Don't chimpout, be civil and constructive.
Don't forget, Big Brother Is Watching You!

Don't reply to Shills and Trolls : they aim one thing, your nerves, your intellectual time and things they could use against you or the movement

Drop all the infographics/videos/youtube links That you think could be helpful.
Don't be a stupid animal
Improve our spirit
Improve our sphere
Improve our bodies
And we'll add a brick on the castle
Discord pour être informé de la publication des généraux : demandez l'accès.
Previous Thread :

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Other urls found in this thread:éon_et_les_Juifs


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Red pill me on France anons.
To me you guys are
>the most pro Jewish
>the most pro Nigger
>the most generally pro fag EU country
Give me a white pill on france, if there is one to be given

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Si vous voulez utiliser l'image de l'OP sur les réseaux sociaux, préférez plutôt cette version.

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I legit got points off on a composition for the wrong article. Thanks fucking Dexter's Laboratory.

We're still great cooks.
Quite accurate, we have to compose with this if we want to win the political struggle.
Depends where. Paris is lost, but people don't mix everywhere.
we voted against EU in 2005 but it was pushed by our parliament.

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>gatekeeper shill
>my room is kinda messy though.
my sides.
People are actually kinda redpilled on the jews since 2012 or something and that comic guy who got censored for mocking the jews, they are also bored of niggers and illegal aliens,
a poll has shown that 60% of French people want less immigration, even on the left side.
our elites are playing against us though.

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Va te faire encule fdp, apprends ton histoireéon_et_les_Juifs

Sorry, I'm just a half Mexican mutt

hon hon hon, sorry to say but it seems your nation is long gone, mais ton esprits est toujours la!
>t. surrender

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sorry for you user, but with one letter it changes everything.
but if you learned french you know that...

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It was a dumb mistake because I was rushing for time because I only had a few minutes left. That was like 10 years ago when I was in Middle School though so it's just a funny story now.

All good frenchmen died during WW2.
What is left is not even human.
Should end their misery.


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Legit not a shill user.
You guys do have the highest jewish pop in western Europe though
Also your country has been blacked for a long time.
I really just want to know the state of native French nationalism. Is there hope? Will your pop wake up before the absolute replacement?
How is the French resistance going?
I'm pretty redpilled on Italian/German National movements, but not France.
I'm with you lads

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What was his name again? He redpilled entire audiences. Ananas ananas or some shoah like that. He got arrested. Is he released?

It's over.

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IDK about what you're talking about..but
France has some of the strictest anti hatespeech laws in the EU, with regards to the JQ even more so.
The fight in France will be a tough one for sure

Why don't you bleach Beurettes in retaliation?


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I hope you guys can get your things together. Some of us still remember the help you gave us with the Revolution.

Parisians are legit whores, when I was stationed in Kuwait I'd hear Arabs bragging about French women constantly.
Is it that bad everywhere?

pourquoi tu te focus sur Soltj au lieu des informations? je t'ai filé un tas d'autres documents qui montrent la collusion entre juif et communiste, bref
nah man i was talking about your meme about peterkike.
well yeah the situation is kinda fucked, but like i told you on my first post, people are waking up, and i'm pretty optimistic about the future of nationalism in France.
Dieudonnée, i think yes he got several comdanation for what they call here "message of hate"
he's not the only one, as soon as you're known and say a single shit about the kikes, it's the end for you.

Dieudonne. That's it. He was black and mocked the "shoah" in front of laughing audiences.

>You guys do have the highest jewish pop in western Europe though
what about the US ? Yeah, right..

>I really just want to know the state of native French nationalism
jews are hated, arabs aswell, now fuck off with your demoralization

when I post "omelette du fromage" here it's the same for me : a joke or a funny story ;o)
have to go, see ya!

Nah, Paris is a lost cause. Fortunately, it's not the same everywhere.

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Et Roubaix.

... et Lille et Marseille, et Orléans et...

Not denying my own countries problems user.
I'll try to be more POS. I just want to get my finger on the pulse of France RN, and IRL all the French I've meet are lefties.


there's no "lost cause"
we can't leave any part of the national territory to these shitskins.
reconquista soon.

Nah it's over.

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The frenchies I know are all realists.

les digits du général disent autrement.
La situation est en train de changer au niveau Européen, la grogne se fait de plus en plus entendre.

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>no white
>nigger and muslim are going back to the 9th century
>die en masse

now that you mention it...

Je parlais de la région parisienne.
Marseille se dirige vers une partition, ce qui peut nous arriver de mieux.
French in foreign countries are almost all leftists. They don't pay our taxes and don't live in our conditions.
>elected a faggot
>elected a feminist
Kek. Try to wake up all parisian white faggots then. Whenever I go there, I don't see any man but only pussies.
Just nuke it.

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The basic gestalt is to lay low, read, be fit, and be ready
I cannot say what's happening next but it sure does look like the EU is done. Once we take back our constitution, things will start to change and arab/jews will hang from lampposts. Marion opened an university earlier this year to educate the youth without the anti white commie bs. Things are already in motion.

s95vAKwb est un juif
donne pas de (You) aux juifs

Good luck friend. Things are in motion here also, and I'm optimistic (cautiously) for the first time in a while.
The left in the US is losing support by the day, I feel like the same is happening in Europe.
The difficult part is undoing the damage that has been done to our society and demographics already.
There is enough foreign blood introduced, things will never go back to how they were, and I don't think we're anywhere near seeing a true removal of these demographics if you know what im saying...
The commies in the US at least are desperate, and desperate people do crazy things

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In France they now censor far right media and political parties.

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such as using dildo's to attack evil nazi's?


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I suspect we will see actual violence soon user.
The radical college leftists may do nothing, but they've radicalized a lot of browns who may have the balls to act.
There will be death in the 2019-2020 election mark my words
Indeed user, its the same in much of Europe though yeah? The UK has to be the worst still. This censorship just shows they are afraid

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We better act fast.
Even RT is threatened, wtf. But indeed, censoring could mean our networks reach larger audiences.

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Hello French people!

Is there an election or something coming up again? I thought your last one didn't happen long ago? Will Marine le penn with this time?

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RT isn't what you need frog

no elections scheduled in 2018

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vous êtes des connards, les juifs contrôlent déjà le gouvernement, alliez vous donc au black et aux arabes pour renverser le gouvernement au lieu de vous tourner vers ceux (((qui’ils))) veulent vous faire regarder

>Quite accurate, we have to compose with this if we want to win the political struggle
With jews you lose goofball

les blacks et les arabes veulent nous buter débile

ils vous ont bien divisés, rip

t. arabe du canada.
pend toi, les deux sont autant un problème l'un que l'autre.

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diviser pour mieux régner qui disait, ca marche, partout sur ce forum, un peu partout dans le monde
tout ca va foirer, tôt au tard

European elections in 2019. Marine Le Pen is controlled opposition and a bad leader.
Yes we need it. Not #ournetwork but it promotes another pov in a monolithic landscape. And they're the only ones who talked about the censoring of TV Libertés.
Non. Nous au moins on n'a pas à lécher les pompes de la couronne anglaise. T'es probablement aussi québécois que je suis japonais, mutt.
Attacking the jews rn would be a political suicide. We have to prepare people's mind. Our current antagonist is Islam, and it's being pushed down normies' brains. That's our best tool to reach power. A few more terror attacks and we'll be good.

y'a eu aucune division, les arabes depuis le moyen age ils nous cassent les couilles.

les bamboulas depuis la colonisation

ont a jamais été alliés

nan juste les flics

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>Le penn.
It's "Le Pen". And no. From what I read she's just as cucked as Wilders.

agreed. We're not ready for the JQ in mainstream politics

donne leur l'occasion et ils se jetterons dessus

quand tous ca va péter je vais être déjà loin dans la fôret de toute façon
je vous emmerde tous

Paris is lost but Marseille is a Nightmare

>European elections in 2019. Marine Le Pen is controlled opposition and a bad leader.
>Attacking the jews rn would be a political suicide.
Thing is you can't sieg heil and be French President (yet), the overton window is not a meme, the stance is so far right that now we have a kosher possibility with Dupond-Aignant, a Souverainist-Gaulist, dude is rallying the right against immigration and the EU and I think he's the one who could start the avalanche. Once his job is done it will be easier to hijack the right.
>inb4 piss off with dupond-aignant
I don't like him very much, but he's right in his idea of rallying the right to fight back.

lol comme si c’est pas les européens qui sont allés casser les couilles des bamboulas en premier

ta quand même un point pour les sarasins

It will take blood to take back the great cities of our ancestors
Step one is stopping our own bleeding though

Si tu veux robin des bois, encule les biches si ça t'amuse ça te changera des chèvres.

Bonne chance mon tabernak. J'espère que ça va barder là bas.

dit le pédé qui a jamais vu une forêt de sa vie

You mongrels deserve to be overrunned by african niggers since you JUSTed lybia.

It's karma

Native French white baby boom when?

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J'ai le sentiment que je te connais. Ta un fantasme sur Eugénie Bouchard

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Corsicans aren't French

me retorque la pédale qui veut fuir dans la forêt avec des caribous au lieu de défendre sa nation

Depends where. I live in a white village 15km from Marseille. Shitskins aren't welcome here.
Based NDA. He has the best posture to win and change minds indeed.
Ignore ses baits. On va pas commencer à discuter avec les crouilles.
Unilateral and unpopular decision from Sarkozy. Also, invasion started way before. Don't embarrass yourself, stop posting here.
Yes they are, since XVIIth century.

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Oui oui et les Italiens et Espagnols sont Français aussi

wa y'a vraiment des mecs ici depuis des années...

t. hiver2017fag.

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This, retard who believe that everything start with Libya have shit on their eyes.
since the late 60's Europe is getting invaded by shitskin with cockroach-level of natality/fertility

Yeah blame it on sarcozy its not like he was making the interests of you oil jews.
Most importantly france is doing nothing to stop the migration in africa even if it could since all tge military around and the influence on the ex colonies.
They dont really want to stop it apparently. Its kinda like you love niggers. Nigger lovers.

that's the wrong poster.
the hand is supposed to be gloved to prevent people from calling the campaign racist.
you are a faggot trying to destroy the movement.

the main problem in Africa is the high fertility rate of those monkeys. No dictator will ever stop that only machine-gun and flamethrower can.

>Its kinda like you love niggers
>guadeloupe, martinique, guyane, mayotte, la réunion
Yeah, that's France too...

it's not the people, it's the elite and the kikes, stop being a faggot spagett.

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the last thread was about to 404 i did it in a rush and took the wrong one, i asked to people to use this one isead it was an accident, and we are on Jow Forums.

You are great at making excuses like always.
The fact that they are not even trying says a lot more than you think.

You fucked up at the eletction with macron so the people is at fault too.

Définis français, qu'on se marre.
Nice est française depuis moins longtemps que la Corse. Pareil pour la Savoie. Et je n'entends personne dire qu'ils ne sont pas français.
Les marseillais de souche sont ethniquement plus proches des napolitains que des avignonnais
Have heard of Les Identitaires defending our border? Have heard of our ethnovillages initiatives? You're obviously here to shitpost, get lost.
Nobody endorsed this war here. Period.
Where are you from? I'd like to determine how many niggers and mudslimes you have in your ancestors.

Yes our gouvernement are some jews pupet

Yes our people is dumb enough to vote for them

Yes leftist are faggot

Yes nigger are lazy sub-monkey

Été 2015 ici

How did it start in France? I assume the original flood was Harkis being relocated for their safety. But how did it go from that to inviting the whole of Morrocco and Algeria in?

You mean like when we voted NO to the EU but then we entered the EU ? Yes, macron was elected by (((you know who))), not the French people. I'm done replying to you, you misleading, deceitful jew

>Les marseillais de souche sont ethniquement plus proches des napolitains que des avignonnais

Que de la foutaise

the mass media and the establishment shilling for him was so huge. they were also pressuring against Le Pen. Who shot herself in the foot at the presidential debate. This election was so corny, it was manipulated and rigged from day one.

>the most pro Jewish
>the most pro Nigger
Nope, that's you, and by far, deluded ameritard

2005/2006 sur /b/..