>Be this guy
>Get divorced from wife
>Have 3 white children
>Wife goes and dates nog
>Guy plays prank, moves car and ID
>Nog chimps out, stabs him at the ATM
>Catches him two days later
When will white women ever learn?
>Be this guy
>Get divorced from wife
>Have 3 white children
>Wife goes and dates nog
>Guy plays prank, moves car and ID
>Nog chimps out, stabs him at the ATM
>Catches him two days later
When will white women ever learn?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is why women should be property, exchanged from father to husband and not educated. The empowered woman is a more poisonous snake.
you have to get rid of the kikes and their subversive shit, its the only way
so she lost her fuck boy and her husband at the same time?
Why not both?
Oh god I bet she's so lonely
Feel bad for the kids to be honest.
She deserves it for being a stupid hoe, but she's getting off scott free.
>trigger nog
>let him chimp out
>get rekt
>nog gets imprisoned
>no alimony for wife, because kill
>no sex for wife, because prison
>3 children, single mom
her husband was playing 4d chess, i swear
>pitying a cuck
the absolute state of polspastic incel
as a true wh*toid soiboi he died the most embarassing way possible , i guarantee you with ressurect his great ancestor and it would be the nigger bleeding out on the ground and the wife with a broken skull
>inb4 muh jail scare
death before dishonor faggot
white roastie has nig boyfriend kill her spic husband.
Nothing of value was lost.
Is Maas a Jewish last name?
I hope her children hate her forever
This is very naive. Women are extremely subversive as is.
nah, not it's 0% jewish, it's just a rather rare german last name.
trading them like objects is shit poos do
it doesn't instill any work effort in most men if their parents arrange their sex life for them
What did she see in that negro seriously?
dumb coal burner lib blonde bitch. i hope she gets aids.
no the ancients warned about women's nature. women are evil, at least he can rest in piece
also a load of bullshit
>the ancients warned about women's nature. women are evil
For the mud shark, I t's the thrill of fuxking a savage, an underdog.
> just a prank,bro
is this a teaser for the new travis scott music video?
>Was divorced from wife
>She starts "dating" someone new
>Somehow this makes him a cuck
lmao, that fat spic is a fucking moron.
Who gets into a fight with someone who has a gun?
It's not in the article that the guy was her ex husband
feel good for them, now they wont be getting raped by a degenerate nigger anymore
I did the research. There's plenty of other articles describing that what I quoted is exactly what happened to this guy.
The pics are from the guy's facebook whom I doxxed, and the (((Mainstream Media))) seems to have left all these details out.