How many fireworks do you have for tomorrow, Jow Forums?

How many fireworks do you have for tomorrow, Jow Forums?

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Do you have a loicense for those spoons?


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I'm working

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there illegal actually.

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How does one go about getting those fireworks that go up in the sky and look pretty?

I know they're illegal but I don't care.

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Legal in most of Kansas.
I can buy a thousand right in front of the fire marshall and the sheriff, then shoot them off.

I live in America, so I have guns. Fuck your chinese kiddie toys

You have to know people, and some stores sell them too. It's not hard if you want to find them.

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Just 1, I emptied all the little firecrackers into a pile of powder than put the powder into a ping pong ball and put a wick on it. I’m ready to go, the family is stoked and can’t wait for the show in my backyard.

where do you live? you can tell them that they're for agricultural puposes

They're not illegal with a hard I unless you live in Illinois or Ohio.

Even then, I live just outside the city boundary, and my neighbors hop over to a factory in Indiana to buy about 300 usd in jumbo fuckers. They set them off in the street and the cops never show up.

Shit Walmart by my house has a huge selection of fireworks if you are in the Delaware Maryland area.

Independence Day was a mistake

Directly enriching a country which tirelessly seeks to undermine you.

Keep using emotion over logic burger.

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White guy in background with the huge grin on his face. Lol

drive somewhere that doesn't suck, wisconsin is a local favorite

that's what you think :^]

>they're illegal in Knox county.

Kane, please save us

you can shoot off fireworks all year round in most states
people get firework happy on the 4th of july

I can confirm WI has good stuff.

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>somewhere that doesnt suck
u wot m8

I have a small cannon because I only like reports

also fireworks are illegal, boat cannons are not

I'm in the bay area of California.

Some cities flat out ban all fireworks include the ones that stay on the ground.

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$100 or so. I got a Junk In The Trunk box for the kiddos for 35 and spent the remainder on mortars and shit. I live in rural maine and my closest neigh or drops 3 or 400 every year so it's a good time. Perfectly legal

im in california, anyone know where to get teh good shit?

>I can confirm WI has good stuff.
are the firecrackers all gunpowder or do they do that bullshit where most of the tube is clay?

They're not illegal here strangely enough, you can buy everything including big rockets for (shooting at) summer festivals in convenience stores

I'm not 12 anymore so none. Fireworks are lame and a waste of money.

Zero. I was thinking, though, about loading up one of the BP revolvers with two cylinders of blanks and shooting them off for shits and giggles. I don't support gunclapping with real bullets, that's Arab-tier retarded. But shooting blank charges seems like a festive way to celebrate.


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can you shoot them any time of the year in japan?

Brandon Lee seemed to enjoy it

You can also make a bomb out of sparklers. Just bundle twenty-thirty of them together, secure them with wire. Leave one sticking way out of the bundle, that's your fuse. When it burns down and makes contact with the rest, off it goes.

illegals are in my state

I assume so, I never heard of any rule that you can't, but they only sell them in summer

None - I'm gonna watch (You) set them off!

Thanks, senpai!

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> -guy who lives in cuck state

you just never moved up to the big boi level of fireworks. they are supposed to replicate the thunder of cannons from the american revolution and literally the rockets red glare. thats why we shoot them off on teh 4th. to remind us that there was a fucking war

does it explode or does it just make a big sparkle

Don't have money for fireworks

I miss em

If you don't like fireworks you're a huge faggot

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>not loading your private 20mm auto canon with 1776 rounds and fire them off while chanting USA USA USA
Are you a commie or something?

Wasn't the blank that killed him. It was the bullet still lodged in the chamber when they fired the blank.

I make my own fireworks, the cheap way

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spent a small fortune last year and still have some left over, so I'm not doing a whole lot this year

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Family spends at $300 a year on em.

(You) r mom's lame, which is why I was able to rape her so easily she couldn't crawl away fast enough.

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my gf makes mine. $3 at taco bell

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fuck i wish i could buy those here in california

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Who here /burnban/?

Texas prairie dweller here

>pic from last year

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I've got these and a bunch more that I haven't taken a picture of. Not sure how much fun I'm going to have because all of my family went on a camping trip and it's just going to be me and my girlfriend. I don't drink or smoke anymore so I'm just not sure about tomorrow.

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illegal in all 50 states

Literally burning money. Been listening to this shit outside for days now

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that was in october too. im pretty sure it was arabs or chinks doing economic warfare and setting that shit on purpose look at the coordination

I doubt the police will let us use anything due to half the state being on fire already. Went to Wyoming and bought some fireworks anyways.


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i remmeber shooting those titanium bottle rockets when i went to another state once, they are actually fucking awesome for how cheap they are. tons of fucking sparks, they look so much bigger when they are burning than they actually are

can any of you guys mail me some

bout $350. Feels good to celebrate this country this year.

Attached: boomboom.png (750x750, 1.24M) This is in the Bay Area. Watch the end if you're not going to watch it all. This is one of the craziest guys who does things publicly and records it on Youtube.

Explodes pretty hard. I skipped the middle man and bought a cannon and some pyrodex.

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clean your fucking room, user.

Just find your nearest Indian reservation, they should have some for sale.

also FYI the M-80 looking firecrackers are overpriced memes in america, never buy them. they have the same exact .5 grams of powder as the small firecrackers on the right of your pic, but cost 1,000x more

All the good stuff is illegal here in NC but everyone just goes to SC or TN to get them. No one really cares if you shoot off illegal fireworks where I'm at.

found the nigger / nigger lover

I find it extremely faggy that the small bottle rockets aren't available.

I bought them last year, I think they were like $2 each. Kind of expensive, but worth it for the bang. I like the firecrackers better. I got the "m60s" for my dad because he wanted them.

What? That seems inappropriate.

>Feels good to celebrate this country this year.

totally agree. have you guys noticed that feeling of pride is back? also, i live in california and you can tell all the butthurt is still present, barely anyone has fucking flags or decorations out this year. bunch of whiny faggots

I don't shoot off "fireworks". That's not how the first 4th of July was celebrated and it sure as hell ain't how I'm celebrating.

Live munitions. Those are my fireworks. I spend the entire night shooting off light machine gun fire, artillery rounds and rocket propelled grenades. I live out in the country so I ain't bothering anyone but myself and my fellow patriots.

>seems inappropriate
he is clearly a nigger / nigger lover by the shit he has in his room

None. I have a cannon tho. We're going to load it up with powder and shoot a ball into an old car.

Just make your own salutes.

the only thing better about them is the fuse. if you shop around you can probably find actual mexican or indian m80s or dream about making your own

based reply

launching 80mm HE mortars randomly in an urban environment is the only real american way to celebrate!

just enough to have fun with. pic related

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I see fireworks, furniture, a hardword floor, Ted, and some clothes. The fuck are you on about?

My man

i knew a guy who did this once like 10 years ago but sadly its much more difficult these days, you can no longer find components on ebay like you used to

damn id love to party with you dude!

what has to happen in life to get to that point

Clean your fucking room

none. i think there are some veterans around where i live and i wouldn't feel very good about myself if i went a little too nuts and caused them to freak the fuck out from shellshock or whatever

bubble jacket

clearly a nigger or nigger lover
no self respecting white male who doesn't worship nigger wears a bubble jacket and jordans

I don't think FP is too hard to make. Tannerite sure isn't. But yes, depending on location and color, some supplies may be harder to obtain.

I only have some nigger tier grocery store fireworks. Might as well set my nipples on fire for actual excitement.

t.cucked masshole

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I'm assuming the guy lives in cold weather so I don't really give a shit about the jacket. Shoes... if they aren't fucking obnoxious colors I literally don't look at peoples nasty ass feet.

funny how unpatriotic socal is hmmm

>afraid of scaring veterans by exercising the rights they fought to protect.

I'm pretty sure most of those same veterans would call you a limp-wristed faggot

I've made black powder before and fuses as well, so it is just one step after that to make any sized firecracker you can dream of. I've thought about it. The guy who sold me the m80s said they were the "big boom" in a heavy Indian accent. Last year, I tied one of them to the end of a "Magic Whip, which is basically a long fuse with the small balls from one of those green crackling balls on it, and lit it in the middle of the street. Tons of crackling then a loud boom! I heard one guy yell out from the apartments down the street "GO TO FUCKING BED!" we laughed our asses off.

Break them down and salvage the components.

They are illegal in my state but I think we might be buying some idk yet.
There’s a bill in the senate to legalize them buts it’s pretty much been pigeonholed (boomer bureaucrats want to play nanny state)
Fireworks are an American tradition banning them is 100% un-American