Is working a scam?

is working a scam?

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If you mean wage based work, then it is a scam. If you mean work in which pay is directly proportional to output, then it is not a scam.

USA Fun Fact: Salaried wages were created following the civil war to be "inclusive" of freed slaves and as a punishment for whites freeing the slaves. This, of course, was absurd because whites were considered above wage status so people who had nothing to lose needed to be selected to be elites. Hence, the pedoelites and the first satanic pedo panic of the 1890s.

>If you mean work in which pay is directly proportional to output
such as?

>is earning an honest income without being part of a scam a scam?
Is communism retarded?

>>is earning an honest income without being part of a scam a scam?
>an honest
>an h

how can you be an english teacher if you don't know english?

Suppose that I can pick and sell one bushel of apples for $5. In a wage picking job, I am to pick as many apples as possible for a day's pay. This pay is determined by the desperation of the workers. In a picking job related to output, I make $5 x (# of bushels picked). Of this, I must return to the land owner, assuming it is not myself, a percentage of the profits.

Southwest vegetable pickers who are paid for weight of product picked.

>being this retarded
oh my goodness.

Attached: nobreadforyou.jpg (1455x1080, 664K)

that's just compensated slavery

I don't understand your line of thinking.
Didn't your parents ever tell you "there's no such thing as free lunch"?
Do you think we would have things like the internet if not for the incentive of compensation for work?

I do work, and I am even able to save money, but I still think "modern" work is just a scam

>This, of course, was absurd because
It's absurd because the majority of white people couldn't and did not own slaves. Slave owners were mostly wealthy Jewish bankers.

free redpills everyone come and get them

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Slavery is involuntary you fucking nigger just cease wasting precious bytes of european internet

prostitution is a very limited in time job, you can only really be one for 20 years at most

Of course the problem is that it is all alien workers picking because it is seasonal work and the farmers pay very little so the equivalent in $/hr combined with harsh conditions makes the job unattractive.

>Slavery is involuntary
if your only choice is pick up apples for money, or starve, are you really free?

Only lazy people like niggers and the Irish think this way

You could always disappear in the woods, become a hermit or whatever. Maybe even try to join one of those primitive tribes, if they don't kill you first.

fuck you whitey

give reparations for colonial


sniff butt jap dog

>>You could always disappear in the woods, become a hermit or whatever. Maybe even try to join one of those primitive tribes, if they don't kill you first.

Read uncle's Ted life.
The industrial society will eventually get to your cabin inthe woods and kick you out

Not slavery but the income is so garbage that only aliens from a country with a $0 cost of living are willing to do it. Thanks immigration.

You don't even know how seasonal work works, huh?
First of all no one is starving in a civilized country, every fucking homeless drunk punk will get food, gibs and a shelter. Second of all fruit picking is seasonal. Young Poles that had school break in summer used to go to Germany to pick fruit and get paid more than they would get paid for any other job in Poland. They did that for a month-two and then enjoyed the rest of the free time spending the money on shit they wanted.

WORK is only a mean to get money so you can SPEND. The cheaper it is to produce fruit and literally anything the more you can buy. Are you really crying that your people value their time too much to waste it on shitty fruit picking job?

No you can't.

work is voluntary slavery.
if you didn't turn up for work would the world still carry on? certainly it would in my case

working is not a scam,

being a wagecuck is also not a scam, nobody forced you to be a fucking loser. If anything you scammed yourself.

>voluntary slavery


Basically working a job says that you were too stupid to figure out how to make money on your own. So a guy comes along and says I will give you X money to do Y. You either agree or you don't.

I have nothing to lose, now make me elite or I destroy everything starting with the Jews and pedos.

>Young Poles that had school break in summer used to go to Germany to pick fruit and get paid more than they would get paid for any other job in Poland.

that's only because third world was near first world.

Fundamentally yes

Tell us your secrets of making money oh wise Jew.

>you were too stupid to figure out how to make money on your own.
9 out of 10 business go bankrupt in 5 years

The Jews aren't in charge of anything. The pedos are in charge. Whether there a lot of elite, Jewish pedos is another discussion.

No. Idle hands are the devil's play thing. There is nothing wrong with working. Most people are retarded though and simply pick their work based on money without considering their quality of life. I work below what I could be earning because I enjoy the little things in life. I don't participate in the rat race. Also STEM is great, but working under fluorescent light in front of a computer will kill you. Need to choose carefully.

>Thinking we have money to cover our basic needs let alone start a failed business.

Growing up in 2.5nd world also made poles damn good workers in physical labour.

All Jews and pedos will die. Fortunately there is a lot of overlap.

basics economics: supply and demand
plenty of workers, limited employers - they dont have to pay shit and exploit people

only if you are super-qualified and sought after then you can demand high salary and all the best conditions (buy usually its cronyism and kikes hire kikes and friends for top positions, all the good jobs I had were via friends)

Independent contracters

>>No. Idle hands are the devil's play thing. There is nothing wrong with working.

This is just Calvinism rotting your brain.

The Romans ran an empire on slaves, and they did nothing all day and were glorious

>9 out of 10 business go bankrupt in 5 years

This is true. It is because at least 9 out of 10 of those who try to start businesses are not pedos.

Try to get a large loan for a business from the bank. They will ask you two questions that seem odd. Best of luck answering them properly.

>only if you are super-qualified and sought after then you can demand high salary and all the best conditions

I am one of those (IT consultant full of certs) get all kinds of perks (car, fuel, bonuses) and still think work is a scam

>Independent contracters
which is even more of a scam when employer has far less restrictions and responsibilities


Should run a small business supply business eh Schlomo?

It's actually the correct way to spell it because you don't pronounce the h, pastanigger

get a clue, thats how all the shit like uber operates saving tonn of money undercutting competition and underpaying workers and dodging any responsibility - and they got dragged into court for it

>an historical

>high skill
kill yourself

Kek look at this grammar Nazi who doesn't know grammar.

Do you not pronounce the h in historical, you retarded mutt?

Double cringe. You're incapable of comprehending how the free market works. There's no sense trying to have an intellectual discussion with a malnourished commie.

Oh I didn't say that, I just realize who I am.

You can't get fucking angry working at Burger King when they told you how much they would pay you, and what your responsibilities will be.
>I'll pay you this, to do this

>imagine things that were not said
why I even bother talking with clueless idiots

those are just facts, keep your head in the sand if you wish

>>imagine things that were not said
> (ID: X8EYYmzL)

>only if you are super-qualified and sought after then you can demand high salary and all the best conditions
> (ID: X8EYYmzL)

Attached: 2smug.png (439x392, 199K)

>he's gone

Wow. I've always heard commies were retarded, but I didn't know it was literal.

who are you calling a commie, fuck face

Education is a scam
Working is a scam

Basically anything that involves exchanging money between people that are neither friends nor relatives is a scam.

They made this shit argument centuries ago
>hurdur if factories start producing food what will happen to the poor farmers??
new jobs will get created. who will maintain the machines? people, obviously.

its the most shameful act a man can do to be employed by another man.
In reality we call them slaves.

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Wow, you're two retards.

>new jobs will get created.
every time they are more complicated.
Not everyone can move to the new jobs

Look I am very high skilled IT consultant and I even have trouble explaining what my job is to my peers and relatives

You can take a farmer and put it into a factory, with some training, but not everyone can be an Amazon AWS Data Scientist for Hadoop Clusters.

The employment contract certainly is.

It's the initial sound of the word which determines the use of "a/an" to proceed it:

"A historical" (hard H)
"An honor" (silent H)


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>You can take a farmer and put it into a factory, with some training, but not everyone can be an Amazon AWS Data Scientist for Hadoop Clusters.
Big problem I find, not many people in IT have any skills and act more as project managers (outsourcing to India).

>(outsourcing to India)
that's just coding

I'm into network security, it's a whole different scenario