Happy 4th of July
No bongs allowed
Official fuck England thread
Other urls found in this thread:
happy 4th cucks
Fuck off redcoat
daily reminder
>Me watching God actually punishing England
go suck off your wifes bull nigel
just a reminder that brits invented america you idiot, if you are not a mutt, all your ancestors were brittish, the brits ruled colonised the world, show the bongs some respect you mutt dog.
Happy 4th, burgers
Please retreat your troops from our soil so we can celebrate our freedom from foreign oppressors too
Happy birthday better England.
delet this
Now this is a thread everyone can celebrate when the reality of our situations is so dire
>when your drunk felon brother defends Dad
We're independent now.
you'll need more than that to be freed of your oppression
delet this
You're my favourite cunts in the whole world. I like Americans but you Aussie cunts are the most fun.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
Pick some cotton, Tyrone.
feels good not to be commonwealth. feels good to watch england sink further and further. tried to take our guns and now they cant even have knives LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
and guess where all of the loony bins were stationed at?
>We're independent now.
No, you're a colony of Israel.
Happy Fourth, Dad.
>Long Island.
Let me guess, MS13?
I'm going to have fireworks and burgers and fuck my fat neighbor tonight. Happy Fucking 4th of July
They didn't invent shit straya cunt.
WE invented America as soon as we kicked those limey cocksuckers back across the Atlantic where they belong.
Happy 4th of July ameribros. On this special day, remember based Bernardo de Galvez, Spanish colonial governor and military leader who helped the revolutionaries against the british and ultimately helped win the war by diverting the british war efforts to the south, keeping open a critical supply route and stopping the brits from encircling american armies in the south.
Enjoy your day, and fuck England
Fuck britain, USA can annex us at any time
dog bless
The moon landing was faked. Kubrick did it.
I own a black coat, retard
Well, it'd be a step in the right direction. Our politicians wouldn't neccessarily be such cucks if they knew that there's no American troops stationed at major cities who could, at every moment, try a coup. I'm not saying it's likely, just possible.
Their presence reminds us that we're not free and our government is basically a proxy for you to hold control over Europe
First girl I ever fingered was a Texan American
Should of been aborted
I never understood why English people are so ugly in comparison to Americans.
Look at all the salty non-American 3rd world faggots in this thread, noses to the window.
Going shooting today just for you burgerbros
>he'll never know what's inside
>brits invented america you idiot
bogan education. read a book you dumb abo faggot
happy independence muttbros
fuck anglokikes with their statanic pedo royalty and orwellian snobby caste system
freedom motherfucker
Just dont dare go to war with Russia pls and fight those zionist warhawks in your gov
Why would Americans care about each other when they're not genetically similar?
A lot of you young people, even though you go through college, you still don’t understand that courtroom. That courtroom is the court of the kings and lords of the world. We as human beings can invoke the ground here called the United States of America. And the reason our system has perpetuated in such a way is because all the powers of Europe and England and monarchies and all those big people; we have come over here and started another world where each man in the United States has that power because he has that courtroom. That courtroom belongs to every human being in the United States. And if you take that courtroom away from one human being, you’re taking that courtroom away from all human beings. Then what follows is you got kings and queens of yesterday – they’re gonna come and play croquet with your heads. They’re gonna take your courtrooms. They’re gonna take your money and they’re gonna take your country. They’re gonna take your resources. They’re gonna rip you off in every way you can think of because you didn’t give your own children the benefit of the courtroom that your fathers fought in battles and died for.
-Uncle Charlie
Asians in the US is pushing identity politics and policies to restrict freedoms though.
I would have been a Tory. The Monarchy would have kept us safe from the Jews.
because fuck you, snaggletooth fagget
Happy 4th of July AMERICAAAAAAAA
Land of Opportunity and Freedom
Fuck Britain
>tfw married a Canadian
Those things are really overrated on here. The best candy we don’t really have here is that aero chocolate with the air pockets in it
Happy birthday, you mutts.
Check'd fellow patriot.
It was called america before your ancestors arrived you dumb fuck
Is it wrong that I'm aroused by this?
The monarchy let the Jews in, actually. Even in medieval times, the English monarchy protected the rights of the Jews living in England most of the time, to the point where, when English boys were murdered by Jews, the English king ordered local authorities to cease their investigations.
That’s what happens when you’re a beta and marry an Asian women. Women aren’t right winged naturally and need to be reminded time to time
The United States of America you dunce. No it wasn't called that when the British ruled here.
1776 best day of my life
fixed that for you. no one likes you australia.
Thanks kraut friend, have a burger today
>best candy we don’t really have here is that aero chocolate with the air pockets in it
Didn't even knew that was banned in US.
You guys are such cucks.
keep sucking british dick, commonwealth cuck. how does it feel to be cucked to a royal family with a nigger in it? we got rid of nigger president. you are stuck with nigger monarchy. KEK!
Actually yeah it was called land for fuckwits. Get checked bitch. You and your family come from a line of fuckwits
That's not it. Asians as a group do it.
So you're pro multiculturalism. Hasn't work out in the UK and it's even worse in the US.
Happy Birthday, champ
Thanks Klaus, Happy Fourth. Do the same to your Merkel and make the West great again
big words coming from a country founded by niggers before niggers were invented
The brits conquered yet you and your mutt family merely inherited.
Don't disrespect a superior country as well dickhead. It's not your right.
Literally no one is thinking about America whilst the world cup is on
People on Jow Forums unironically have some strange misconceptions about this place.
Most of the Brits think the revolutionary war was only Brits vs Brits over Brit land lmao.
Fuck off bong
You dumb fucks invented niggers not us.
Ah, the poor subject of the crown is triggered.
Get off your knees and fuck off.
This is a thread for citizens not subjects.
Way to show American pride by posting a porn star you fucking retard!
Misread that. It’s not banned just no one bought it while it was on shelves and slowly disappeared
indians might disagree with you on that one.
You know that NASA is using the metric system, right?
bullshit you're a country that was founded on the premise of "let's send all of our criminals here so we don't have to deal with them"
literal niggers
You are all subjects of a corrupt ruling party. Your people foolishly belive that democracy isn't rigged but it is. Fucken idiot
America has a rich history. We're survivors, settlers, and pioneers just as much or more than we are immigrants, carving this country out from 3 major colonial powers, maintaining balance as well as we could with the natives.
I love it when they try to claim George Washington as one of their own even though he swore he would never set foot on British soil and hated them with every fiber of his being.
Whatever happened to the quality Australian shitposters?
This guy is lame.
do americans really think that america was a white country? do they realise that they are brittish? do they realise that the britts colonised america from the native indians, just because you changed some laws it doesnt mean your founding fathers were not brittish you dim wits