"Cuz we black we cant swim in duh poo?"

"Cuz we black we cant swim in duh poo?"

What are your feelings about black Americans breaking small rules like this? What is the psychology that allows them to have zero responsibility, and a completely and total feeling of entitlement?


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Other urls found in this thread:


if this guy wasn't racist prior to this, he sure as hell is now
how do niggers think people become racist????

black people yelling raicissss raicisss

nothing new here

If the pool was packed I’d understand but there’s hardly anyone in there. Fuck this boomer.

Tell them they can stay if they can actually swim

That reminds me of a liberal family member that was accuse of calling a coworker a "nigger" when before that she was a total anti-racism advocate.

She almost lost her job because a black woman wanted to "get paid".

The same black girl later successfully sued another company, so her mission was ultimately accomplished.


That same family member vowed to vote for Trump now, AFTER voting for Hillary. lol

Fuck you, why the fuck should they be allowed to swim in a pool they shouldn't have access to?

pools open

Because they aren’t bothering anyone and nobody else is in the pool.

Fuck you eat shit niggerlover

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It's called a victim complex and how often their egos are stroked due to their own race by the leftists.


>black Americans

The thing is, most blacks don’t consider themselves American. They have nothing but contempt for America and Americans and believe it is simply their piggy bank and caretaker when things get hard. Nobody will give (yes, things are given in the black community, never earned) you a job? It’s America’s fault for being too hard. It is why they don’t stand for the pledge of allegiance. It’s why they purposefully walk in the streets, slow as can be. It’s why when you try and greet them, they stare at you with a soulless gaze and look away. It’s why they purposefully start arguments over the most insigicant issues and anything can be immediately perceived as a slight against them. They simply can not, and will never be able to integrate. Whether you believe the negro was mistreated and unfairly in the past is irrelevant, as long as they and their Jewish masters continue to hammer into school curriculum they will NEVER want to or be able to live side by side with anyone, white or nonwhite.



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if you murder a lonely man with no family or friends, noone depends him, and you neatly dispose his body, is that ok?
Does the law dont care because, hey, you arent bothering anyone murdering this man.

>trespassing is ok if no one else is around

Want to know how I know you're a nigger?

rules are rules
this is free loading
the tenants pay for this pool in their rent, as well as the privilege of bringing a set number of guests. it's an insurance concern, but mainly it's basic decency that living in a group community requires

damn AIDS preventative medication

Rules are rules you dumb nigger

How would you know, whitey?

And checked.

if they complied and left boomer is the one that looks like an asshole, but family stayed and argued and brought up racism so no sympathy for them.

>don't call me racist!
Boomers really should shut the fuck up. Even this guy was clearly afraid of the racism-card being applied, for absolutely no reason.

If you are being confronted with being called a racist, just laugh it off. That word should have no power over you.

>Rules are rules you dumb nigger
That’s the problem. People don’t use common sense anymore, mindlessly follow the rules. Rule was there to prevent overcrowding but as you can see nobody else was in the pool.


I use to live in a condo for 9 years. Never used the pool once. Why? Every nigger for miles around was in it. Looked like a toilet at the gas station.

They're bothering people by being niggers.

and if jamal junior, guest #3, runs around and splits his head open? everyone's rent goes up.

i can't believe people use public swimming pools. i will never understand it. fucking disgusting, even if there aren't niggers or fat people

pond closed

give a nigger a finger and they take the whole hand.

I wonder if they even lived in that apartment complex.

You have no idea what the rule is there for. If someone isn't using their tools can I use those too?

Rules are still rules and all must be enforced. If you want to be a good, just man, you must enforce all rules at all times.


>Nobody's ridin' that bike, why can't I ride it?
>nobody's drivin' that car, why can't I drive it?
>nobody's eating that food, why can't I take it?
Fuck you nigger. If you want to live in civilized society, there are rules you have to abide by.

>everyone's rent goes up.
Then you pickup your stuff and move away from the ghettos to another apartment.

niggers aren't people

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Common Law, have you heard of it? You steal property or injure people you affect someone else’s rights. Swimming in a empty pool does not affect anyone’s rights. If the pool was packed and he told them residents only then I’d understand

>Retarded nigger claiming squatter's rights on a swimming pool
Pools cost money to maintain. Those filthy niggers are costing the apartment complex money whether you see it or not.
t. guy who has had to maintain a swimming pool

>laugh it off
I double down bro

No one seems to understand this


Checks out, nigger apologist.

>they dindu nuthin

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This. When rules stop applying to one group then they'll stop applying to everyone. If I was the attendant I would ask everyone there if they had the right amount of guests and if they didn't then kick them out with the blacks. Then I'd go home and drink a 6 pack and eat a huge steak before calling up a hooker and cumming on her tits because I used to be a badass marine according to my hat. Then I would try to sleep because if I don't I can't get the sound of helicopters and explosions out of my head.

>2 people per apartment
>3 women, maybe 4 kids
>7 is greater than 2

Speaking of black people in pools.

Check out the color of this water:


Why does it look so cloudy? I'll tell you why, bacteria. If this water were tested it would show semen, dead skin cells, gun residue, herpes, and crack.

There is a decades long history of Blacks fucking up in pools, across America. The same documented behavior in Amusement Parks, Carnivals, Parades, and Barbecues.


blacks not being able to swim in de poo has nothing to do with rules made by whitey, we're just tired of fishing drowned niggers out of de poo.

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Just let the kids have fun. They weren’t bothering anyone. Pool needs to be maintained regardless of 6 extra people that was swimming plus two of the people there lived at the complex that allows them 4 people. They had 6 why be the Debbie downer?

Let's be honest because we all know what went on here and what is always the case. The black woman is right that the white guests are breaking the two guests rule, I'll bet that no one that lives there actually follows that rule.

The issue is the more black people there are the more ghetto/ratchet they act, talking/laughing loud as fuck annoying everyone and making a scene, kids being little shits and playing raucously cause they don't swim often due to being poor. Boom. The rules that were just honor system before now have to be enforced because these dumb fucks don't know how to act in public. In my experience with blacks this is 99% the case.

Once the boomer confronts them its instant victimization time "Ummm why aint u akxing no one else??? We aint even did nuthin?!" Case in point is blacks are awful and need to be segregated from the rest of society.

The liability insurance on the pool probably doesn't cover more than two guests.

>If this water were tested it would show semen, dead skin cells, gun residue, herpes, and crack.

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I used to do this all the time as a kid. We called it "pool hopping". Not a groid, though.

Yeah, rules are rules, blah blah blah. But I never got busted, how abou' daht?

Me and my friends used to sneak into one friends community pool/Jacuzzi area way late at night and have small parties and fill the Jacuzzi bubbles. Being drunk and not being able to tell where the pool or Jacuzzi started was hilarious but dangerous. Fun as fuck times but we had the police called on us like 4 times by the old white pool guard guy who lived right next to it until finally a patrol car just sat in the parking lot for a few nights in a row.
I forgot why I started writing this. Thanks for reading my blog post I guess

And if they leave a mess are you going to clean it user?
Cause someone's going to and the nigger sure isn't unless told too.

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To fair, they're sitting in a fucking pool, not murdering anyone

>it took the boomer over 40 seconds to dial out on his cell phone

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how much would someone have to pay you to drink a pint of that at the end of the video

also, and i'm not going to check this for veracity, but ive been told that pool chlorine doesnt have an odor. it only has that ammonia odor when it reacts with urine. i'm not going to get into a public pool unless i have a gun to my head, but that's something to think about

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I disagree completely. Rules are imperfect because they were made by imperfect people. Just because someone wrote a law doesn't mean that's its just or good, and if rules, laws, and conventions are not regularly questioned they quickly can become obstructive to progress. Following rules without thinking critically whether the rules are good or just is how our actions end up separated from the original principles which motivated the creation of the rule to begin with, yet we hold on to these obsolete, arbitrary and potentially destructive practices due to convention.

In regards to the actual video in question, the pool is clearly pretty empty which makes it silly to try and enforce that rule assuming the rule exists to keep occupancy in check. But the way blacks typically behave, and the way they immediately start shouting racism makes me think the reason the guy wants them out is not because of occupancy concerns, but rather behavioral ones.

>if they leave a mess
Then there is a problem, empty pool with nobody else on the pool looks like they didn’t leave a mess or have loud music or alcohol

The diseases they brought over from Africa could murder the Europeans in the pool later.


I want to throw them all in a pool and watch them drown.

>lonely man
Has rights too

Not bothering anyone isn't an excuse to break rules. Why are you having trouble understanding this? Let me shit in your toilet and sleep on your couch or you is a racist.

Cucks these days....always willing to be fucked over willingly lol.

You are weak. You genes are useless, say goodbye to the future of your input in human evolution.

Take a BIGGGG gulp of that negro feces water while your mom gets tag teamed by felons. lol

Right on...

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>The issue is the more black people there are the more ghetto/ratchet they act
This has to be some kind of law or theory in social science by now. Its so fucking true

To add to this the two guests rule is going to be enforced aggressively now because this vid. Blacks ALWAYS fuck up everything for everyone.

If niggers are going to larp as humans they have to play by the same rules. Fuck your entitlement mentality.

Also we were all white except the one Mexican kid who actually lived there. And teenagers. And we were the only ones ever there because only like 500 people lived in the community and they were all 80 years old

>Not bothering anyone isn't an excuse to break rules.
>In contrast to civil law (which is based on a rigid code of rules), common law is based on broad principles. And whereas every defendant who enters a criminal trial under civil law is presumed guilty until proven innocent, under common law he or she is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Civil unconstitutional law is reason why you need permission from state to drive on public roads.
>Thompson v.Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, section 329, page 1135 “The right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, in the ordinary course of life and business, is a common right which he has under the right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right, in so doing, to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day, and under the existing modes of travel, includes the right to drive a horse drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purpose of life and business.” –

That's correctish about the smell. Chlorine definitely has its own smell, but you're right that the ammonia type smell thats always strong in public pools is from reactions to bacteria

It works that way on the microscale too. My boss told us that if a piece of shit Mexican by the name of JC came into our department, he's going to write us all up for any violation, and especially write-up JC for everything he does. This way, when JC complains of "muh racism" my supervisor would be able to show the courts he busted everyone, and JC was treated equally.

Tl;dr. One fuck up and everyone gets scrutinized.

the two black women dont even live there as evidenced by each of them saying that the other lives there

>This rule is clearly working, so people should start breaking it.

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This post got weird. Happy 4th.

Catch that negress titty at :20

>"Cuz we black we cant swim in duh poo?"
You're black, you can't fucking swim period.

Either you're a nigger or a retard.
Either way you clearly don't understand how private property works.

Its also a matter of precedence. If you let one outside family in, how are you going to deny all of the other outside families that want to sneak in?

What did they sneak into a neighborhood pool or something? Then once confronted they pulled the race card?

Oh shit, well I guess I will be watching the video

>Come on, even if they were breaking the rules, don't waste the cops fucking time with this petty ass bullshit.
I guarantee that guy had been arguing with them for like 20 minutes first asking for them to behave, then asking for them to leave when they wouldn't, then demanding they leave. 20 minutes of disrespect and not listening and he finally decided he needed to have the police do something and remove this menace. Blacks have really learned how to game white guilt though. All you have to do is film a video that completely eliminated the context and 99% of what led up to the moment, say "I was simply doing (mundane thing)" over and over and wait for the sympathy to roll in.

Sure .... Let shit slide. Then the niggers bring sixteen other guests and then pretty soon half the city is at your pool and they start dealing crack outside of the apartment complex talking about reparations and shit. No thanks. Rules are rules.

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> The privately-owned resource isn't being overutilized so black people should have it for free.
Fuck you, looter. These were trespassers on private property.

Great idea user. Let the niggers drown themselves.

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The only place blacks should be allowed to swim is in the ocean back to Africa.

They have 0 power over their world or even over themselves. Whether this is by their own doing (it is) doesn't matter, they seek to take power in petty ways. The classic example are the niggers who work the counter at the DMV going as slow as possible and generally being completely unhelpful, traits true of niggers across the service industry. Thry take joy in holding you up. Another example I've noticed is the power they have behind the wheel of cars. Cut off a nigger and watch them flip the fuck out, even if they had been speeding. Taking that away from them is like taking a toy from a child, it mzkes them feel like their autonomy itself is being threatened.

Each apartment unit can have two guests. One or two of them live there and brought in more than two other people

Happened to my grandmother years ago.

She marched for those retards.
>incompetent ape gets hired at her state job
>about to get fired a few weeks later because she can't even file paperwork alphabetically, type, or exist without ducking up 59x a say
>my grandmother was constantly trying to help her, teach her and cover for her screw ups
>she accuses grandma of calling her a nigger wnd trying to get her fired(even though grandma was brainwashed to help them and had no business in that womans daily tasks to begin with)
>fortunately grandmas boss has known her for 10 years, knows the black woman is a lying sack of lazy shit and cans her

If it happened today, grandma would probably be fired. The black woman almost would certainly be kept forever.

Have a coworker right now that literally hid in the break rooms for several weeks on his phone.
Accused management of racism when they tried to fire him.
He's still here.
Only hiding 5 hours a day now.

Reminder for any of you still not aware of reality....
Black people (ALL BLACK PEOPLE) are incapable of self-efficacy, simply because they are so emotionally insecure they cannot handle reproach.

ANY redirection given them will be met with resistance and it will ALWAYS fall this formula

> DENY - dindunuffin. They will vociferously deny doing they thing you are accusing them of even though you probably have evidence of them doing that very thing.
> THREATEN - next they will escalate emotions by getting loud to intimidate/bully the antagonist from holding them accountable
> RACE CARD - if the above doesn't work, they immediately pursue a "dats raciss!" angle and will not relent because there is no way to disprove racism

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My brother lived in New Orleans for a while. He said there is nothing louder than a pool full of niggers at 3am.

your grandma was a stupid bitch

Everything about this video is retarded. Just let them swim in the goddamn pool. Blackpipo need to learn to swim, he should have let them instead of being such a pedantic cunt. Wish they wouldn't just say raycisst though

You're slipping in your bants, cunt.

But leftists are insisting that any place without a gaggle of blacks is racist.
Pressing them to literally go looking for blacks to bring in.

I'm in Iowa.
>Chicago/Illinois pays long term welfare blacks yo move here
>big companies here agree to recruit tons of blacks from big cities(and hold them to almost no standard of hiring compared to local whites)
>Obama literally had HUD and other government entities press federal and other subsidized housing in to ever town over 10,000 people in the state
>most of the people in that housing are from Chicago/Detroit/NewOrleans
>we now get drive by shootings and violent rapes in small formerly all white towns

Fuck off nigger lover. Not a lot of people in your living room. Perhaps we should let Jamal and his 16 half-siblings hang out in your house and eat your food and fuck your girlfriend. I'm sure you'd be OK with that.

Nigger spotted!!

Thanks it was a good read

>how do niggers think
they dont

they just parrot what jews and their libcommie pets tell their nigger pets whenever they feel like not getting what they want and get angry about it

Few people are intimidated by white kids.

Calm down