Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Let's try and have an actual discussion

Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Let's try and have an actual discussion.

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Imagine the smell.

Fat people are delusional. Why must I find you attractive?

I'm in favor of healthy diets for a healthy America.

I'm gagging imagining the smell.
Anti. We need to round up fat people in concentration camps where they are forced to exercise until they are the ideal weight for their height.

My dick likes chubby girls but op’s pick is about my limit

I see you're a man of culture as well.

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ngl I facefuck fat chicks like that all the time and it's great


I took a couple of plumpers out on pity dates when I was learning how to talk to women once I lost weight - I wanted to puke.

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Who's we? You, your mum and her boyfriend?

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How can anyone with a little brain power be pro fatfucks?

>are you this or that
>obscene abomination image

you fuckers think of the milk and food in times of need for ur babies. good strong big babies

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Driving medical care up, a risk to the workplace thanks to being out for injury more often, more prone to chronic disease, incapable of basic feats.

Fucking hard to look at, (honestly).

Clearly can't be trusted to take care of themselves on one of the most basic levels.

And they're trying to normalize this shit, so they can go on being a burden to the rest of us.

And frankly, fat women in my experience are some of the most entitled little cunts I've ever met.

>"I'm beautiful regardless of my size, so love me."
Lady, you turn my dick into an empty water ballon.

be as fat as you want, but dont try to fucking tell me that's healthy

It's always this fucking Aussie.
Are you trying to research us? Go fuck an emu!
>Let's not be harsh/no incel arguments/actual discussion
Fuck off, you hambeast.

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You have the right to be fat. I have the right to be disgusted.

If that was my girl she would be pregnant for the next 5 years. Those tits feeding me and my children yummm

I can almost see a decent looking girl desperately trying to emerge from that disasterous wreck of a body

the sheer amount of obese slobs shitting it up in america is the main argument against universal healthcare

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I am both fat and against fat acceptance. My kind deserve all the hate we get.

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The cost of healthinsurance should be tied to your fat percentage.

As someone who gets "free" universal healthcare, it piasea me off when I see lazy fatties that rather have their stomach stapled(which has complications later in life) rather than step on a threadmill and change their lives.

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There is no discussion to be had. Fat fucks deserve to be killed, they are not human.

Bit of projection there, fats?

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Pro. Fat people make excellent blast shields and serve as a bait defense against dindu attacks. Keeps me safe from two races at once.

This slide thread every fucking day
kys shlomo saged and reported

Look at the cause of obesity.
Even people who cut all sugars are obese.
Tonnes and tonnes of carbs.
In the same way you don't need 200gr of pure protein a day, you don't need 200gr of carbs, yet the one consistency is that obese people eat more than that.
But why are there that many carbs?
Two possible reasons.
The food pyramid puts carb-heavy products like wheat and other grains right at the foundation of our diet.
If you're smart you don't follow it but that aside.
That system was developed by the Department of Agriculture. Not Health, not FBI, not anybody other than a department that has nothing to do with diet other than selling you a bad one.
The other reason is that carbs tire you out. They make you sluggish, slow, not just physically but mentally as well.
Kikes benefit from that. A sluggish and tired population can't use the maximum of its intellectual potential, and with kids growing up on a carb-based diet they won't learn much of anything at school, let alone how to think.

Also fat people drive up healthcare costs and the really big ones smell bad in an unerotic, rotten ground beef kinda way. Which makes sense, since that's what they have the carb lady at Subway slab on their lb of wheat.

fat accepatnace? most of europe has universal healthcare so tell me why should i pay my taxes on healthcare that takes care/ operates on people who cant say no to sugar or fast food, plus obesity problem is an national security problem, when all the 20 something guys would be fat who would would be the people defending our country

Gas all fatfucks and fat fetishist betamales.

It's carbs because they're less filling and cause people to overeat. It's still about calories in the end.

t. lost lots of weight on both carb heavy and carb limited diets

Chubby/Thicc not so much truly fat. Chubby chicks are the absolute best.

>that 5'1 manlet who eats 3000kcal including 500 grams of carbs and 200 grams of protein.

disgusting!! fat fucks are worse than jews and niggers!

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id fuck her until she ran out of breath

>Am I fat pol?

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i'm pro thicc acceptance and anti obese acceptance

i don't think the size actually has to do with the amount of milk they can produce just the amount of fat deposed there

the smell of what exactly?

more food for mommy = more food for baby

Her gunt

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Anti fat acceptance as the "movement" only serves to propagate the obesity epidemic in America by enabling fat women to further justify their unhealthy lifestyle.

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Anti. I work in healthcare and the amount of manpower needed just to provide care needs is phenomenal. I'm even lucky so far that my back and shoulders haven't given way yet. I'm dreading that day though.

Not only spending resources for bariatric equipment but also using at least 4-6 staff for providing care needs like turning and providing hygiene. Mind you that's for morbidly obese patients.

Obesity is on already rising. As is the health problems such as cancer, diabetes, joints wearing out, organ failures.

Props though if they're actively trying to lose weight.

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This woman deserves to be pregnant for life

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you would literally have to be gay not to

Was there supposed to be logic in there, because there wasn't.

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stong babies mmm

It's a matter of percentages, really.
Those milkers are 2-2,5kg a piece, and almost all of it is fat.
That weight could have been distributed elsewhere and made her a chubby, loveable madam but instead it's done something incredible.

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I'm neither. Some people are prone to get fat easy, naturally without eating a lot. Others are fat because of medication they take, for example weight gain is a common side effect for people who take insulin. Some people are fat because of practicing a sedentary life and eating a lot. Others gain weight not necessarily for eating a lot but because they consume food that is cheap and of poor quality with lots of fat. We have obese people in my country but nothing like we see in America, I believe it all have to do with the quality of the meals. I'm pro healthy habits that should be taught from young by their parents, doctors and school but I don't judge people that I don't know nothing about just because of their appearance. I'm against rudeness, to me that is as degenerate if not even more that some people with a few pounds more in the body.

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There's a thin line between sexy chubby/fat and a disgusting Lovecraftian monster.
My ex was a little over the too fat line, but I saw s sexy chick in there and over the years I helped her drop like 100 lbs. But he sister was a Fucking ogre, she looked like the gold robots from the fifth element with oozing boils under her fat rolls..... I felt sick when she wanted to play with my beard.....
But I agree with R. Crumb about the ideal female shape pic related.

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When you have to question whether or not they've seen their genitals in recent times or if they're even capable of achieving penetration, some rudeness is in order.

she would definitely be hot. nice skin for a fat girl too. photo would look much different if she weren't strategically blocking her gut though

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it doesn't quite work like that intact there can be problems if she is obese with lactation

can't even imagine how fat she used to be to have all that loose skin


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