/sig/ - self improvement general - late night push up edition

The first step to success is to start NoFap. Increased T levels, confidence, energy and overall feeling of masculinity really help with any task you shall embark upon.
Also remember to exercise, even if it means to do some pushups, pullups and maybe dumbbell curls.

Eat healthy, don't drink soft drinks, cut off sweets (except for dark chocolate), fastfood, alcohol and cigarettes (the last two are okey but only in small quantities).

Start reading a book and actually finish it. What I can recommend are:
>White Power by GLR
>Mein Kampf by AH

These two are redpills so massive, that they will change the way you perceive the world even if you considered yourself redpilled prior. They will also increase your ability to voice your views more coherently without sounding like a psycho fedora.

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Previous bread

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Daily movement and stretching keeps you top of your form, ready for anything. I urge everyone to at least work out every day for 30 minutes, weight lifting mainly strength-wise. Jow Forums has actually good sources for bodyweight and progression workouts. Stretching after a workout is a must.

>Diet and Porn
Your lizard brain enslaves you into an ever fattening, ever fapping basic being which steadily keeps you in the under-man state. Cutting out sugar, milk, and cheese is a must, not just for your teeth but your hormonal balance as well. Sodas like Coke even the sugar free ones are full of chemicals that hurt your cortex in the long and short while. Porn, and certain foods are addictives, just like the worst of drugs. On alcohol, never drink to delirium, especially if your monster inside is wide awake.

While this is personal mostly, I hold that it is better to read fact based and historical books like The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, Histories of Sebeos, or books such as scientific literature, theology, philosophy like Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzche, Kierkegaard etc. Books before the wars are usually a lot better than after. Most things are tainted from the 50's onwards.

On Jews I would read these in this exact order, even though I myself read them as they came to me:
The International Jewry
The Jews and their Lies
200 Years Together
Histories attributed to Sebeos
Uprising: The Hungarian Revolution of '56
Blood Libel (Israeli author, forgot his name)

Also a lot of authors make references to Jews from the 19th century. Check your online archives if you have one or archive.org in your language.

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Brothers, always remember that the first and the nobles of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

But not in the REEEEAD SEEEJ way. Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread.

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It feels strange to ask, but does anyone have any suggestions or ways of coping with a death in the family?

>no friends
>no gf
>in a new town so don't know anyone
>hate my family
>addicted to degenerate porn
>started becoming fat, losing the pounds now but it will take a year or more
>extreme social anxiety
>chronic depression that prevents me from getting anything done
What are some good reasons not to kill myself?
I'm serious.

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oh and on top of it all, I'm balding quickly at 23

>balding at 23

holy shit user I would do it for that reason alone

eh, I'll think you'll power through eventually

Mom died suddenly 6 years ago. I was 27. It's been rough for sure. The most important thing I can say is don't run from or stuff your emotions. Running only makes it worse. Feel them when they need to be felt and then be done with them.

> crying
Fuck the whole it's not manly thing. The act of crying actually relieves your body of oxidative stress built up from the emotions.

> would call her cell phone just to hear her voice
> save and backup old pictures and videos
> therapy for 6-9 months helped relieve the pressure so I didn't explode
> use your imagination to be with them.
I've only been able to do this over the last six months or so. It's powerful though and makes me feel like I was with her. The more you practice the better you get

> distractions
> find a passion or hobby or get a family to focus on
> honor them with things they liked to do
> go to a medium
I'm not sold on this but a lot of people are and it's very helpful whether it's placebo or not

don't do it man, think about all the great memes you'd miss out on

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Question: What is /sig/ think about coffee?

I know sugar is pretty bad, but without is, is coffee still cool?

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>Fuck the whole it's not manly thing
there is no shame in crying for the loss of a loved one, it never was considered shameful, maybe during WW2

i don't know a lot about those but i wouldn't risk it, there are some things better left alone

Give Glory to God
Cherish and care for those who are hurt most

Big difference between 'Balding' and 'Going Bald' entirely. Balding can be fixed with some pretty decent haircuts which focus on covering areas with insufficient hair. If you mean going bald, then shaving it early is probably the best bet.

These rage comic things are fucking cringy. I am gonna leave this board now.

This. Dedicate yourself to helping others and you will be more concerned with their well being than yours

so should we just start the keto diet? i feel like it meets alot of the requirements you put out here

>go to a medium
if you are christian keep in mind "'Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Extreme nofap Redpill
>Professor von Gruber of Munich, an eminent European authority on sex, writing on "The Hygienic Significance of Marriage", says that it is absurd to regard the semen as an injurious secretion like the urine, which requires periodic evacuation, but as vital fluid which is not only reabsorbed during sexual abstention, but this reabsorption appears to have a beneficial effect on the physiological economy, as shown by the large number of intellectual geniuses who have led continent lives. Dr. Bernard S. Talmey, an eminent American gynecologist and authority on sex, expresses a similar opinion, and states that in the absence of sexually exciting stimuli, the semen and spermatozoa are produced in smaller amounts and are completely resorbed through the seminal vesicles, so that continence becomes easy and natural; the conservation of this vital fluid, he claims, is necessary for the attainment of the greatest vigor of body and brain, while its loss is harmful, and a man may live through a lifetime in a state of complete continence, without injury, but only with benefit, as proven in the case of such men as Leonardo da Vinci, Kant, Beethoven, Spencer, etc.

>To this letter he made the following reply: Dear Mr. L_____________: "You ask whether the draining from the body of lecithin and phosphorus through the sexual act will hinder the highest intellectual achievement and debilitate body and brain. Most definitely this is the case. Read my article on "Do Neuroses and Psychoses have a Chemical Origin?" in the June, 1936 issue of The Modern Psychologist, in which I show that the loss of these nerve-and-brain foods through sexual indulgence in any form deprives the nerves and brain of needed nourishment and leads to nervous and mental disorders. Our insane asylums are now overfilled with the victims of thoughtless sexual indulgence which has withdrawn valuable nutrients from the brain and disordered its functioning. These pitiful individuals, when in possession of their normal brain-structure, never realized that with each discharge of seminal fluid, they are pouring forth the very substance of their nerves and brain, until a time is reached when their brain is so sapped of lecithin that it ceases to function. Measurements have shown an actual decrease in the lecithin content of the brains of the insane. This was due to previous sex indulgence, as a result of which the sex glands took up the blood's lecithin to replace expended fluids.
>The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.

personally tends to help me out on days I'm feeling like shit, prefer it black, a dab of sugar is fine, just don't over do it

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Guys I have somewhat of a serious problem

Everytime I sleep I have nightmares. Sometimes it's really scary, sometimes just unsettling, sometimes sad and sometimes very depressing. My friends dying, me waking up and seeing somebody has entered my house, my mother kicking me off the stairs (I have a loving family, no idea why), being chased by monsters, bleeding out on the floor. Every fucking day.

An hour ago I was laying on my couch watching a movie. I stood up and smoked something with my friends, ended up calling on the floor and shaking uncontrollably while they laughed. Then I crawled back to the couch and couldn't open my eyes nor move, being sure somebody is in front of me taking something out of a bag. And when I opened my eyes I realized all of this was a 30 min nap.

What the fuck please help

sin no more

The threads arent being deleted? Nice

Post stats.

How much do you exercise? Meditate? Forest walks? How much do you fap? How much do you drink? What drugs do you do?

Do yourself a favor and buy yourself a nice mechanical watch. This is a /sig/ approved move.

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