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Boosh and/or ka-kow!
Fuck you, you leftist piece of shit.
oh come on, aren't we chastened enough already man? everything is going to shit here. hope you guys get things sorted in your region though
also, many of us really admire what you did to get out from tyranny, and wish we could have a little of that too
Time to post American heroes
Left and right is the same thing to me. Fuck USA terrorist child killers
day of the rake soon
Just some healthy banter between friends. You do have our greatest sympathies with the issues you're facing.
No one said Canada is better.
Both Canada and the US should perish in flames.
why not laugh at both country's?
they're both pathetic
haha britpol is dead
Haha they never show up on this day.
anyone have a gif from the first Fallout where a US soldier shoots a Canadian in the back of the head and laughs about it
just guess it annoys me that people think the fight was between british and american people, not americans and the king
long live america, long live anglos
>July fourth bothers bongs so much that they lose sleep in April
You have to go back, pajeet.
t. chang
Potato peeler license
you worry about the nail in your eye before considering the tiny splinter in ours.
Chinese > India
4th of jewlie
not sure we have nail loicenses, or splinter loicenses come to think of it, oh shit, need to renew me thinkin loicense
>tfw to poor too buy good fireworks
We used to have our national holiday on the 17th of June. Summer, weather's nice, nice time for a picnic or a stroll in the park, BBQ with friends and family in the evening.
Then the East joined. Land of moochers and sourpusses like Merkel. Not only did they ruin us financially, they moved the national holiday to October 3rd. Not summer anymore, and also a grim reminder that we're now stuck with the eternal unemployeds from behind the wall. It really sucks if you ask me.
just do what i do
build a cross on your lawn and light it on fire to show your american spirit is burning with pride and glory
I see you Agent Chang. I swear to god if we had the 2nd Amendment here I'd organize vigilante death sqauds to hunt down the Chinese spies living among us and publically execute them until Beijing got the fucking message. And I'd use Chink Canadians as my firing squad just to piss off their "MUH RACE LOYALTY" shit.
not in these dark times
too much child rape, death, native brits being massacred, etc
i stand with you Britain
its the patriotic way, what is more holy than a cross?
buy bad onesthen, but light at a distance
Saddest thing im going to hear all day. Sorry German friend.
Anons, what makes America so great? I want to hear the reasons you love this country, I'll start:
>I love being able to do a BBQ in a public grill on my favorite national park with my family and friends without redcoat faggots around, telling me what to do
thank you
>tfw live in south and burn ban so cant pop any at all
Does anyone have the "This post carries the full authority of the United States" pic. I think it had an Abrams in it
>US airshow: Plane taxis to the runway with its wing passing right over my head, the propeller only a couple meters from my face; I can feel the power; the rush of being that close to danger sweeps the crowd with awe
>Canadian arishow: cancel the whole thing because some kid climbed over a heavily guarded fence 300m from the runway for two seconds to pick up the bag of candy he dropped
If you guys would just stop being autistic faggots about the welfare state and just implement one on-par with Europe I'd have literally no reason to keep living here.
It's just bants man.
Still a better man than you'll ever be.
get comfy.
nothing is going to get any better until things get much worse, Nigel.
Pic: An American air show in Germany. 70 dead, 400 injured.
HAHAHAHAHA! Get your spoon confiscated ye fuckin bongs!
That gook is fucking real.
laugh at britainia?
you stupid fucks think things are that much better here?
>muh 2A cuz we have guns!
tell that to this guy
>muh 1A and Britannia's pedo issues!
>what is a fucking gag order
shall we even delve into privacy?
>nsa deletes 100s of millions of records
Is clapper, john brennan or any obama era official in jail?
has congress been held accountable besides that piece of shit steve scalise been held accountable?
of course not. because our system is beyond saving and you stupid fucking kids know absolutely nothing about the current state of america.
enjoy licking the boot of your masters, just stop criticizing other nations while our own is complete shit.
fuck you and fuck the fourth
Anyone else fire their guns outside knowing anyone in the vicinity will assume they're fireworks?
if you crash your plane, you win
ehh, things already got better since that awesome man came down his golden elevator and grabbed all the pussies
ivory tower thought they could feed us as much shit as they felt like, turns out they miscalculated, and now they are btfo
When our land is illumined with Liberty's smile,
If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory,
Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile
The flag of her stars and the page of her story!
By the millions unchained who our birthright have gained,
We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained!
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
While the land of the free is the home of the brave.
fuck off you have your own /ptg/ board fag
almost made me cry, almost
>stop being autistic faggots about the welfare state
Is not the real Americans, it's the faggots coming out of kiked schools, most niggers, spics and all the LGBT sodomites. Without them, the vast majority of the country would have such an envy-worthy freedom
needs fireworks
It’s better than Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving combined
I get it.
There's actually a line in the Declaration of Independence that anticipated the day when the US and Britain would be friendly with each other .
We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
A brewery near my house did a Fruhlingfest and it was super awesome
Traditional German music, a log sawing competition, German food and beer, and they had a super old German guy give a toast talking about how he loved Germany when he was a kid
America is best country broys, happy 4th of July.
I laugh at the UK, politically imprisoning Tommy Robinson for reporting on an actual issue.
Happy Burger day, you bastards, we love you!
Now pay tea taxes!
Final demand!
Lizzie is not happy with her colonies...
where did you get this user?
The tax rate in the US right now is several times higher than the tax rate at the time of the American revolution
It's from the failed American invasion of Somalia in 1993. Inspired the film Black Hawk Down
Ah, yes. We like to throw smaller celebrations with beer and food when the weather's nice and we have a day off, usually with family and neighbours. Because that means refugees aren't invited, and the world is still OK.
It was about taxation without representation you fucking idiot, do we need to come over there and kick your ass again?
Im asking source for photo.
Not seen that before, it looks real.
Seriously the best
many frens, many enemies
But we have Representation now
Back then you fags wouldn't let us into Parliament
We love you bongs and thank you.
yes, but guess what.... we are working on it.
Can you say the same thing for YOUR country, brit bong?
What representation did you give to the natives you slaughtered, or the africans you kept enslaved? Slavery was legal in your country for 60 years after it was outlawed in the British Empire. 'Land of the free' my arse!
haha brits, thats what you get, ironically we and the french didn't expect you to become a superpower though...
We actually pay less for healthcare than you do even though it's free at the point of use for us. Paying for a universal healthcare system through taxation is actually cheaper for the average person than taking out health insurance.
The US is a Jesuit corporation. Even Trump and the fake Left vs Right pseudo establishment has all been trained at Jesuit institutions. Most US establishment figures also belong to society groups, one of the many levels of the pyramid the Jesuit military recruits from.
No one in power who's doing their job will ever be held accountable. The only people who die or are suicided are the ones not playing the game.
Wasn't your country literally a colony of Spain at one point?
Only people got the right to vote
>you fags wouldn't let us into Parliament
Have you seen their parliament? For a legislative congress that's supposed to rule 58 million people, it's a pretty small hall. Back when they still had their empire, you wouldn't have been able to fit even a single representative from every colony in.
So you acknowledge that the American revolution's claim of being based on 'liberty and resistance to tyranny' is a total lie?
Here's my favorite reading of the Declaration of Independence on Youtube.
hitler tells everything about how democratic systems will be abused and the corrupt never held accountable, in mein kamf
please read it
>Paying for a universal healthcare system through taxation is actually cheaper for the average person than taking out health insurance.
Bull shit it is.
I've paid into both before.
If you're poor yes the NHS is good.
Once you start earning above the higher tax bracket no, it's shit.
Better to be able to go private and forgo national insurance (though not possible)
Nat class 2 & 4 contributions are a regressive tax.
Something like less than 3% of white Americans could even afford a slave, they were a luxury, like owning a fancy piece of farming equipment. You also conveniently forget to mention that niggers were sold into slavery by other niggers and that jews ran the transatlantic slave trade.
don't you have less than 10 operating fighter jets?
>Paying for a universal healthcare system through taxation is actually cheaper for the average person than taking out health insurance.
>The Tax Policy Center has updated its estimate of the percentage of households that will not pay federal income tax this year. We now figure it is 45.3 percent, nearly 5 percentage points higher than our 2013 estimate of 40.4 percent.
No shit it would be cheaper for the 60+% of Americans who are overweight/obese to have other people pay for their medical care
Happy Freedom Day you fat mutt cunts.
LOL, probably. That's why we don't crash ours into a crowd of people.
Anyway, it happened back in the good old days when that was still an accident. And not a pilot going full allahu akbar.
Tbh this is a much better reaction to the American bait than we had to the British bait earlier. Good for you muhammed
Oi! You got a loicense for that holiday?
>looked up House of Commons
>650 members
holy shit, one of their houses has more people then our entire Congress