TFW you hacked half of US Congress and you got off scot-free

>TFW you hacked half of US Congress and you got off scot-free

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Awan is going to sing like a canary on the witness stand.

If Hillary's hitman doesn't get to him first.

Hope he takes ramen noodles down with him

He made a plea deal, he's getting off with just pleading guilty to a single bank fraud charge.
No stand for him, as far as I know.


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You generally have to give something good to get a plea deal like that but now that we know Sessions is a reptilian he probably didn’t have to give anything.


Hillary's goons are gone
any mercenary worth their salt knows when to retreat. All (((they))) have now are monarchs and they aren't tactical enough to get to high priority targets. Only mass shootings. Expect the most simultaneous mass shootings. Supposed to make us angry, lose our cool like 9/11. But we the people are all smoother operators now. We will rise above the evil that shows itself today. BIG day. Media's reactions to events today will cement the death of old media. Welcome to the new renaissance anons. Welcome to fusion for every one ;)

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He had one job!

Wasserman-Schultz brother (Steve Wasserman-Schults Assistant Attorney for the District of Columbia) was handling the case.
Whole thing was rigged.

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Count on the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Morons. We should be half way through Watergate 2.0 by now but it appears the GOP retards are going to let the Rats get away with everything.

It's DC's "colleagial" atmosphere fucking us again. The Democrats are up to their necks in it, but Republicans who like going to the good parties aren't going to let their friends across the ailse get hurt by their criminality. Benghazi was a nothingburger because of Libya hawks with R's behind their names didn't want to catch any heat for a dead Ambassador. The RCC probably has their own foreign spy operated IT service that they want to keep under wraps by avoiding any public outcry about Awan's moonlighting for ISI et al.

>refers to dailycaller the daily mail

so its?

God Tier
>isi with some MB sympie help in teh govt

or is it mossad pretending to be isi?

>you got off scot-free
not totally scot-free, he is still a paki

There really is no hope for this country is there?

wait, how the FUCK did he not recuse himself. His sister fucking employed the guy. This needs to blow up on twitter

Adding to the story in the pic.
The brother of the main Awan had a business partner in the car dealership.
The business partner hired at one point an MS13 gang member to deal with their competition. I'm not sure if he's arrested or on the run, but the Ms13 here is just a great "coincidence". Why would a Pakistani dude turn to a Latin gang?
Well, he was a partner of a dude whose brother worked for the connect the dots.

Sorry, you seem to misunderstand. He took a plea deal and is getting off.

Were you paying attention during the HRC server investigation? 11 people got immunity for absolutely nothing. Some even kept theirs after lying in court after the fact.

Lmao don't make me laugh

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here's the full list.

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>wait, how the FUCK did he not recuse himself. His sister fucking employed the guy. This needs to blow up on twitter
We've known about this for a year. A. Year.
Do you actually think your petty little show trials are going to stop the deep state? Do you actually think the organization that has a century of murder and duplicity under its belt is going to be hindered by such things?

Apparently one of the job requirements for the IT position in the DNC is
>>recently fired for Macdonald


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Maybe thats why the Democrats doesnt like trump mentioning ms13

>Only one person sat at the prosecutors’ table: J.P. Coomey, who unsuccessfully prosecuted New Jersey Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez for corruption and was only added to the case Monday. There was no sign of Michael Marando, who had previously led the prosecution.

Nothing see to see hear user

Fucks all Democrats and 95% of ‘Republicans’
Hope DC is hit by a hurricane this year

Oh that's just fucking bold.

I'm pretty sure the US Attorney's office achieved their desired result

That's not how it works. This is over and done. Swept under the rug for eternity.

no hope for this country

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Why doesn’t anybody know about this? How can we make people know about it?

i can tell youre reddit cancer, because you believe that both parties are honestly against each other, and not working in concert

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>they willingly allow their enemies to succeed

theyre fucking complicit

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Thanks for these quick rundowns

The Democrats can't afford any oversight, most of their membership is involved in shady shit or is stealing money from the party.

>Awan Time Line

>how the FUCK did he not recuse himself. His sister fucking employed the guy.
No shit eh. Unbelievable.

>and the right will do nothing

Thanks this is good. I forgot about the marine.

Wow guys. This is really complicated. It turns out that Weissman and Rosenstein are really playing some super complex chess with this. The plea agreement today stipulated that the awans did nothing wrong re: the server, and that they do not object to the removal of his monitor.

My popcorn is ready! When does Q say I should eat it?

“The Govemment agrees that the public allegations that your client stole U.S. House of Representatives (“House”) equipment and engaged in unauthorized or illegal conduct involving House computer systems do not form the basis of any conduct relevant to the determination of the sentence in this case. The Government conducted a thorough investigation of those allegations, including interviewing approximately 40 witnesses; taking custody of the House Democratic Caucus server, along with other computers, hard drives, and electronic devices; examining those devices, including inspecting their physical condition and analyzing log-in and usage data; reviewing electronic communications between pertinent House employees; consulting with the House Office of General Counsel and House information technology personnel to access and/or collect evidence; and questioning your client during numerous voluntary interviews. Government has uncovered no evidence that your client violated federal law with respect to the House computer system. After the entry of your client’s plea of guilty to the offense identified in paragraph 1 above, your client will not be charged with any non-violent criminal offense in violation of Federal or District of Columbia law which was committed within the District of Columbia by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement and about which this Office was made aware by your client prior to the execution of this Agreement, all of which is contained in the attached Statement of Offense.“

Wow. Very interesting. But why do federal sentencing guidelines demand that all pleas must be for the most serious prosecutable charge? Is a fraudulent bank application more serious than spying. Must be.
Hey, when the DOJ stated on the record that Awan had done mothing wrong with the server, was that some sort of chess thing? Did Q give approval to Trump to Tweet about Awan so that the DOJ could make Trump look stupid today so that it continues to be super secret and like a movie?

Trust the plan. Don’t you know? I’m not raping you right now, it’s part of the plan. I’m on your side. I’m only sticking my dick in you without consent so it just looks like I’m raping you. Get it?

Q sounds hella smart.


Another fine government investigation comes to a close. All funded by tax payers! What a joke

GOP retards are mostly rats themselves....

>There was no sign of Michael Marando, who had previously led the prosecution.
Yeah, what's going on here

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If I have to get on here every day and tell you people the blatantly obvious answer, I will.
Your government hates you and wants you dead, there is no right or left, just the corrupt and tyrannical oppressing the law abiding working class of america.
You see these threads every god damn day and NOTHING EVER HAPPENS?
Yes you.
Instead of buying guns and holding people accountable you bitch and whine on this forum while evil reigns supreme.
If you want Justice go make justice.
God is not going to save you or this country.
Stop waiting for miracles.
You have to realize these people are the evilest of all human beings. The cream of the corrupt.
They would rather replace you with foreigners than fix anything that is wrong with society. They have sold you and your children into slavery at the current amount of 20 trillion dollars plus interest.
They do not FEAR you. And they will not FEAR you, until you hold them accountable.
No Judge or Jury or Internal Affairs organization is going to do the work for you. You have to do it yourself.
So go buy guns, and do something. Or stop shitting up this board with your pessimistic whiny bullshit.
Sic Semper Tyranus

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Shut the fuck up boomer. There's no 4D chess. We lost this one.

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Whoa....this is deep..... can't wait to rot in a prison for showing up to Washington with an assault rifle.....based!

Just kill yourself then.
Because all it takes for evil to rule is for good men to do nothing.
I dont see any men here, just cowards and slaves so demoralized that they will never fight for anything.
You know my friend you dont get to choose how you come into this world, but you can choose what you want to fight and die for.
Never forget that.
Or is growing old just to die on a hospital bed the ideal life for you?

A sad moment in American history

Cool! Hey, when you guys did the Vegas false flag, did you think you could have done more? Did you think that 100 was doable? Was it a letdown for you?

Certainly better than rotting in a prison cell

58 people lost children at that concert that day,
58 families lives were ruined.
What would you do if it was your kids?
Rely on that lawyer that hops on Tucker every 3 months for a update that the police and fbi refuse to give us the truth?
I truly am afraid for the current cowardly state of our society. For if your children can be murdered and the boys in blue do nothing about it, then nothing will motivate anyone.
The world is lost.

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Give it time kiwi, i think your opinion will change if this ship stays the course.

He has dirt on ALL of them.
Why are we surprised?
They will cover their asses first and foremost.
>>pay your taxes pleb so we can lose millions of your dollars on bullshit and on people who spy on us and then cover our asses

So you feel like your little gun running op wasn’t quite the success you had hoped for? Hey, what about Boston? And Orlando? When you ran Nikolas Cruz, did you ask yourself if you could have done more? Nice work in Annapolis, BTW. Very spooky.

nope, as long as "they" controll the media. This news is going now where.

Dude that old broad has been out of politics since she lost the election, you're delusional and need to come back to reality.

Cuckold Carlson seems to not understand anything anyone tells him, dude looks almost stoned in this picture.


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Pakistani ISI. I've seen the proof.

We all have.

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What a way to celebrate the 4th of July, eh?

>hoping trump and congress fire rod rosenstein on the 4th
>instead imran awan gets off on a plea
Well guess we wont be hearing about Seth Rich anymore

How convenient that Q predictnted this.

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