Wtf I'm a fascist now

wtf I'm a fascist now

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welcome to my world ever since gamergate.

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>getting mad that feminists tried to tale away my waifu videogame pucci has turned me into a fascist

Fucking neets man

The butterfly effect.

imagine being over 12 yo and playing video games jesus fucking kek how do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Imagine being a fucking Freshman in highschool and getting redpilled at that age. I lost my adolescences. It wasn't an enjoyable experience having friends talk about Media that was specifically made to destroy their minds and you having to keep your mouth shut for fear of being labeled as a pariah.

It's great when you have a great leader.
The problem is after.

me too

you stupid faggots, it was 4 years ago, i was only 28. pls grow up.

This board is 60% retards pretending to be retards
I'm old and proud of you. Take back the planet please.
Queue the boomer memes. I wonder if bots can do it yet.

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>imagine posting
Telltale sign of a projecting reddit nigger.

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Unabashedly, Unequivocally, Undeniably, Undisputedly, Unquestioningly, Uncontestably, Unambiguously, /ourshow/.

Soon they'll come for your hobbies, you won't be laughing then.

wtf same dude like are you me???

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I enjoyed Youjo Senki

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untalked about topic. take notice

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Yet with democracy, your leaders are always mediocre at best. Never can the individual genius gain enough influence to truly steer the country in a revolutionary direction. If by some miracle he comes to hold power, his inspiration will be checked by mediocre and petty talkers and delayers at every turn. In the long term the average representative will also tend toward being a liar and rogue who will sell a bill of goods to the public while on campaign and then loot the common coffers as much as possible while in power.
Autocracies have the notable advantage of the brilliant force of the individual will animating them at the highest level. Even an average man as king will be incentivized to protect the productivity and culture of his country from degradation, since he will be its owner for his whole life, and might also pass it on to his son if that son is worthy.

Fuck man, even sports ave been getting ruined by niggerfaggotry. I just want my fucking football sundays

I've been watching a bit of the fifa world cup, and hell, so many 'European' teams have plenty of blacks.

reinhardt got btfo by an alcoholic and only won because his officers disobeyed his retarded orders

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Reinhard was leagues ahead of every Imperial admiral he faced and was also much better than any FPA admiral except for Yang Wenli.
The plot sabotages his military efforts after he becomes the leader of the Empire because if it treated things evenhandedly his war potential would have obliterated the FPA's and ended the series 40 episodes early with his total victory.

Nigger says no.

I think the kaiser lost around 100 points in IQ when kircheis died.

not everybody has seen LOGH bro

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serious question here -- what are the downsides of fascism? it sounds really ideal because, on paper, fascism really seems to take care -- and think of -- its people through the government. even my really lefty instructor in college ten years ago said that all those "people" were using the term complete wrong. pls explain -- and correct me where i am wrong

Potential shitty leader. Keep guns no matter how good the leader and there'll be no problem.

What show is this?

How about we do a battery of tests on the candidate leader to weed out the neurotic, psychotic, and stupid?

legend of the galactic heroes (1988)!, i think there's a new one coming out or it already has

the remake is shit
and it also respects wamen unlike the original

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wtf you're a fascist now

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>red pill
>you always was

which is why you need immortal leaders

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Did you have any other choice? (((They))) made it impossible to not be one. Unfortunate, isn't it?

zeeks - g-d's chosen nation

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A) love Murica

B) realize democracy is a lie in America. Douche bag vs. turd sandwich. Bush to Obama, nothing changes only more and more war that no one wants. Bomb the Middle East for muh freedums

C) watch some movie called zeitgeist, others about banks, illuminati, 9/11. Watch Alex Jones religiously in 2008.

D) libertarian now. Stay out of politics, just work on life. Super logical in all things

E) check faceberg literally 1 FUCKING TIME during winter break at school. 2016 NyE cologne rapes posted by infowars. RAGE!

F) YouTube rabbit hole of migrant crisis, rapes, and insane SJW madness. Logical nature slowly subsided, overtaken by blood rage. A deep rage that I had no idea a human being could possess. Am I still human?

G) go from never trumper Lolbertarian in 2015 to full MAGA. Fake news on Facebook drives me nuts.

H) want to watch Soviet/Nazi propaganda films to understand media lies better.

I) watch ‘Eternal Jew’.... MOTHER OF GOD... the madman is talking about Rothchild/Warburg bankers, secret society, and satanic Hollywood. Realize satanic illuminati banker/Hollywood is all just jews.

At this moment... my eyes teared up, a shiver went through my entire body, and I had an urge to rip my computer from the wall and toss it out the window.



hmmm i wonder why

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>‘Eternal Jew
The best film ever made user.

>tfw no frederica gf

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First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.



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kek has blessed you sir

Agreed heavily with Alex Jones. Hes fucking insane as fuck but I love him and hes individualistic as fuck. Its too bad the average people is so stale and left or right by default they cannot see how much that holds them back as a person.

I prefer Fraulein Mariendorf myself.

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>falling for the tsundere

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this except it isn't even unfortunate

Seriously. It was like every fight started with the Imperialists at a huge disadvantage, and Wenli's super genius plan was always to trick them into just giving up their advantage willingly by doing this one ridiculous thing, and they always did it, even when they realized it was a trap. They'd do it anyway.

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I'm convinced Lohengramm was based mainly on Carolus Rex.

Because I was a Nationalist.

They never came for me.

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Woops. Meant Imperialists at a huge advantage. Doh.

they had to neutralize the republican strategic disadvantage that Reinhard created at Amlitzer and at the first Iserlohn battle by giving them huge tactical advantages in every encounter after the Lippstadt War

he was at least partially. Count Mariendorf literally says as much about episode 100

Yea, but it got to the point where I started to look forward to Yang's death, even though I still think they did that part well enough.

It definitely gets annoying. I wonder if it's as bad in the novels as it is in the anime.
Either way I can't be too sour about it, since it gives them time to further explore the opposing government types and other themes.

Devour all you can on Carolus and Peter the Great. Two absolute geniuses going head to head.

A revolutionary tactician fights a revolutionary king and politician, Peter's grand strategy abilities were off the charts and he totally renovated Russia in all aspects.

I honestly thing the character development and political intrigue is a solid 8-9, but the space battles were more like a 5-6. I think it would have been better if they had used fewer battles with more care into each one. Maybe a few wide shots of many ships being blown up at once to convey the scale of the battle without having to have 500 clips of individual ships exploding.


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The semicircle meme kills me, I don't think it's of any tactical value. I can only assume it's a misunderstanding of the original novel and what the writer meant was that Yang was using similar tactics to Hannibal at Cannae, having his ships go forward in a crescent formation to lure the enemy into an encirclement.

Are any of you nu
Iggers picking up Fist of the North Star for PS4? English version (dual audio tho) drops in a few months, looks fucking savage and fun as fuck.

it does not matter that (((they)) have names for you, while trying to demonize the truth you are carrying.

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>nu Iggers

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Especially when it's one of the Imperial fleets advancing INTO the middle of the Republican fleets, and then they act surprised and wonder how they got surrounded so easily. Once, they said that was exactly what they were doing, but the commander said they should probably just do it anyway. Or when that Black Lancer commander or whatever was being baited into the Iserlohn corridor and even says he is being lured and that he should only follow them so far, but then he actually just blindly follows them all the way into the entire enemy fleet's firing range. I mean, I don't recall that the ships had cloaking, and I assume the detection range is further than the firing range, so how did they not see the entire fleet just sitting there? Also, why is there a corridor in space in the first place?

I think part of the point of the story is that good generals are few and far between. Generally Reinhardt chooses sensible strategies and so does Yang(With the exception of meme circles). The wastefulness of incompetent generals is kind of one of the themes, I think it's a "Lions led by donkeys" allegory in part.

I just can't stand formations that are obviously memes, I get the needle formation which is obviously a column, makes sense, Napoleonic etc etc, but what about the rest?

I mean, an example is that very early on in the story Yang proposes an alternate strategy (Might be episode one, actually) that would preserve more lives and his senior officers ignore his suggestions with disastrous consequences.

Only because Kircheis died. Kircheis could've won against Wenli.

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Hmm with the eyes sweetie

What does Jow Forums think about Heroic Age?
Does Jow Forums know about Heroic Age?

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I actually finished this. Pretty weird at times but I really liked it. But I can't remember everything that happened, it's been a while.

If only Kircheis were here.

Also the intro is dope:

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For me it was weird that at first look it's about biological gundam.
But after rewatching and thinking about it, it's deeply philosophical.
Treats about transhumanism, touches things like manifest destiny but from both sides, talks about inescpability of destiny and value of a homeland.
It really is weird.

Video games are fine in moderation, cuck. James Woods plays vidya. Be pike James.

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Also it is very much HUMANITY FUCK YEA oriented

How did it happen?
For me it was finding out about the Soviet Union and its Jewish leadership meanwhile everyone glorified them.

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Yeah it was redpilled in many ways and had interesting ideas about genetics. I will rewatch it because of this thread.

It created a startling wake up for many people, it w as a gateway.

>japanese animation ruined modern white nationalism
i shouldn't have to say that

For me, it began as realising in very early life after my grandfather taught me about evolution, that it wouldn't stop at the neck and thus average racial intelligences may be different, I took a stint as a meme marxist but then realised that leftist dogmas were mutually incompatible, I looked for a less authoritarian path in conservatism, then libertarianism, but came to the conclusion that a radical, vigorous revolutionary system was necessary to protect our racial interests, one with absolute power of action.

After the fact I learned that Hans Hermann Hoppe basically realised that even in a libertarian sense the logical ultimate state involves similar interest protection. So I feel like I came to a pragmatic conclusion, and he developed the theoretical base justifying it logically.

Nah, it uplifted us, where our own Western animators failed us.

>not understanding the irony of that show and the ideology you picked.

I don't think you really understand how the two are linked. Both of them are tied to a third thing which creates a spurious correlation, but this will be somewhat explained when you realize that ancaps and young marxists also tend to appreciate some anime.

fuken weebs

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good luck little duck

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You are welcomed here, friend. Don't let shills get into you. Vydias are nice

#WhiteHistoryMonth thread
Go go go go go go go go go go go go

Reminder that LoGH predicted Charlottesville

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Tanya is not for lewd, but for following into battle and giving your life.

why not both

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Yeah pol does that to you.

Me too, but with a lean on mexican synarquism

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>Understands tactics but still leads her troops on suicidal missions

Would mutiny.