why do americans hate Mexicans?
Mexico and Mexican seem good country.
Stop discriminating Mexican
why do americans hate Mexicans?
Mexico and Mexican seem good country.
Stop discriminating Mexican
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Shut up, Banzai.
Fuck that.
Nuke Mexico!
Mexicans hate Americans too you backjumping jap bastard.
I grew up in a Mexican neighborhood in California.
They're Violent, sadistic fuckers.
Saturday night knife fights, hate white people, want free shit, don't care about the law. ...
Last time I went back, there were these Mexican kids playing a game at a busy intersection - one corner had a bunch of small dogs, the other corner would call the dogs. There were have a dozen dead dogs in the street; I still remember those dead sad eyes of that puppy.
Sick fucking bastards every one of them who don't belong in a civilized world.
Look at the cartel videos, and crossing the border illegally..
Figure that out.
build the wall damnit, i don't want no meximutts entering Canada
Mexico is the degenerate version of Spain just as America is the degenerate version of the anglosaxon world
It's a shithole country full of shit people who, instead of trying to fix their shit, want to come here illegally for gibs.
Mexicans are my favorite non whites. Depending on how they were raised they can be extremely redpilled/conservative and decently intelligent. As much as I like their women though, I have to resist the urge to wife one because of what they end up looking like after age 30.
Interestingly enough, when living in Canada, since most people in Canada live near-ish the CAN-USA border, I knew many people who would travel to the USA bi-monthly for shopping trips.
who wont protect your borders
Many reasons besides immigration, one being how how absolutely retarded they were in the 19th century regarding independent Texas and annexation by the United States by vote, invading the newly annexed territory, an act of war. Gets their shit kicked in by us, annexing most of their land, but was nice enough to pay for it, but now claim we 'stole' it yet we've had it longer than they ever had by now and the states within doing better economically than their entire country.
You don't live next to this shit. You can't say anything.
>5'4 brown manlets
>Refuse to learn/speak English always talk in Spanish
>Loud and fat shitting on average 2-4 kids
>Dont pay taxes and get gibs
>Always hear them say that Mexico is better than the US while waving their Mexican flag
>Always seem to have parties every night past midnight playing their loud Mexican music
>Theres millions of them here and as mention before breed like rabbits
They're a lot more I can say but you can get the overall picture i'm trying to portray here.
Mexico is commies now. That wall can't go up fast enough.
>Seem good country
Open those slits you call eyes, nip.
the worst are gas niggers, who drive to the US gas stations and complain they run out of gas when they go home kek
Why do japanese hate Koreans?
Japan and Korea seem good country.
Stop discriminating Korean
I personally wouldn't be offended by a Canadian wall.
>Mexico and Mexican seem good country.
Really? Seems good?
>Why do Americans hate Mexicans?
Mexicans, and all Centeral Americans are a garbage people with a garbage culture.
Your average national IQ is 87. Only two points higher than blacks.
Does that answer your question?
>America is the degenerate version of the anglosaxon world
And yet ironically, America is still more free than the "anglosaxon" world of today. We still got our guns and our free speech. And we don't need no silly telly license, mate. We're number one, keep that in mind as the EU keeps raping you up the ass.
So fuck off. Mexico is your dirty ass leftovers anyway. We should make YOU motherfuckers clean that shit up.
ah, i see they still do offerings to the sun god, good for them to follow their culture and traditions
>beamericangetshot,jpg complaining about violence
thats cute
This country is filled with disgusting low IQ creatures so it's probably deserved.
I don't even think americans hate mexicans. Most people that hate mexicans are other hispanics from other countries
We need 2 walls honestly. Fucking leafs.
>why do americans hate Mexicans?
Oh I don't know ... maybe they bring it upon themselves?
This is true and I remember being particularly confused by that. Asked a Peruvian girl what "andele" meant. She was triggered, saying something to the effect of "only dirty Mexicans say that".
This was way back when I was still a kid by the way.
t. beaner marine stationed in okinawa
>Mexico seems like a good country
Now let's stop there, Pedro larping as Hiroshima victim, under what perverted and tainted scope could you possibly see Mexico as a good country through?
Literally this and only this.
We hate jumping beans
Think back to the 13th century and the mongolian hordes coming ashore. That's mexico, fuck them. We shouldn't have stopped taking their land at after Cali was won.
I have a Mexican apartment complex in my town. it's the only place in town where you might get robbed. Every where else is white as a sheet though.
Mexico is real?
I thought it was just a story Catholic parents told their kids to get them to shut the fuck up and go to bed. Build the fucking wall Americans what the fuck is taking so long? Why the hell can't Trump just pull out 20 billion from the failing education system that tax payers are wasting their money on?
>why do americans hate Mexicans?
Because (a) they're invading our country, either actively or facilitating it; (b) because they're irresponsible with their own country [Mexico should be an economic powerhouse, not the corrupt shithole it is]; and (c) because Mexican illegal immigrants are emblematic of systematic discrimination against the US citizen/nation [note how they enjoy exemption from many laws due to their "undocumented" nature, especially in "sanctuary cities"].
We are a punishment that God has sent. You have abandoned the righteous path and now bend the knee to your new God Capitalism. Repent and the Oceans of Mexicans shall once more become placid.
pater et filius et spiritus sancti amen
Because you should be successful just by being near America. If not, you're doing something wrong.
I don't get it. Is this actually an argument you're trying to make or are you so stupid than you'll take an extreme example to some how strawman a point.
>I grew up in a Mexican neighborhood in California.
Same here. Can confirm all that you said, though I never experienced anything like the dog game you mentioned. I've seen plenty of dead cats and chihuahuas flattened in the street though. But that's more because Mexicans love to drive through 25 mph residential neighborhoods going 60 mph.
My mom actually speaks spanish despite being 100% white, but most Mexicans assume she doesn't. She would frequently get upset at how often Mexicans would mock or ridicule her in spanish.
I'm sorry man thats how the lower caste is man, since they have no real power the only form to cope is through insult and criticism. Mexicans are like Crabs
This video also applies to Mexicans that why even though I'm Mexican I lowkey despise them for being like this.
oh fuck off your eyes cant be shut that tight
I don't hate Mexico, I just wish they'd stop dumping their lower class on us and then expect us to take care of them and then call us racist when we have an issue with that.
Oh herro Japan. why you hate a Chinese? He's just a normal person like anyone else, he eats rice and drives really slow just like you.
because Mexicans collectively treat white people like shit no matter how kind you are to them.
i honestly don't hate mexicans at all, english teacher