Wikipedia shuts down in Latvia

Wikipedia shuts down as a protest to European Parliament copyright directive, which will limit access to Wikipedia and free internet. Computer Scientists and academics have rallied against.

>Good or bad?

>More info?

>How am I supposed to copy paste essays from now on?

I am skeptical, on one hand I am against petabytes of cat pictures, on other hand I don't think that is the main issue of the new legislation.

Attached: shutdown.png (509x681, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Does the EU really want mess with Victor Von Doom?

Is this a reference to fictional nation Latveria?

Attached: wiki_06_2018.png (1865x1021, 561K)

cool looks like Bulgarian version isn't banned, but meme about banning memes and website link tax seems to be real and alive in other threads.

it is real.
our wikipedia volunteers however chose to make our countrymen make some phone calls instead of shutting down the page in protest.

more info here:

In Italy too.

also happening here
EU on suicide watch

As I understand it it's basically a "guilty until proven innocent" kind of thing where they detect potential copyright issues of stuff you upload and then make you wait for weeks before you can actually publish it.

do you think this is good or bad? I am not sure, after GDPR I've seen many US based websites stop working and new cookie agreements, internet is covertly getting worse imo, but I am not entirely sure, if it's good or bad.

its more just economic warfare: pay for expensive filter algorithms or you will be held criminally liable when our botnet spams your website with copyrighted material


Spain as well. I am a student and can't imagine, what will happen with academic resources. Fucking link tax...
I've heard about automated bots that block your upload on suspicion of your contents similarity to copyrighted content. Just find out, didn't have time to read much.

Attached: illegal.png (768x432, 263K)

They coul just remove all pages related to the EU and politicians or edit them adding their involvement in this law.

alright, have to send some e-mails at least, so maybe MEPs do some thinking.

>pic related
when you click on "Contact your MEP" it takes you to a Mozzarella site with AN ACTUAL SCRIPT PREPARED FOR YOU TO READ.

Imagine the gall of these kikes:
>on one side there are unelected bureaucrats creating laws for the entire continent without any accountability
>on the other side, you have some Commiefornia silicon valley kikes preparing a script for you to interfere with selected law proposals they don't like and they are trying to force you to do something by shutting down their services in selected countries.
I seriously don't know which kikes I want more to lose...

I honestly am considering calling just to tell them that I want them to vote in for this law to pass. I was always in favor of accelerationism and this looks like a good start to get the things moving. All these fucking EU normals really need to get the boot come crashing down on them, they fucking deserve it.
Migrants have been shipped to EU for years and no one has done anything, but now: "OH NO! They're gonna take away my memes."
Let it all come crashing down.

Attached: screencapture-changecopyright-org-en-US-call-now-2018-07-04-12_31_39.png (1366x1334, 203K)

>an unanimous

stopped reading there. learn english before attempting to communicate.

>>on the other side, you have some Commiefornia silicon valley kikes preparing a script for you to interfere with selected law proposals they don't like and they are trying to force you to do something by shutting down their services in selected countries.


except giving EU censorship button will make it harder to take them down. Open source cryptocurrencies would grow faster on free internet imo

no it won't. That's why I mentioned accelerationism. You need enough repression for people to take it to the streets and start burning shit down. As long as it's civilized imposing of laws nothing is gonna change.
If you simply push away this directive, 10 lesser ones will pass next. The end result will be the same - repression and tyranny, only with the latter option it will take much longer.

>slav knows english better than burger

Attached: 1130479612.jpg (673x789, 65K)


maybe, alright peeps thanks for discussion, got log off virtual reality for now

it has been shut down here to... in south america

>llama a tus eurodiputados