good marching boots
>quality clothing/bag
Most important, where you’ll go and who you’ll hang out with.
yea or take ur car and drive and walk in a shop... no borders that is if you want to take the risk. btw gun aint anything if you dont know how to stay alive with out one. Dont think you be hunting deer they all be shot in a week by smart farmers. Ask only one question food and water and where are all those that want to stay alive like u. where are the niggers? Do niggers need food? who makes food? defend the farmers or you all die.
the backpack is for trail mix, water, ammo and D cells for the boom box.
Fbi were not gona show you our katrina kits. None of us have grenades anyway. fuck off nao
Yup definetly true, which is why I'm moving to a small town with alot of farmers
I don’t know how useful cars would be. In a real apocalyptic SHTF scenarion it’d be like PUBG. Get shot at a lot. Bad idea.
In a civil war? Your truck will be real useful to your side.
Sir you're a genius
Race War is the same thing as Zombie Apocalypse
just go to an island
> niggers can't swim
Got tips on how to keep it longer? Surely some of that food might rot away in years
man you need way more salt. wont be any for a long long long long time if you dont live near the coast. you die with in a year lack of salt. also need to preserve meat takes salt. loads. speaking 100s kg here. and as soon as others know you have 1 ton of salt they come and take it so..... goodluck.
my cabinets look a little different since last it was taken. the tins of meat last 2-3 years, most vegetable tins last at least 2 years. how long we planning on living innawoods/innadesert?
breh, all the spices have salt. all the tins of meat and veggies have salt. everything has salt.
>We know
Oh ok that's fine then
lol rip in peace in 3 years.
Got any names of places like that??? I'm moving over lol
> y'all mufuggas gots tah givs us yo shit, wyt boi
> gulg glug glug...ay yo
Some bitch got stabbed and it let the air out of her tits.
>grin flares
you're alright burger
Idk how I don't get it
if you think the vets cant use NVG you're dumber than a box of baby turtle shit. they are made so a 4th grader can use them. they are super easy to use.
Since Japanese and Koreans are superior, would you consider Chinese superior too?
Ionized salt doesn't work for meat preservation.
Also contributing to the thread, triangular knives, which are banned under the Geneva convention, can make a triangular wound which cannot be sutured. Just a tip :^)
>you need atleast one of each of picrelated.
That's a pretty gay kit op.
That is boss af.
Weed grenades?
Soup really won't fill you up. Even if you add tuna. I would say the best thing to stock up on is Spam. Protein, you can add carbs to it or eat it alone. Even ramen and cup noodles aren't really gonna fill you up either. I notice the mark downs on the top shelf on the veggies, not bad. This is more like what a normal cabinet should look like, not enough to prep or sustain for months. Obviously when the grid goes down, power will go out. You'll eat the food in the fridge first because it's most perishable then the freezer. Cans and dehydrated foods are last. I would stock up on dehydrated cranberries and banana chips from the dollar tree/ 99 cent store. Make you own trail mix for cheap and lasts years.
just some , almost every old town has a big moat and there are 100s of these 'vestings steden' all build in the 1600/1700 in the war vs French
i like your taste in guns and doggos.
> muh outfit
You better stay home with that crap and stick to your xbox.
You wouldn't survive the first 15 minutes.
Currently working on an s9+. Plan to test on s9, s8/8+, and note variants to get as broad a scope as possible before dissemination. The basic infrared night vision only needs an IR flashlight or laser to function through the phones camera. Has about a 20m range but gets fuzzy far off. The FLIR was just for fancy but should plug and play. Another planned feature is live feed back to somewhere, so patrols could easily be monitored remotely over the cellular network.
Thanks bro, like this you mean?
2 asthma inhalers, 1 rape whistle, 1 cloth diaper, leftover TV wrap in a ski mask, 1960 army helmet and hat plus a school backpack
Sometimes I feel sorry for MY people (dutch) but then I see this and they deserve Mohameth dick.
Ooh shit forgot the knife, Amsterdam gun Capital of Europe and you have a fucking knife. >I come home 24 hours and I can have an AK and rounds, all you did was round up some crap around your parents house
>donder op mafkees voordat je jezelf pijn doet
Is there any way I could hold contact with you? Discord? I need tons and tons of help
>le meme knife