Just got back on a business trip from Tokyo and it blew my fucking mind. The country is just so clean and everyone is so amazingly polite. Stuff I saw:
>people forming lines to use the bathroom and even forming lines to throw out trash >if there was a phone left on a train, it was just left there, for hours, no one would take it, they were just letting it sit there for the person to come back >i have never felt safer in a city, even at night there is no feeling of shadyness whatsoever >everything is extremely orderly and efficient, roads great, just all feels so modern
How is it like this? Why are they so good at just being polite and mutually understanding? The social trust in Japan is insanely high. And the infrastructure just feels so much more advanced compared to US cities. I love the USA but I was almost embarrassed at how much more efficient, clean and advanced Japan seemed
Many people will instantly say it's because they are 99% Japanese, but there are hundreds of other countries that are also 99% ethnostates that do not perform nearly as well, so that is not it.
Colton Cox
its is an ethnically homogeneous country. Ethnically homogeneous white countries are similar.
Wyatt Watson
Most boring country and people I ever leaved with
Benjamin Gray
best service quality in the world annnnnnnnnnnd that s it.
Jaxson Carter
Well shit, this is truly worrisome. Because this exactly how I felt when I traveled to America like a decade+ ago. This post tells me America is being absorbed into the third world.
Is this true? Interested to see if countries like Denmark or Finland have that same kind of advanced, clean sheen
Dominic Thompson
>boring >friendly >safe
Oy vey! You better import more refugees, goym! Fuck off, Schlomo
Nathan Russell
I suppose you would have been happier if a nigger raped your anus right as you got off the plane?
Ethan Perry
│ │> │3 │
Eli Evans
there's no niggers
Eli Garcia
High-density, heavily inter-dependent and homogenous society. It’s a cultural expression of their rice farming agrarian history. Without total co-operation by every member of society, the entirety of society collapses. There’s room for individual expression in the few moments of personal time that individuals have, but for the most part, they are tightly bound in an inescapable network of non-negotiable relationships that require their cooperateion and subjugation of individual wants and needs to the collective. Essentially Japan is a giant insect hive... a good indication of why asians are referred to with the perjorative “insectoid”.
Evan Collins
I went there for vacation and sight seeing. Absolutely everyone was nice, EXCEPT FOR CHINESE FUCKS Seriously chinese are the niggers of asia
Brody Peterson
Sounds like they need more diversity.
Kayden Baker
you have to kill the rude people. i mean it doesnt start like that but well you give them the cold shoulder then it escalates and if they dont leave you kill them
it was done through history in japan. a samurai could strike any one down but another samurai legally without provocation. when people talk of samurai having nothing to do they think of arranging flowers or poetry. i think of all the rude people that must have been struck down in the meji period just before they stop existing
Logan Johnson
It's a genetic predisposition to cooperation, it's an Asian and to a lesser extent, white thing. Other cultures developed a tendency to individually defect instead of cooperate for whatever reason (wasn't reliably punished for it, cooperation was maladaptive) but mixing defector culture with cooperation culture is deadly. I hope we can recover.
Memes aside, that's what happens when you take care of your own community. It's never been about left vs right, it's been about local vs global. Humans are tribalistic. The fact is that people want to protect "their own", whether it be family, community, race, nation, culture, etc. but you can't force them to extend that sympathy to the entire world, which is what insane liberals want.
It's something civic nationalists will never get. Race really matters.
Either that or your country is a fucking shithole. But seriously, we've gone downhill.
Noah Miller
As a culture they place value on the collective whole over the individual while living in a largely ethnically/nationally homogenous society which creates high levels of social trust. This existed in America, even with blacks, until the flood of Squatemalan and Mexcrement immigrants became overwhelming over the last 25-30 years.
Sebastian Wilson
I'm pretty sure it has to do with the morals at the base of their culture, I might be wrong but that's my guess
But whats weird is that Japan is very "liberal" in the sense they allow people to indulge in all their perversions and internet addictions...And yet they still manage to be very orderly, clean and polite.
Caleb Williams
>99% Japanese >99% nigger/arab/poo Spot the difference
Julian James
They have higher IQs on average than the rest of the human population, that's why.
Kayden Scott
Japs are much more philosophical and creative and full of life than their Chink and Gook couterparts who can do nothing but shamelessly copy.
Carter Wilson
Oh yeah it’s changed. Hell in the last 5 years all of white neighbors moved away and now I’m living next to a family of Mexicans wth 8 kids and a family of Somalians with ONLY 4 kids. Fucking kill me I should’ve sold the house years ago
Wyatt Lee
They are copying us from the time before.
Jaxon Nguyen
Yeah, sure, go ahead and leave your phone in Poland and see what happens. The actual answer is that Japanese society is deeply rooted in showing respect/good manners towards other people (which is reflected by their language, e.g. honorifics and keigo). Add a long history of collectivism and that's what you get. The downside is that since the elders are always right (it would be disrespectful to assume otherwise), they still use things like fax.
Jack Thomas
No niggers or spics.
Wyatt Cox
The Yakuza run a tight ship
David Foster
But are they really that collectivist? My impression was their society is very capitalist and indulging in their own interests which is why they have so much technology, vidya, hobby stores, etc.
Dylan Reyes
You are largely rape babies so your genetics aren't pure. Japanese is almost entirely Yamato people whose bloodline traces back millenia.
Benjamin Taylor
ya odd isn't it. first time in japan. When you say clean. i dont' think people truly grasp what you mean.
Clean is in, NOT a rock, pebble, or a chewed gum on the sidewalk. NOR the road.
And i couldn't find a damn garbage can. So i was wondering how the hell is everything so clean.
In japanese culture, if your rude. your the asshole. So that's how they operate.
But they are fucking racist as fuck. There are places you ARE NOT allowed to go if your white. Period. I forced myself into a club that was "japanese only" by pushing my way past the two bouncers. Who were like 5 feet Tall. Im 6 foot 2, 220 pounds. Lean. no way they were taking me out Sat there, guy comes up. In good english tells me foreigners are not allowed in his club. I said, "look, im in japan for the night, so far it's been pretty cool. I just wanna sit here quietly and drink". after i said that. he was cool, sat with me, introduced himself and told me drinks are free all night. Even called a girl from university learning english to translate everything.
Was bad ass.
Nathaniel Roberts
All whites areas are the same
Asians (mostly Japs) and Euros evolved civility
Brandon Cox
>>if there was a phone left on a train, it was just left there, for hours, no one would take it, they were just letting it sit there for the person to come back
What a bullshit faggot we got here. Supposedly saw a phone get left behind and then just sat on the train for hours to see if anyone would take it. Ahahahaha. Yeah, suuuuuuure...
Juan Evans
>best service quality in the world >you don't have to tip How and why does that work?
Hudson Thompson
Shame first mentality
Ayden Ward
Dubai is like that too. I went swimming at the beach and was nervous to leave my wad of cash on the shore. Nobody looked at it. Some sandnigger even walked right over my towel and dislodged the wallet and nobody did anything. I also saw no beggars, disabled people, or old people. Turns out that all the cops are undercover there so you never know who's watching. I also discovered that my company had hired a bodyguard for me which was sorta sketchy since I never noticed but fear as a population control does work I guess.
Owen Torres
My neighborhood was white until about a decade ago. In the 90s and early 2000s, everyone was nice and polite. Then a family of spics moved into the house across the street and the spic father started blasting his shit music while messing with his car. The spic woman didn't know how to park and bumped my car several times, without apology.
They moved and a nigger family moved in. I saw the father violently grab his wife and pull her into the house. I'm pretty sure he beats her, the savage nigger.
Now my town is close to 25% niggers and it's starting to feel like a third world shithole.
Lincoln Cruz
I dont mean I literally was there for hours. But it was there when I sat on and no one touched it for the whole time I was on the train. I asked a friend and they said, yes, its normal, people dont usually just take something thats not theirs.
Parker Perry
It's a combination of three things. >homogenous ethnostate >110+ average IQ >cultural values and duties that force the sub-100 IQ people to play along
Isaiah Lewis
>hey were just letting it sit there for the person to come back
bait phone, they know...
Mason Lopez
Brother worked there for a while. Said a lot if people made a habot of telling him that they hate foreigners but my brother was a rare good type of foreigner that they liked.
He was like Yeah cheers mate every time.
Benjamin Sanders
Precisely because those perversions are vents. If they can't vent themselves, the cogs in the system will lock up and it collapses. Here it's not deemed as important because of the retarded focus on individualism so we decry the perversions, but there it's vital.
Luis Butler
Felt the same, public transport in Tokyo is just mind-blowing, no niggers or muslims loitering around is already a massive improvement but the massive amount of personal also helps imo.
Henry Sanchez
There's this point on the masculinity scale, where you aren't a thug or a faggot.
Owen Taylor
they should've tazed your dumb ass and dragged you to a jail cell, just for your arrogance in thinking you can do what you want
Aiden Sullivan
>Even called a girl from university learning english to translate everything. Japs will take any opportunity to hit you up for English lessons but hey it means they're usually willing to help you out when you need it too so it's all good.
Kayden Nelson
fax is a huge thing in the legal community here
Evan Collins
thats what stuck out to me the most. any city in america, when you take public transport, you just see lots of blacks and it always feels so scummy
Jose Martinez
They are racist, they don't care about your feelings. They have strict laws that they enforce They don't care about your diversity, equal rights, or if you are being discriminated against. Company job ads say things like " hiring attractive female ages 18 to 24 " and nobody cares. Business have signs that says NO FOREIGNERS and nobody cares
Grayson Carter
Lincoln Nelson
no whites
Thomas Ward
Kek >Touch phone >SWAT team pops out of nowhere
Cameron Ward
He didn't want to disturb the other customers It probably didn't improve his opinion of foreigners though
Xavier Kelly
I walked past a wallet on the ground there that was stacked and left it. Walked past ot about an hour and a half later and it was still there.
Man one Jamal would have a field day in JP
Daniel King
>Pushed your way past the bouncers and refused to leave when asked respectfully because "feelings" This is why they dont like foreigners.
Michael Kelly
>>if there was a phone left on a train, it was just left there, for hours, no one would take it, they were just letting it sit there for the person to come back Off, you call that polite in LA I've had someone get into contact with me from my phone when they found it on a train. And meet me to return it. Also I've found a phone before and waited there til their friend came to pick it up.
Nathaniel Jenkins
>homogeneous ethnostate is orderly, efficient, clean and nice to live in that sounds terrible!
Jacob Powell
>Jamal would have a field day in JP he would be detained for 5 years until he admitted to a crime that he didn't do
Josiah Evans
The social norm that people shut up on the train is also fucking amazing, no asshole on the phone, no retards screaming at each other. Like a dream come true.
Thomas Lopez
The insectoids knew that you were watching, and communicated telepathically to create the illusion that they have feelings. The only reason they didn't eat you is because they knew you would start this thead.
William Campbell
Japanese society is based on the community taking care of the town rice field and if they all.dont get along they fucking die. So yeah they are bound to be pretty polite and shit today
Xavier Ross
because of laws they also have laws no gum on trains make to much noise and they will take you off the train
Bentley Smith
I definitely got that impression in Iceland. Not necessarily more advanced, but cleaner and more orderly for sure.
Landon Turner
BECAUse they are family. Also genetics
Andrew Hall
i want to go back again.
this time it will be without a wife LOL
I wanna get me some happy jappy punappy
if ya know what im sayin. I can't handle watching japanese porn, girls always crying. Makes my boner soft. But I will give them something to cry about LOL BWC.
John Anderson
The mentality doesn't just disappear overnight. Just like Poland isn't communist since 1989, but there was a poll that showed that like the 70+% of Poles believe that wealth should be taken from the rich and given to the poor. It's not a coincidence that the ruling party is the one which promised the most gibs. As for the Japanese, having free time is looked down upon. And "otaku" in Japan is pretty much the same thing as "weeb" anywhere else. Kids stay at school the whole day, adults overwork themselves (e.g. it's impolite to come later or leave earlier than your boss, so enjoy your 12h shift). The first thing a Japanese father will ask about his daughter's new boyfriend is about his job.
Jack Hill
>mixing defector culture with cooperation culture is deadly
*to the cooperative culture
Re: Europe and rapist migrants > be a war criminal in your home country > flee prosecution for your crimes > go to europe to repeat your past > the punishment isn't a death sentence like it should be, or even a slap on the wrist, it's a "helping hand" upward to improving your predatory and parasitic abilities > the liberals and leftists exalt you for being culturally diverse when you're really simply just spiritually perverse
Cameron Phillips
japan also has a very conservative legal system. if you are charged with a crime, you are 99% likely to be convicted. they don't fuck around there, like america does with it's sentencing of criminals.
Aaron Brooks
deeply conservative populists, ethnic homogeneity, zero niggers, suicide encouraged for neets
Christian Brown
Haha holy shit, you're seriously getting off for literally chimping out at the entrance of a night club and then throwing a passive aggressive fit when they ask you to leave.
Because they aren't American-style individualists.
Luke Rivera
How easy is it to score jap chicks as a tall reasonably good looking white guy?
Daniel Clark
why. I walked in, made no sound. Sat and patiently waited for a waitress. No waitress would come and they all ant like ran to the guy who i figured was the owner or manager. And even after that. he came over i was polite and maybe they should have tased me. Cause those two little guys were not about to do shit. They were one punch yer out, kinda guys.
the girls when you spoke to them would always giggle. I ended up at this club. Only girls in it with rows of chairs. I think it was a blow job bar but no one was in there and the girls brought out this english to japanese translation book,but their english was possibly the worst english i have ever heard from a non english speaker. And i have been around the world 10 times. So that's saying alot.
Cooper Martinez
because they can detain you indefinitely
Henry Barnes
Because Japan has very few non-japanese there (especially no blacks or muslims)
Adam Flores
It depends on whether the cooperative culture decides to cooperate in order to drive out the defectors But in these "civilized" times it's rare, we must all be ~tolerant~ of course.
Christian Smith
You sound like a supreme gentleman, bet you would have returned and shot up the place if anyone threw you out lol
fuck that. That's racist. Suck my BWC. I am going to sit and have a beer quietly. You can either be accomodating. or I can sit there quietly until i am ready to leave.
You can make money, or not. Totally up to you, happy moto.
Jackson Sanders
you literally act like a nigger
Gavin Richardson
The amount of outright misinformation, total lack of understanding, and arm-chair preaching in this thread is reaching levels never thought possible.
Been living here for 8 years now. Best country fucking ever. No niggers. No spics. 1 language shared by everyone. There's culture here that's protected and is passed down. Sure, some of the 'unspoken rules' can be tedious, but it's a sacrifice that must be made in order to protect society.
Here are a couple things that happened to me that made me realize this country was fucking awesome:
>Forgot my wallet at a fucking ARCADE, and someone returned it to the front desk with all the money and credit cards intact. >Left my brand new phone (Nexus 6 at the time) on a fucking train, and someone returned it to the station. >Forgot my wallet at mcdonalds and same thing; someone handed it in to the staff.
You see shit like this all the TIME. My wife dropped her train pass and someone returned it. You'll see keys that are placed right next to where they found it.
People just do not steal shit here. Only niggers and poor people do that. Heck, people feel so safe, they leave their phone on the table of a cafe to hold their seat while they go to the bathroom. It's really next level shit.
Landon Martinez
Japanese are the “whites” amongst Asians
Eli Cox
Stop forgetting your shit everywhere you senile retard
Levi Williams
You see than in any ethnostate
Luis Scott
>>Forgot my wallet at a fucking ARCADE, and someone returned it to the front desk with all the money and credit cards intact. >>Left my brand new phone (Nexus 6 at the time) on a fucking train, and someone returned it to the station. >>Forgot my wallet at mcdonalds and same thing; someone handed it in to the staff. this shit would be unfathomable in my city
Brayden Evans
>Man one Jamal would have a field day in JP You ever read the old I Am a Japanese School Teacher blog? Dude dubbed it the Gaijin Smash as an ability all foreigners have.
Sebastian Mitchell
Why do you forget important things all the time? What are you 14 years old?
I have never lost my wallet, phone, or keys in two decades of adulthood.
Brody Rogers
Japs are basically all white autists. Don’t be fooled, they’re obeying the law and social norms because they’re scared to break it, not because they’re good people.
Anthony Adams
I have yet to find out. When i was there for the day and night. I was with the wife. She was shopping when i hit that club. and it wasnt' even a club. it was like two shipping containers side by side, sized club. Music wasnt' anything special. but its were "geisha" type action was going on. Alot of old fuggly dudes, with hot girls. And i asked the owner was that was all about. he said Geisha, but not quite. They do not have sex with them. Simply get paid to be arm candy and pour your drinks for you, and laugh at your jokes and listen to you. Sorta cool and weird. but i got it.
Alexander Williams
It's almost like if you have a police force that isn't afraid to arrest a certain demographic for commiting crimes that everyone respects the law.
Thomas Ramirez
This was over the span of 8 years you guuuyyssss no bully
Jaxson Hughes
Yakuza 0 isn't a documentary
Luis Nguyen
oh shut up, unless you have been in that situation. Suck my balls.
David Sanders
>they’re obeying the law and social norms because they’re scared to break it, not because they’re good people. this is pretty much it
Jaxson Ramirez
You're literally autistic holy shit! The memes weren't fucking lies after all. Are you some Jow Forums who managed to find some line of work?