Under communism there were no muslims and other gay shit in Russia. Now under capitalism and rule of conservative Christian party Moscow is full of gays , feminists and immigrants . I think that capitalism will kill white race . If white race want to survive it should unite under rule of communist party and glorious leader like Stalin or Lenin.
Communism will save white race
go ahead, 2nd time won't hurt
you have communism confused with Stalinism
honestly, people love to meme about the 3rd reich, but I'm so glad we don't live in an age where 70% of the male population is drafted
The modern world has it's problems, but at least we don't have these huge fucking slaughterfest wars every 20 years
>muh not real gommyism
>communism will save the white race
Except for the hundreds of millions of white people it killed.
I'd be surprised at this point if the slavs don't try and walk right into a genocide in the next few years.
I like what the average Russian thought they were. Too bad they were infiltrated by Jews and their progressive multicultural homo endgame.
OP is a boomer.
>she thinks the last wwII veteran will live for 20 more years
men love war in a certain way. war is to men what maternity is to women. sounds fine
Monarchy and capitalism killed even more white people . Millions of children died from starvation or almost slave labor in England in 19 th sentury
I agree that Monarchy should be abolished, but Capitalism has been the single greatest force (next to Christianity) for improving society and the well-being of everyone.
Communism doesn't care about ethnicity, it only cares about class... on paper.
The Communist manifesto says "Workers of the world, unite!", not "Whites of the world, unite!"
>Communism will save white race
Oh I don't think so.
Capitalism lets people be free to ruin their lives. It isn’t societies job to prevent the self-destructive minorities from imploding, and it certainly shouldn’t drag down the performing elite in order to do so.
>Making a thread about Communism on the 4th of July
Communism cares about class consciousness and fulfilment of the members of its society: meaning that the nations are either forced to adapt its culture defined by the host nation, or perish, instead of Liberal multiculti, and the family is protected in absence of sexual revolution, idpol and Capitalist alienation.
Happy excursion on the scaffold , amerimutt
So, how did it go? No doubt Germs do fantastic now... Oh, wait!
And btw, even if they won, they would flood Germany with slaves to satisfy German capitalism (they already did as the war raged on) and eventually have Amerimutt-like demographics there too.
Yeah The Wiggers are always a problem
Looks like one of the sets from the Han Solo Movie
Stop projecting you faggot kike.
Communism is jewish and destructive.
It sends their own soldiers to death by zerg rushing constantly and they kill milions of THEIR OWN people with no avail.
Kill yourself fucking tankie,i'll shoot every one of you when I see you.
give me taiga faggots
It definitely is interesting that in former communist countries they tend to be more homogeneous and more unaffected by identity politics (including feminism). Despite the issues in North America and Europe it is not capitalism it seems to be a hybrid system. Mercantilism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and other ideologies can be found. Democracy, regardless of the instability relative to authoritarian governments, would illustrate the success of the policies by the polls and make corrections, adjustments and addition as appropriate. Despotic and authoritarian governments seem to rather be content to face catastrophic ruin than observe and reform.
>No muslims
>no gay shit
>no food
>no money
>no freedom
I dont know if being so shitty that gays and muslims dont want to live there is a good strategy.
Dumb Nigger, learn your history! There were muslims! kazakstanians were majority muslims!
>It definitely is interesting
It's not at all surprising. Identity politics, sexual revolution and 3rd wave feminism was born in Capitalist west, and had no powerful sponsors and was banned in communist states.
Since the whole immediate effect of those is disorganized labour and deprivation of time and effort for family and private life, also, manufactured identity.
>repeats ben shapiro/sargon soundbites
I don't mind you being a capitalist, but how about you think about why you are instead of mindlessly repeating your favourite youtubers, you spineless piece of slate.
Rapefugees go to countries where they can get free gibbs. All countries ruled by communism are too poor to offer that. Although it works the solution offered by the Third Reich was better
Life in Russia under socialism was better then now , because we don't let muslim shit move to our country and sent gays and prists with other christian shit to the prison . Most of russians even now live in soviet flats and go to the hospitals which was built in SU .
>Kill yourself fucking tankie,i'll shoot every one of you when I see you.
1. Stop roleplaying.
>Communism is jewish
2. Stop Ad hominem. It is. It does not benefit the Jewish state, which was America's greatest ally throughout the Cold War and now as well, not at all Sov or Chinese.
3rd. It sends their own soldiers to death by zerg rushing constantly and they kill milions of THEIR OWN people with no avail.
The sacrifices of the descisive years of industrialisation and the war itself were for the sake of stability, survival and prosperity, and they brought about just that. Without them, a hundred million would, indeed, die.
Kazakstanians were atheists in soviet times
capitalism isn't the problem women voting is
yeah the problem is democracy, oligarchy is much better
Stop being a faggot kike
the people who came up with communism are the same people that came up with globo homo multi culti, you dumb cunt.
The matter of fact is that every ”nationalist” or fascist state has in a relatively short time frame degraded to become just another liberal shithole. The only countries today not infected by degeneracy are the communist ones. Therefore if one wants to be a true nationalist they will support communism, or else they’re idiots or just pretending to be nationalist.
Stalinism is communism in its purest form.
that's because the social philosophy was traditionalist, but you fags call that fascism now so no you can't do shit to save anything
Yes. Even during the war millions of slavs who were considered sub human were imported to germany as labor. Had germany won the war they would have in all likelyhood imported tens of millions of africans and middle easterners into europe, and those who would have opposed that would have been shot as communists. Therefore we can conclude that comrade stalin saved the white race in ww2.
Very close to the right answer. Just replace international Socialism with national socialism or Fascism, which accepts the reality and legitimacy of private enterprise and the class system, and which focuses inward instead of outward, and you'll be onto a winner.
That's because Communism turned countries into such shitholes that post-Communist states have to be extremely Conservative so that their economies can grow.
Lol , fascism isn't mean traditions , fascism mean capitalism and rule of corporations , even multicultural country can be fascist , like modern russia
That's (((frankfurt))) school for you. Leninism is free of it.
I was so stoned in this pic ha ha
That makes no sense. Conservatism is actually quite harmfull for the economy, just look at how the eastern european states are liberalising in order to please western capitalists in order to receive gibs. Furthermore statistically socialist countries are actually richer than capitalist ones. For example east germany has always been poorer than west germany, but they were the closest to west german gdp per capita at the height of communism.
>Under communism there were no muslims and other gay shit in Russia
All of it were under tight control. Migration were under strict control. You wasn't able just move to live in Moscow. Only if there were work place and invitation from employer. Or if you marry on citizen of Moscow. Religion was under control too, you could be of any religion, but you couldn't pray on the streets or display any sign of religiosness.
In universities of strategic fields were unspoken rules, that jews can't be learning there. Due to low level of loyalty as a nation of cosmopolites, having relatives over the border, and having higher, than other ethnicities, culture that cherishes books and education, which were reason to higher grades during entering test. But they still were disproportionly represented amongst students, cause hard labor never were popular amongst them. Only in local universities, but there were plethora of them.
In militia were strict rules that denied most of North-Caucasus minorities to work there. Due to high risk of corruption.
National socialism is quite the amusing system since it’s neither socialist nor nationalist. What kind of nationalist country would import millions of foreigners and what kind of socialist country would privatize its economy?
I like how fascists and nationalists claim that they love their people while they enjoy sucking bourgeois dick
National-socialism is capitalism-protectionism.
It's about defending local market from foreign companies.
The USSR did a very good job of killing off its degenerates. Look at what a shithole Russia has turned into since 1991.
>posting anime
It's the American way of life that is toxic and their "democracy" our Country was alright when we had our German way of living a monarch leading the Country borders shut Germany only for Germans.
after WW2 the (((ALLIES))) decided to turn my Country into some European garbage state promoted traiterous Polititcians that focus more on "Europeans" and Africans and Blacks instead of Germans while being a "German goverment" the sad thing is that only 70/80% of the population is only German the rest are non Germans our people are literally being destroyed by Immigrants i'm from the part where they dump all the Immigrants and it's surreal the towns look like from the 1800's but there are parts of the towns where you think you are in Russia/Poland or Africa/Middle east.
I guess thats the curse when you apparently the "wealthiest Country in Europe" and you have traiterous Politcians that open the gates wide for every shithead to Immigrate
>Under communism there were no muslims and other gay shit in Russia
GULAGS were pretty gay tho..
Communism is a secular mask for Judaism. It was designed to kill all intelligent Whites and leave the rest as slaves.
There was an enormous amount of immigration into Russia and Ukraine during the 30s and 40s to replace a lot of the people they had killed with Mongolians and other peoples.
There were no Muslims in Russia back then because the flavour of communism had to embrace nationalism to appease the Russian population otherwise it would have collapsed.
Stop falling for kike tricks, Rusbro.
that is correct, but modern Communists will continue to call traditional social order fascism regardless, idk why you're acting like that's my fault
>Conservatism is actually quite harmfull for the economy.
Okay, I'll bite, let's see what you have to say.
>Just look at how the eastern european states are liberalising in order to please western capitalists in order to receive gibs.
What the fuck does that have to do with Conservatism? Eastern Europe is turning Liberal because of gibs not Conservativism.
>Furthermore statistically socialist countries are actually richer than capitalist ones.
Hmm, let's see. Vietnam, for example turned Capitalist shortly after winning the Vietnam war and their economy has been booming ever since, in fact, 95% of Vietnamese people love the free market economy that Vietnam is under right now, just North of Vietnam, there's China, which switched from Maoism to State Capitalism in 1978, it's economy is currently at a whopping 6% growth rate, before 1978, China's economy was 91 billion dollars, today, China is the second richest country at in the world at 12 trillion dollar economy, only behind the US with it's enormous 18 trillion dollar economy.
>it were
>you was
russians are like niggers
>This system which wants to wipe israel from the map and promoted white interests is a kike trick
When lenin came to power USSR was minority white. After stalin died whites made up 60 % of the population and after his death the subsequent soviet leaders made increasing the proportion of white population their explicit goal. Furthermore considering how the soviet union produced some of the most brilliant slavic phycisists, mathematicians and engineers in the world, I find it hard to believe that they got rid of intelligent whites.
What do you expect, it's only been 30 years. And everything is built by the SU because there wasn't much of anything left after the war. Do you want to tear down everything the communists built and rebuild just to say "we did this!"?
you are absolutely retarded dude. due to soviet lysenkoism it was forbidden to even identify with any ethnicity.
Guy , you are really mistaking. Government of soviet union was anti-Jewish . They didn't say it officially but authorities prevented jews from entering the universities because many of jews were capitalists before the revolution
So your evidence for capitalism being more efficient is that countries with mixed economies where the government still centrally plans the direction of the economy are wealthy? Do you understand that such systems were used also in the soviet block? Also tell me then, how come is india still a poor shithole since they had a free economy from the beginning. By your logic the free’er the economy the better, so therefore india should be richer than china but that’s not the case.
>Except for the hundreds of millions of white people it killed.
Once again. Stop learning history by reading comics.
There aren't any evidences of any kind that can prove such statements.
Solzhenitsyn is a faggot, that never has have access to real documents and statistic. His books debunked by real historians.
No it's the flawed first stage of communism where it's stated that the system should be controlled a by a single figure of authority till it stabilizes and the power can be divided between the workers. This is where it ALWAYS fucks up. who's gonna give up all that power. Flawed by design
Funny that you mention India, since their economy has a higher growth rate than China (7%) and they are estimated to be the biggest economy in the world by 2050. Adding to that, the Indian state of West Bengal was under Communist rule for 3 decades, that ended in:
>55.000 people dead.
>West Bengal economy ruined, ending in West Bengal being one of the poorest states in India.
>Do you understand that such systems were used also in the soviet block?
As far as I'm aware, there were no private corporations in the Soviet Block, there currently are private corporations in China.
Weren't the Germans saying something similar after WW2? Here as well, the archives coincidentally burned down during the revolution so it was harder to find out who collaborated with the secret police and all that. Must mean it never happened, right?
>conservative christian party
Come on Ivan, both of us know how 'christian' and 'conservative' ER is, these words are a matter of manipulation over a huge mass of imbeciles to drain the state budget and save it in swiss and panaman off - shores. You need the Tsar, it is the communism and internationalism which catalyzed the gay shit and mudslimes in Moscow
"All cultures forged by nations – the noble indigenous past of America, the brilliant civilization of Europe, the wise history of Asian nations, and the ancestral wealth of Africa and Oceania – are corroded by the American way of life. In this way, neoliberalism imposes the destruction of nations and groups of nations in order to reconstruct them according to a single model. This is a planetary war, of the worst and cruelest kind, waged against humanity."
When will westerners understand that they are the problem?
India is much poorer so if it has an equal growth rate with china then still it grows much slower in absolute terms. Furthermore in terms of growth of gdp per capita china is still ahead, ergo the indian gdp growth is largely fueled by their uncontrolled population growth. Also I have seen projections that nigeria will be the largest economy in 2050. I think using data that actually exists is much better than using data which is just predicted to happen, and also it seems like that ”largest economy” has a lot to do with india’s massive population which brings its own host of problems, china will likely dominate in terms of gdp per capita. In addition I would like to point out that the wealthiest state in india (kelara) is also ruled by communists.
PS yes there were some small private companies in the soviet countries.
At that time our government were anti-communistic af.
Stalin were main scarecrow, which were used to descredit USSR and ideology.
Yakovlev create machine that fabricated giant amount of documents to descredit USSR.
Look at Katyn case. Historicians debunked published docs as soon as they were published, later EU specialists did the same.
In early 1990th Russian government were anti-communistic from top to bottom.
PPS China is predicted to be largest economy in the world already in 2030, and for them to keep their place in 2050. India is predicted to only have half their total gdp. I have no idea where you got your numbers from.
>Communism will save white race
>"Communism will save white race"
>he doesn't know
Educate yourself, stupid antifaggot.
Bolshevism was literally political weapon of mass societal destruction, employed by Germans and Austrians against Russians.
Fritz Fischer in his book of 1961 "Germany's aims in the First World War" proves it.
All good except that the USSR that Stalin built was not communist, it was a "multi national nationalist thingie ruled by Slavs"...the whole socialism/communism thing because a PR LARP to fool the niggers and White retards.
Post Stalin USSR was based af, at every level including "Jew awareness" unfortunately it was stuck with a system without a market system and therefore dependent on the JEWest for mass production technology.
under the tzar rule russia had no jews and no muslims. putin needs to return the tzar.
At least have the decency to use your government-issued VPN, Ivan.
I will post the relevant quotes: 1/4
>The promotion of revolution as a means of warfare was an aspect of the war aim of breaking up the British and the Russian empires. The most vulnerable points of France and Britain seemed to be among their coloured colonial subjects, while Russia offered fields for subversion among her non-Russian peoples…
Favourable fields for Germany’s subversive activities in Russia were offered by the national movements of the non-Russian peoples from Finland to the Caucasus and by the aggravated social problem created by rapid industrialisation. Both social and the national grievances had found explosive vent in the revolution of 1905-6 and both had since continued to work in inseparable combination: The failure of the Russian revolution had further produced a great wave of emigration, which had spread all over Europe/When world war broke out the German government could at once turn to the Russian emigres as agents for revolution in Russia…
“The Foreign Ministry had begun its preparations for the ‘liberation’ of Poland at the end of July, even before the outbreak of actual hostilities. As early as August 5, 1914, Jagow told the German ambassador in Vienna that ‘our troops are carrying in their pockets proclamations for the liberation of Poland’. On August 3 Zimmermann telegraphed instructions to the German embassy in Constantinople that the Caucasus was to be raised against Russia. … Thus by August 6, only a week after the declaration of war, Germany’s plans for revolutionising the East from Finland to the Black Sea had been laid…
It was in this connection that the Chancellor first sketched out his idea of Germany’s New Order in the East, a month before his September Programme. The ‘principles’ for the leaflets to be circulated in Finland were, according to Bethmann Hollweg’s instructions, to describe Germany’s war aims in the East openly as ‘liberation and security for the peoples subjugated by Russia, Russian despotism to be thrown back on Moscow’. The Ukrainian question also made its appearance at the beginning of August. Revolution was openly acknowledged as a means of warfare and as an aim of war, a fact admitted at the time by the leading German statesmen themselves.
Instructions of August 1 1, 1914, from the Chancellor to the German embassy in Vienna, drafted by Jagow, are revealing on this point. They define the aims of German policy in the following words :
To produce revolution, not only in Poland but also in the Ukraine, seems to us very important :
1 . As a means of warfare against Russia,
2. Because should the war end favourably for us the creation of several buffer states between Russia and Germany and Austria-Hungary would be desirable as a means of relieving the pressure of the Russian colossus on western Europe and thrusting Russia back to the east, as far as possible…
In August, 1914, (the German Consul-General in Lvov) Heinze… classed the Zionist movement with the Polish and Ukrainian as the third ‘strong movement against Tsarism’. The Jews of Russia were counted as a quasi-German element, if only on account of their Yiddish speech; on the other hand, they were a minority living under a special dispensation, confined to a strip along the western frontier of Russia, and in the two decades before the World War had frequently been the victims of the notorious pogroms whereby the Tsarist regime had sought to divert attention from its own internal difficulties.
In the days which brought the outbreak of war all German Jewry, including the Zionists (who formed only a minority), were a prey to national excitement. The Cologne Judiciary Councillor Max Bodenheimer, one of the founders of the ‘Zionist Association for Germany’, approached the military authorities in the Rhineland with a proposal for a proclamation to the Jews of Russia. Through Hutten- Czapski’s mediation he was put in touch with Diego von Bergen, the Foreign Ministry’s specialist for revolutions, who was himself thinking along similar lines. On August 1 7 official consent was secured for the foundation of a ‘Committee for the Liberation of the Jews of Russia’, the Presidency of which was assumed by the Berlin sociologist, Professor Franz Oppenheimer, with Bodenheimer as Vice- Chairman. The Committee was approved by the Central Committee of the International Zionist League in Berlin, under Professor Otto Warburg, and soon came to enjoy the support of Germany’s non- Zionist Jews as well. This development filled the German government with most sanguine hopes.
On August 17 an appeal to the Jews of Russia, signed by the Supreme Command of the German and Austrian armies, called on them to rise in arms, promising them ‘equal civic rights for all, free exercise of their religion and their civil callings and free choice of residence within any territory occupied in future by the Central Powers’. In this as in other leaflets as, for example, those distributed by the Jewish Committees in Galicia, the Jews were adjured in burning words to avenge themselves for the pogroms:
‘Jews of Russia! Rise! Spring to arms! Help hunt the Moskal out of the West, out of Poland, Lithuania, White Russia, Volhynia and Podolia ! Freedom is coming from Europe . . . !’ …
Surprisingly, it was not Germany but Austria-Hungary which first suggested the possibility of using the Russian revolutionaries for the purposes of the Central Powers. At the beginning of August, 1914, as Tschirschky reported to Berlin on August 6, the Austrians had ‘advised all Russian revolutionaries in Switzerland to return to Russia via Austria’. Romberg, in Berne, sent a long report to the Foreign Ministry at the beginning of October pointing out the presence of numerous Russian revolutionaries in Switzerland and their potential usefulness for Germany’s purposes. On December 26 the German minister in Bucharest, von dem Bussche, reported on the beginning of a Russian revolutionary movement. He further recommended letting German Socialists collaborate, whereupon the Foreign Ministry sent Sudekum, the Reichstag deputy, to Bucharest at the beginning of January, 1915, where he negotiated with Russian revolutionaries. Finally, on January 8, 1915, Wangenheim, in Constantinople, drew the attention of the Foreign Ministry to Parvus Helphand, the key figure in the complex ramifications of the revolutionising of Russia. Helphand was at that time employed by the Turkish government as a financial expert. He had recommended himself to the German embassy in the following words :
Russian democracy could only achieve its goals through the complete destruction of Tsarism and the dismemberment of Russia into smaller states. Germany, for her part, would not achieve full success unless she succeeded in starting a major revolution in Russia. The Russian danger would, however, continue even after the war so long as the Russian Empire was not dismembered into its component parts. The interests of the German government were identical with those of the Russian revolutionaries.
Helphand’s idea of dismembering and weakening Russia accorded with Bethmann Hollweg’s thinking in August-September, 1914. The new element was a combination of social with national revolution.
Zimmermann, and after him Bethmann Hollweg and Jagow, at once took up Wangenheim’s suggestion of using Helphand. The Chancellor sent his special confidant, Kurt Riezler, from General Headquarters to get in touch with Helphand, whom the Foreign Ministry had meanwhile had brought to Berlin….
Helphand thought it particularly important to revolutionise Siberia, because its representatives in the Duma were
Socialists. He said that it was purely a question of money to contrive the escape of the political deportees to Russia in Europe, and thus to secure thousands of ‘highly efficient agitators’. Their return would, he thought, produce an effect on the Socialist party centres and drive them into the United Front. An extensive press campaign should be initiated, especially with the help of Socialist papers in neutral countries, to support revolutionary activity in Russia. He attached great importance to agitation in North America, where the numerous Jews formed an element which was very susceptible to anti-Tsarist propaganda. If the millions of immigrants from Russia were roused, American public opinion would undoubtedly be affected. The agitation abroad must in his view inevitably be reflected in Russia; at the least it would provoke reprisals by the government against the Socialist movement which would inflame the masses still further against Tsarism and finally force the government to employ the army against the people…”
Read about Jacob Schiff, and 20 million $ funding of Wall Street to Bolsheviks
Death is a preferable alternative to communism
>Furthermore in terms of growth of gdp per capita china is still ahead
And China is more Capitalist than India.
>And also it seems like that ”largest economy” has a lot to do with india’s massive population.
Kind of, it's because a lot of Western companies are moving their manufacturing to India, instead of China, because it's cheaper there.
>Also I have seen projections that nigeria will be the largest economy in 2050. I think using data that actually exists is much better than using data which is just predicted to happen.
It's based on India's current growth rate.
>In addition I would like to point out that the wealthiest state in india (kelara) is also ruled by communists.
Kerala has the highest unemployment and homelessness rate in India, trade union strikes have badly hampered the states economy. Kerala is average in terms of GDP per capita, the highest GDP per capita state in India is Delhi. It does have the highest literacy rate in India (courtesy of a lot of British schools and infrastructure built there during the rule of the British Raj.)
>PS yes there were some small private companies in the soviet countries.
That's the difference, private Soviet companies were small, while some Chinese companies are huge conglomerates.
>ruled by Slavs
Djugashvili is a real Stalin's name.
Beria - same story.
USSR had multi-ethnic government
I had the luck of studying in Russia and I agree with you. Nazbol should be more than a meme again.
Do you have a link to these "rules of communism"?
If you are going to post red scare tier bullshit propaganda at least do it right
>PPS China is predicted to be largest economy in the world already in 2030
China is predicted to be on par with the US by 2030, and then continue to outgrow the US.
>I have no idea where you got your numbers from.
Idk, last year it said that India will be the largest economy by 2050. Dunno what happened.
It was like 85% jews before Stalin took over started cleaning house.
Even after, there were a lot of jews at the top.
And both Stalin and Beria were Georgian
How is china more capitalist than india? The chinese state owns all major industries and controls private companies, and also it employs more than half of the population in the public sector. Furthermore china today has about equal growth rate of total gdp with india, so even if we used your method china would still have a bigger economy than india in 2050.
>zerg rushing constantly
ratio of KIA.
Reich 1 - 1.3 USSR
Best war machine in history of mankind and army of unprepared country with not finished industrialization
Stalin was not a Jew and that was proven to be total BS and there is extensive evidence that he hated the Jews. Beria was kept around because he was an extremely efficient cowardly little Jew that did what he was told to do with great efficiency.
Stalin and his circle literally fucked the (((bolsheviks))) up. Since Stalin you could hardly find a non-Slav in positions of power and influence, a few Russian gooks here and there but that's it.
Under communism there was no food either.
Agree except the part that there were lots of Jews at the top...there were hardly none.