What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (800x533, 1K)

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well, the francs just aren't cut out for war.
the language is too feminine and that makes them weak on the battlefield.
they have horrible planning despite great geographic location.

It all started with the consumption of frogs...

Everything is fine stop asking questions nothing is wrong

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Cucks, SJWs and anti-white culture followed by unregulated muslim invasion. That all coupled with years of socialism.

Nothing faggot.

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nothing was ever right to begin with
these cucks sucked on nazi dicks and officials eagerly betray their own people at every trun
also masonry everywhere

Ré émigration is coming.

Tu va rien faire baltringue de babtou.

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It's inhabited by the French.

they allow uncivilized viKangs in so now they allow uncivilized Kangs in

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Napoleon offered peace terms to Toissant, Toissant accepted like the gullible nigger he was, and was brutally murdered for shits and giggles.

JJ Dessalines was also cut down by his own, and now Haitian wogs eat Mudcakes. What a revolution you pathetic mess of a "peoples"

Moi évidemment que non. Par contre quand le réveil ethnique se produira j'hésite encore, les citoyens blancs eux-même ou une force militarisée et coalisée, l'avenir nous dira. En attendant je te souhaite un agréable séjour, profite bien de nos mets, de nos infrastructures et des quelques perdues qui daignent bien offrir leur con à l'exotisme.

Seriously though, this faggot may be more responsible for the death spiral of Western Civilization than Marx himself.

I know right
Who is their right mind listens to the dude who puts all his kids up for adoption because "hey they need to choose for themselves".

Inviting migrants en masse from former colonies. Reap what you sow.

The French Revolution.

What even is a french person?

The french refuse to bathe.

Officialy ?
Any people that can afford french citizenship according the constittion

Reality ?
any euro mutt with european ancestry
france is basically an european USA when it comes to ethnic disparity, except some group of people are more rooted to their land like the basques or bretons

We thought "human" rights should also apply to niggers and dune coons


garde ta beurette dégueulasse, on la renvoie aussi

Tot ou tard, tu vas devoir aller bosser pour payer ma retraite mon gars.



what a disgusting language

Urbanization + bad temperament of the French. They're just too excited and loud

Salut les mecs. Je veux obtenir ma citoyenneté française. Est-ce que l'un d'entre vous peut laisser son bébé sans supervision sur son balcon?

It's call: "le regroupement familial".

all I got out of that was something about Eric Clapton

The (((Revolution)))

Va t’pend ch’certain tu viens d’montreal

ever since napoleon got btfo'd from the english india France has been falling deeper and deeper.

Anglophiles - Enlightenment philosophers, Freemasons, Huguenots, crypto-Protestants (Jansenists) and crypto-Jews (Frankist elements) - sowed the seed of liberalism, wrecked the country's economy and provoked the Revolution. Anthropologically diverse and unruly, "democracy" made a wreck of the country much like in Spain or contemporary Africa, dividing and polarizing the country into a multitude of tectonic plates. We are now ruled over by an elite hivemind cabal of ardent liberal universalist cosmopolites presiding over the sewer that has become France, having no affective links with the country save for a hedonistic enjoyment of all the delights that remain of the glorious France of yore.

so this is the future we chose...

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They literally voted for a rothchild banker lol
And now he is traveling around france prepairing the idiots that france will turn into africa in a matter of half a decade lol
No sympathy for them anymore they had their chance with marie le pen and knew it.

i will gladly assist americans on the day of the rake

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They've won more war historically that any other European nation you cuck, wh do you think they have the largest landmass in Europe?

Such a shame, why has ethnonationalist movements gained such little traction throughout France historically? Does it have to do with the white French people not being a "race" in the way other Europeans like Germanics are?

Attached: france white people.png (654x1334, 775K)

Revolutionary Anti-christ fundament of the French state gonna antichrist.

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This guy fuck them up anal

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Rien faire, ça résume vos accomplissement et vos histoires de peuples primitif

A Celt from the Gauls

The Franc were the leader and nobility, just like the romans before theme but never a majority or significant minority.

The genetic Celtic people have been the only people in France until Italian immigration in the late 19th century

Are you a nigg ?
if not it doesn't work that way...

Tu dois repartir au Maghreb, Ahmed.


Ca marche pas si t'és pas noir, navré.

The French

Same thing with Haiti, the french gave the blacks equal rights and all slowly turns into shit.


This guy, a former Rotschild employee.

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Les Françaises sont trop des putes à nègres... c'est triste...

Mauvaise education, tout ça...gardons les proches de nous et ne les laissons pas dévier!

Si elle s'intéresse à l'histoire de France c'est mieux

el famoso réveil ethnique. Anders Breivik y est allé. Qui l'a suivi? Personne. Reste bien à te toucher la nouille derrière ton écran Thibault le grand guerrier aryen de 50 kilos.

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yes FUCK that faggot

Le réveil ethnique ne doit pas venir de gens populaires mais du peuple!

C'est bien le cassos retourne baiser ta sœur quand tes parents sont pas là

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En quoi ce que j'ai dit fait de moi un cassos?

-Macron (actual president) suck all the central vote, stealing people from PS (left) and LR (right)
-Marine Lepen (FN) doing shit as usual, losing the debate against Macron during election
-Melenchon (far left) sucking what is remaining of PS, is now the leader of the left, PS is dead
-LR try to suck FN vote (far right) by making a far-right program, LR is basically far-right now
-FN is now a low tier group
-We have now Macron vs far-left/far-right
-far-left and far-right can't get shit together because of the historical hate (Resistence(far-left) / Collaboration(far-right) during WW2)
-Macron is now elected for life until this shit change, doing what the EU tell him

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Dérangé par mes propos, peut être?

>-Macron is now elected for life until this shit change

Not for life just long enough to turn france into africa and then bail on you i am sure he already has a house in the US Bush neighborhood just like merkel. Le pen was your last chance and you blew it.

Le pen who is now of rassemblement national has destroyed every trust we could have in her. ..

immigration is not even the bigger problem here, we are cucked by the EU in every political aspect

>Le pen was your last chance and you blew it.
She blew it by herself, try to find a subtitle version of the last debate during the presidential election, she is a joke

Immigration is a shiny mirror they can goy bait you with. I wouldn't even be surprised if the next president reduced it to 0.

Subhumans are already numerous enough to overthrow whites in less than 15 years. Immigration is now neglectible in that regard.


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