Police shot an immigrant in France


Nantes Police Department (NPD) had shot an 17-year old migrant.

There is now rioting on the streets by persons of immigration background.

Youngsters have been starting up fires, have attacked cars and broken several windows.

They have also thrwon Molotov cocktails at the police forces.

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Die die DIE wogface

just another cop doing his damn job

and thats a good thing

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Wtf I love France now

>There is now rioting on the streets by persons of immigration background.
>Youngsters have been starting up fires, have attacked cars and broken several windows.
>They have also thrwon Molotov cocktails at the police forces.
That's what extreme entitlement causes.

Was it justified?

it is almost always
(don't know this case in good detail)


Attached: nantes.jpg (912x510, 57K)

Can any frogs give us some background and updates on this?
thanks Piere. Is there more?

Keep shooting

>driver, 22, gave false identity to the police and tried to escape
>hurting a CRS (police officer) on his way out
>another cop shot him in the neck
>he ded
>niggers chimpout and riots
here we are

>"I know, let's show 'em how peaceful us immigrants are by chimping out and rioting on the streets"
It's like Baltimore all over again, I also noticed a suspicious lack of details on said "victim"'s nationality and name.

fugg :DDD
I forgot the best part
>he was under a warrant arrest

them baguettes enjoying some of that jew brand Culturally enriched, for her pleasure

The only good thing the french have done in generations, desu.

keep it up

So is your country going to go extinct like Germany and the UK or what?

Now Europe gets to learn what's its been like, and how "racist" the USA has been. Chucklefucks.

Wait, who gave the Frenchies guns?

>puerto rico
pick both

>Youngsters have been starting up fires, have attacked cars and broken several windows.
This is a normal Tuesday in France

Do you play football, Jean Claude?

Im actually asking you a real question and not insulting you, triggered frog faggot.

I guess when all the men are as emotional as you that answers that question

Your wife will get fucked by a nigger and you will raise his child

Attached: astheysay.jpg (750x500, 97K)

Stuff like this happens in France every summer.

Croissant Reposition Service?

I think ~40% of births in France are Mudslimes, so pretty much. Keeping racial stats of ANY kind is illegal in France, but there's other ways to figure out birth/crime stats due to the prevalence of genetic diseases that records of which can be found.

France has had more niggers than uk for ages u bellend.

This warms my heart a little bit.

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It's illegal to keep basic census information?

France is more cucked than I thought.

They're just trying to take down the HWNDU flag, this is diversion

Puerto Ricans are lower than dogs


Shut up faggot, we got a good one in here.

>shoot migrant
>[left 4 dead horde noise]

It is ironic that you talk about extinction though.
You're just a colony of USA which can't get statehood because you're non-whites.

Sweden stopped doing that for crime statistics a few years ago. I wonder why.

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Bring out the water cannons


I'm guessing your wife cucked you with one

Thank you, fren.

Shalom, david
happy 4th of July

bonjour, faggot

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We should drive our niggers across the rhine, gift the left side to the french and then blow the bridges up again.

Was it the Gendarmerie who shot him?
I heard the Gendamned are x-veterans and criminals who get called in when the situation is past negotiations.

>There is now rioting on the streets by persons of immigration background.
>"Youngsters" have been starting up fires, have attacked cars and broken several windows.
>They have also thrwon Molotov cocktails at the police forces.
So you're telling me that nothing has changed in France since the shooting?

The only person anyone thinks of is Belgian. Stupid Greek lack of awareness.

It's time for France take care of this shit the right way.

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WTF based immigrants don't take shit and actually fight back. Europeans could ironically learn from them. Then throw them out or shoot them.

>17 year old migrant

Sure he was.


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Be right there!

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Why the fuck you post a suomi article you fucking retard? It's not like anyone else here can read it

I don't speak viking, I don't even know why you're linking a Danish wiki to me.
>implying Jean Claude isn't a French name
Get real, faggot.

They are specialized in riot control.


.. and law enforcement.

Been a while since the last big dindu chimpout

hope french learn an important lesson, and remember american brothers are always on your side

People already know but they're in denial because they're too busy virtue signaling


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Fighting is RAYCISS.

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lel, I used to live in Nantes over 10 years ago, many shitskins went to my gym, one of them was said to be a drug lord. He was a big African nigger on so much gear that he had stretch marks. It's a dump just like every other French city.


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>niggers chimpout and riot
same old

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toplel, I love when normal outlets post pictures like this like it's normal

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what happened to that chicks ass?

>There is now rioting on the streets by persons of immigration background.
This retards go to another country, and expect to be treated equally. Dumb niggers

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Shot & Killed I hope?

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Context : Huge COPS mobilisation in order to watch the
district, following gang fights (drug dealing) and Kalashnikov shoots, one
lost bullet injured an inhabitant.

Facts : Police controls an aimed man by an arrest mandate for organised robbery, and the car is listed for
drug dealing traffics. The man has commited law infringement and the cops want to get him to the Police station
because they're not sure about his identity. The man refuses to get out the car and follow the cops, he goes then straight
backward to escape the police.

And now there are TWO versions :

COPS : the man bumped a policeman when he tried to escape the control, so one of the COPS shooted him because he
thought he estimated it was a dangerous situation.

Some WITNESSES (Bubakar's friends) : the man when he drove backward finished in a wall, no COPS were injured and one of them came to
shoot at him in the neck.

The district, maybe the city uprises, bins, cars, some trade spots are put fire. District inhabitants
taunt the police, more police come to the place to keep control.

Next episode tonight.

It might be a huge happening.

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