I am a Proud Boy that was at 2 out of 3 of the major Battles of Berkeley and the most recent Portland engagement. Anything you fags would want to know? PB for over 2 years now.
>inb4 buttplug
I am a Proud Boy that was at 2 out of 3 of the major Battles of Berkeley and the most recent Portland engagement. Anything you fags would want to know? PB for over 2 years now.
>inb4 buttplug
Other urls found in this thread:
what do you think about jews and niggers
What other live action role playing groups are you a part of?
Is the average Proud Boy as cucked or less cucked than Gavin?
Timestamp your proud cuck tattoo as proof.
When are you going to have an event in L.A. or anywhere that isn't 95% weak, small, white s.o.y.boys?
I'm further "alt" than a lot of PB -- I see what the powerful jews have done, i have lurked many chans so that I cannot deny.
Same basic thing with niggers, their culture is terrible and defunct, but as individuals are redeemable given that they are willing to denounce the inferior aspects of nig culture (all of it) and want to assimilate.
where were you when the punch happened?
i did like warhammer for a stretch, thats as close as i got to being a pimply neckbeard larper
average is about gavin, but few are exactly like gavin. some more and some less
tats are degenerate
thats on the LA boys, we rarely host events but decide to shwo up to certain ones, honestly it just comes down to case by case - how much interest/ availability there is. most us have 9-5 and families
How does some one join the PB?
Currently in the Bay area (((echo chamber)))
Just got out of the military.Going to school GI Bill.
giving and taking some of my own
the first step would be to join the california region vetting page, you post a video of your 1st degree, and a vetting officer would get in touch with you about getting you to a meetup to be vetted by the boys. what part of the bay are you? it is split into subchapters but has central command. POYB you should look into it
let me know when niggers assimilate/become white
this is old-timey, baseless thinking
to clarify, the vetting page is a FB group. good time to join too. portland has sent an influx of guys our way so im sure there will be more opportunities than usual to get vetted
not saying all of them, or even close to a majority. but not turning away the ones that do
let me know when the alt right becomes relevant
San Mateo County
What do you think of G McInnes? I kinda be ashamed to be associated with him more than proud, I showing his asshole on camera what the fuck?
let me know when your mother is done with tyrone
so then you're one punch man
i already inb4d. also Jow Forumsacks are too autistic and will forever theorize and purity spiral. we like action and put up with a lot more degeneracy. fuck we all do coke and lots bang hookers too. ultimate goa is to settle down but its hard for a lot of us in generation thot
lel 3edgy5me m8
nah rufio is a god atm everyone is dick riding hard in PBs. deserved though
won't defend everything hes done but i have a history of degeneracy as well so its hard for me to judge. dude knows how to fucking party and is funny as hell so hes ok in my book
What is PB looking for in its members?
Standards, values, and qualities
Are there dues?
Have there been any infiltrators?
Hasn't most of the PBs jumped ship for the Alt-Right at this point?
do you guys help each other out?
like get each other jobs or connections?
one thing the left does that the right has failed to do for almost 30 years now is look out for their own because of “mug bootstraps”
yep we are active
Proud Boys - California Region Vetting is the page
some other vets in BAPB sure they'd love to have you
Do PB take precautions about personal info?
Operational security?
Not looking to get doxxed or party.
Hurt present and future situation
Looking to join group of like minded individuals who will be ready once shit hits fan if you know what I'm saying.
change your name lad.
sounds like some sort of fag fetish group although great job staunching antifaggots.
there have been hardline alt right that got purged a while back. we have had a couple leaks but we've tightened the screws a lot since then, and most only end up on antifa rags anyway that no one with a brain and a job would read.
we look for good guys that are fun to drink with, that will have their brother's backs, and that are sick of liberal bullshit and want to stop the pendulum from swinging further to the left
>I am a Proud Boy
Why would you willingly tell anybody that?
>Anything you fags would want to know?
Where did your father touch you to turn you into such a loser?
thats on the individual as far as public appearances and social media goes, but yes we have quite a number of precautions in place regarding chapter membership, meetups, etc. part of being a proud boy is being proud though. I get the bay area is tough so we don't usually advertise, but if you can't live with the idea of someone finding out you are PB, it probably won't work out in the long run. we still have some of those guys though.
we are that group of guys for eachother but we are also a lot more, ie the drinking and the fighting and the general fraternity. we know eachothers families. we fish and bbq together
ur so cool m8, let me know when the next edgelord meetup is when you clean the cum off your keyboard
yes. PBs aren't a HUGE group. therefore we all know eachother and i know of multiple guys who have gotten jobs through PBs. more that have gotten laid though lol we also do community service and outreach pretty actively
If the OP is true well done.
If not you're a cuck to have to claim someone else's glory.
>let me know when the next edgelord meetup is
You're the Proud Boy, you tell me
I am with the real racists in Portland. We were there on the street with you incognito as crypto-magapedes and we support you in pretty much everything except the gross tranny stuff. You guys did great work last weekend. I saw your one punch man got doxed, if you need extra bodies for his wedding or something just let me know and I can wrangle some goyim. We know how to be discreet and not throw up Roman salutes or anything spergy.
go watch old school Gavin McInnes show, thats how we all originally formed up. its all tongue in cheek, especiall the name and the cereal punching. we actually punch now but it was always meant to be a joke. we know its gay as fuck but we arent turbo autists that take ourselves thuper thereal.
civic nationalism is gay, sage
bro look what rufio did to antifa for interrupting his parade, if they interrupt his wedding they will all become potatoes. appreciated though. we are organized for it, ty
"no enemies on the right" - nice
Interesting, thanks for the info. I will defiantly look into it
you guys are getting better then, i remember berkeley was an "optics" nightmare for us bc of the open sperginess and saluting etc. portland guys seemed legit. thanks for the help
and there's the shill
>people who hate civic nationalism are shills
You should be stabbed in the neck for coming to pol of all places expecting fucking r the donald faggotry. Go back to plebbit where you belong.
Carry on doing what you're doing.
You say that there is a fellowship among members. Fishing and BBQ.
What about shooting ranges, lifting, BJJ, or MMA?
thanks bong #freetommy
there is PBUK if you are interested, solid guys, heavy shitposters
kek are you trying to turf on the internet, you loser?
muttposting activated
yep we go shooting pretty often, about half of us train in something - we have powerlifters and a couple BJJ guys. we do UFC watch meetups too
Are all proud boys fags? Or do they accept straight men?
happy to help, we all found PB through the internet at some point
Stayed up all night Saturday watching and then handling 'optics'.
It is the best optics so far.
The summer will probably have more happenings.
its only gay if the balls touch
also yes, first week of August is going to be big. Say no to marxism 2 and patriot prayer portland 2 are happening that week.
not clear to us what antifa response will be yet, but we will be there
You are a Zionist faggot and I hope you stabbed to death.
portland has been the biggest uptick for us since berkeley and BSM
why don't you leave your cave and give it a shot
Hurrr durrr God bless Israel
BASED GAVIN! Dude eats cereal laced with piss, SO HARDCORE DOOOD!
East Coast Virginia redneck on vacation here in Bay Area. How tf do you guys live here? Why do you not want to kill yourselves at all times, being surrounded by all of these fucking faggots and ne’erdowell creeps.
Np, figured you had it covered. Looking forward to more Patriot Prayer stuff, it's always a blast. Baste hapa Joey Gibson has got some fire in him that's for sure.
Yeah I never thought that was a good idea to do in public. Some may call me an optics cuck but optics are actually important. Unfortunately the people who don't understand this are usually also spergy in other ways and fat or stick figures or something which only compounds the issue. If you aren't capable of putting in the work to get a sikk physique how can you call yourself a proper fascist?
Also I'm guessing you already well aware but it's important to note that we don't just hate people for being non-white, that is a silly caricature that I am not sure even actually exists in the real world. We just recognize that racial differences are real. White people regaining sovereignty over ourselves is our goal, not some Jewish reporter's fantasy about genociding anyone who isn't 100% pure Bavarian phenotype.
Keep it up. PB have found a good niche for dismantling the left. I’m farther alt it seems than the group’s core beliefs, but you’re the closest thing out there. Would join if I wasn’t in the military and have to turbo optics cuck.
You have no idea how bad it really is
It's all so tiresome
most of us are from here, its what motivated us to fight back. it is a complete dystopic hellscape -- you are right about that. texas PB keep trying to get us to become refugees over there but we like the fight. still, we lose guys moving to red states pretty frequently. i myself likely will in few years time- family, commitments, yada yada
welcome to the bay, try not to get aids
What do PBs think of Gavin McInnes? And why does he dress like a fucking faggot all the time?
whats the name of the guy who got KO'd?
Me too. Joey is the man.
I get ya, most of westcoast PBs are labeled optics cucks by PBs in red states, but they arent risking nearly as much as we are so they don't get it.
I get you there too, I believe in the race IQ link etc etc but there are always exceptions to that and a PB brother is a PB brother end of story. we make them all feel welcome, but we don't get panties twisted over racial bants either. Talks of ethnostates is basically where we draw the line as an org.
Same mostly.
PB seems to have the right idea. Not like they're going to give anyone shit for pursuing and having kids with people of their own race. Just against anti-miscegenation laws. Never make the perfect the enemy of the good.
How cringy is the average PB op? Excited to see how the post-Rufio influx swells the ranks.
appreciated. I get it
its bc he sticks things in his butt probably. he's always been a hipster
commie #62 ... can't remember if I ever heard. lot of those guys were SHARPs though
id say true cringe tier is less than 10% and the rest of us work with them, we end up dropping them if they don't eventually gel with us though. my chapter has done that to quite a number
I've been interested in joining PBs for a while but I heard you have to get a tattoo. Is this true? Tattoos are degenerate and also, getting a tat for an org other than the military is cringe as hell.
Hey bud, what are the requirements? I was SIGINT. I’m not a big dude but I am good with research. I’m pretty good at finding things.
I'm excited too
no most of us westcoast guys don't have tats at all. it's a gavin rule that is at the discretion of individual chapters to push or not. our guys dont give a fuck. i agree they are degenerate
nothing outlined in stone, honestly to open the door and meet the guys you just have to post a video proclaiming "i am a proud western chauvinist and i refuse to apologize for creating the modern world" from a legit FB account to your local vetting page and we take it from there
Any PB groups in WA?
yep, PNW are some of our downest PBs.
im not up to date on all the vetting pages but if you look through this thread the info for the california page is posted, go there and tell them where you are from (post your 1st degree video with it) and the vetting guys will put you in touch
are you aware you are a tool for the kike and deserve the exact same treatment as antifa for being a proud goy ?
we also have nationwide secret groups which are basically 24/7 shitposting festivals. highly enjoyable
The name is a joke about a song in the Aladin musical.
I don’t use Facebook. Facebook is for data mining innocent people and using their information against them. I’m fact, I have zero online presence anywhere. I only use burner accounts. Is that the only way? I can provide proof of my patriotism in the form of a giant fucking list of Antifa members instead. Dumbasses think a mask protects their internet.
sure, im probably overdue for a treatment too. come administer it for me leaf
Hi, OP. I have a mild interest in joining, but I find the name to sound pretty gay, and Gavin is a degenerate piece of human shit and unworthy of respect. Not really a question, I suppose.
Thats the way, you can make a burner FB and do it that way, but you will need to show your face (in the private group) to get invited to a vetting meetup. Proud Boys isn't an online club, we need to know who we are meeting
read the thread, then fuck off. don't join if you don't want to. PBs are split on gavin
Don't ask, tell us .
Fuggin' #triggered.
I don’t want to meet you. Or your friends. I just want to send you information because I fucking hate communists. Just tell me where to send it.
Does PB hate the far right?
How proud are you to be an honourary Leaf?
Thanks for your service in the future Leaf Empire.
why did you help the police and antifa as paid agitors to shut down the patriots prayer march?
its up to the individual, we are libertarian after all.
as a whole a lot do, honestly i think it was from last year after unite the right -- there was a lot of open hostility between altright and civnat. i don't. but we have fags and browns and blacks etc in our group, so we do go to bat for them if it comes up.
no muzzies though. or abbos lol
I will send something from Theo Cozingg. My only request is you make them all famous!
When are you going get affiliated with the Golden Dawn, also are you a zionist lot like the other user said ?