Titus 1:12-15 NASB (the most literal translation): 12 One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” 13 This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, 14 not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
Race was very important to God in the old testament. He was strict on who was a Jew, which nationalities could enter into His sanctuary, among other things. Jesus himself called a gentile woman a dog (for being a cannanite, it seems).
Brandon Hernandez
Not random shitskin refugees. Only actual refugees from other Aryan nations.
Eli Diaz
Kind after kind is the first Law of God. Miscegeny is a a sin, and curses you line for generations, if not, indefinitely.
Brandon Thompson
>Jesus himself called a gentile woman a dog (for being a cannanite, it seems).
So you've completely misunderstood the point of that interaction between them.
Jesus was testing her faith. She could have easily become angry or worse with him and his answer to her plea but she knew him as the son of God and believed in his healing abilities.
Did Jesus turn her away again? No. He greatly appreciated her strong faith and her daughter was healed.
>Racism is a sin Which chapter and verse does it say that? I would be impressed if the bible even talks about it considering the concept wasn't created until the 1800's.
Christopher Thomas
The 'jews' of Yahshua's time, were not the Israelites of the Bible. If you read during the Exodus, it says there was a 'mixed multitude' accompanying the Israelites in their Exodus. These individuals were not Israelites, and had no part of God's covenant. The 'jews' talked about in Yahshua's time made up a large part of the Pharisees who were the ruling class of the people. This is why He had issue with them, because they were distorting laws that were not meant for them and teaching the Israelites to do the same. Just as it is today, both in the institution of the Church, and in society. The reason Yahshua always spoke in parables, was because He was always speaking to a crowd of mixed people. Some were Israelites and some weren't. The non-Israelite woman who asked God for a miracle, displayed an act of Faith after He chastised her, and so was worthy of a miracle, though, ultimately, she was still not one of His people.
Adam Nelson
The woman was not an Israelite woman. She did display an act of Faith by not turning away after Yahshua chastised her, and so was worthy of her request, however, she is still a non-Istaelite, and was not able to receive anything other than that.
Evan Gomez
>racism >word invented by a jew, the eternal enemy of christians because they kileld christ >who was also a a commie faggot >communism is absolutely immoral and jesus clearly spoke against wealth redistribution >it was invented with no scientific basis just to create propaganda >jesus was clearly against lying and a staunt defender of truth >anti-racism is somehow a christian value fuck off and repent protestant boomer