>least gay That fatty wouldn't be the first choice for those of European descent, more of a PoC taste.
Benjamin Hall
I don't understand how anyone, gay or straight, could ever be attracted to a post-op mtf. The thought of sticking my cock in that mangled disaster makes me feel sick. If i had a gun to my head and had to pick between the tranny and the tranny who had his penis squished inside our and turned into a gaping wound, i'd pick the regular tranny. I think i'd gag from just seeing the mutilated mess of genital remnants attatched to the post-op one.
Cameron Martin
"POC" this isn't fucking Huffington post the word you are searching for is shitskins
Christopher Clark
Organize grassroots letter writing campaigns to companies who feature child drag stars in advertisements in shit, for starters.
If Jow Forums gets its shit together, we could conceal our power level and appeal to normies with the message that "Desmond is Amazing" and "Lactacia" are child abuse cases.
I always knew the thigg meme was just fat acceptance.
Joshua Davis
The average is curvaceous and the curvaceous is a manatee
Aiden Brooks
That pic's a load of shit, here's how it works: >male + male (male) Gay. >male + male (female) Gay. >male + female (male) Gay. >male + female (female) Straight.
Owen Barnes
That tomboy is a qt 3.14
Elijah Williams
I was going to say she is hot.
Landon Scott
sarina's eggplant is way too big
Cooper Lee
female tomboy is more gay then a post-op? I see...
Lucas Allen
Oliver Perry
That woman isn't fat, look at her stomach. And I guess she'd be the least gay/most masculine because wide hips = bigger fertility, the most important feminine trait (biologically)
This board can easily organize to find random flags in the middle of nowhere but can't do things like this. It's sad.
Samuel Sanders
>tomboys are more gay than actual men without penis why?
Caleb Brooks
>fucking tomboy GIRLS is more gay than fucking mft GUYS
Logan Price
there is nothing more straight than humbling a sissy male with your cock
Juan Phillips
>there is nothing more straight than humbling a sissy male with your cock Sad thing is you probably unironically believe this.
it's not sad, it's the will of the Romans, if disagree then you are not white
Parker Wood
This. True alphas fuck other guys in the ass, no homo.
William Nelson
>shitskins Muh fee-fees. Back in my day we just called them niggers.
Chase White
Literally no gay men are into FtMs. They hate vaginas and FtMs are legitimately repulsive even for fags.
Carson Smith
sarina valentina is the least gay among all of these
Colton Nguyen
The most depressing this is, the preop tranny there is more attractive than the post op. Also why is a tomgirl supposed to be gayer than a man with a gaping wound? A tomgirl is an actual girl
Brayden Mitchell
I think the chart is mostly about attractiveness of presentation. Maybe it's saying you'd be less gay if you want to fuck a man who does everything to look like a woman and has no penis than if you want to fuck a woman who does everything to look like a man.
I'm inclined not to do anything about this on the basis that they are cultivating their own destruction-- adults sexually abused at a young age are the most vicious and vengeful people I've ever met.
Levi Watson
Why does the mtf(hrt) look more like a female than the post op? Is it just better make up and camera tricks?
Jackson Edwards
Tomboys are not the same as dykes m8, find another picture for that one.
>getting a 13 inch cock pushed into your anus and rectum feels amazing.
Nothing the least bit faggy about that, OP, never fear.
Jonathan Johnson
... he was talking about top left not bottom right. The fat dude not the phat thot... You give us a bad name. Remove flag.
Ethan Lewis
Nah they need someone who's not to treat them delicately like a girl, someone whos willing to take risks and get down and dirty with her. They need roughhousing and general acts of masculine dominance to turn them on followed by passionate nights of even rougher but loving sex. Then once you've married and had a kid shell become more motherly and feminine but she'll always remain that feisty little bobcat of a girl you fell in love with, like a mother bear she will become the loving and caring woman she was meant to be but be able to fight when her cubs are in danger.
She'll be everything you ever wanted and more than you ever deserved.