It's summer in Poland.
The city is mine!
Where would you take your family for a vacation this summer Jow Forums? You know that many traditionally safe destinations are no longer safe. Why not central/eastern Europe? Jews fleeing from the west chose Poland more often then ever.
It's summer in Poland
Might just chose to visit you, work in construction, and like poles.
No i wont visit poland, except for cheap drinking maybe
shut the fuck up falsettonigger
I know most Americans dont leave their state but a bit of traveling shouldnt be this triggering to you, cletus
You do realize that there are Italians in Italy, right?
Zakopane or Cumbria
whiter than u
Yeah of course?
Everything in our country is great except the politicians. We have plenty of job offers, girls to have fun or to marry what ever you like. But these fucks in the Sejm are pushing commie shit from both sides of the politicall spectrum. PO are an euro socialists and PiS are like national socialists but clearly under jewish supervision. Both of these parties are pushing lefty shit all the time
T. Triggered kuc
I'd like to visit Vietnam, the jewel of southeast Asia
See where my grandfather fought, in Hue
I went to your country a few years back for a visit. (Danzig)
It was great, but a large portion of your population really dislikes foreigners, even if they're tourists. All I wanted to do is get to know your culture and see your touristic hotspots. Drink your liquor and enjoy the food. Spend a load of money in your economy and then after 10 days gtfo back to Belgium.
I know a bunch of Poles in Belgium and they said it's because they're afraid that my money attracts their women too much and they get jealous. Is this true?
>download image of some generic eastern Euromutt on Jow Forums
>Spread it around and claim its yours
Absolutely embarrasing
You do realise that you're part chink with that map, right?
Well, its naturall that our girlls are attracted to the money and its pretty obvious that guys will be jelous of it. But i do not think that this is the main reason that poles were not friendly of you, maybe you were rude or you look too much ahmed or something
None of those. I'm an 8/10 blonde keltogermanic which values politeness very highly.
Was it because I looked too German and was in Danzig?
Yeah, fuck you.
never been outside of my own city before so I think i'll stay here
I see.
I would never visit some backwards third-world country like Poland, where the people are too vile to even admit to their role in the Holocaust. At least the Germans apologized; you "people" committed the vast majority of the genocide, and still show no shame or remorse.
that's why I went to poland instead of germany