worst shithole on the planet. racist, sexist, bigotted, mysoginistic, stupid, low iq war mongering twats. rural retards run the show with an avg iq of 86. mass shooting on the daily. student die in droves justr to learn. huge military spending to kill thousands of peaceful world citizens while infrastructure crumbles. i fucking hate being an american. i feel so dirty and worthless. thankfully i move to europe sooon.
>racist, sexist, bigotted, mysoginistic, stupid, low iq war mongering twats.
WTF! I love America now!
No other country can do this.
better leave quick. you wouldnt want to be killed by a racist, sexist, bigotted, mysoginistic, stupid, low iq war mongering twat
hi rural tard trump supporter. planning any mass killins today? nra's bitch
bet your mom is real proud of you
Move to Sweden.
I heard they are a very diverse open minded country that represents a achievement for what leftists can do when they have all the power.
you sound like a complete faggot. you should fit right in in europe. enjoy being raped to death. I hope to see it on the news.
come to my country and you will not find any of that...
how are your two dads working out?
Good you filthy shitskin. I can't wait till we wipe america clean of your faggot nigger presence and boot every last one of you
kek. I hope you move to sweden and get culturally enriched. Faggot
>Hating the country you live in
>no one stopping you from leaving
This makes you an idiot for staying. Here is a short story for you:
>Be me inna Iraq as US Soldier
>Searching luxuary apartments for insurgent leaders
>knock on a door (cordon and knock Ver 1 ops, if they didnt answer we kick it in anyway)
>old guy that looks kinda white opens the door
>"good afternoon gentlemen, how may I help you" he says
>Shocked he is speaking to us without a hint of an accent
>ask about this
>turns out he was half Iraqi half American hold dual citizenship. Owns a home in US as well.
>ask why he doesn't just leave Iraq, you know since there is a war on and all
>"Long ago I chose Iraq as my home, and good times or bad I love my country."
So in short: if you dont love where you are stfu and leave or start loving where you are.
Why don't you stay here so you can get shot in the civil war? That'd be fun. You're no fun.
Link to video?
>i shit on your flag
are you a h1b poo
Funny. Heaps of people try and enter the USA illegally everyday. Can't be that bad.
OP is a faggot hope he gets shot
You mean Best shithole on the planet
achmed we talked about this once before. now stop trying to be edgy and pick up your flag.
Hatred will never cure the fact that you can do and be anything you want in the god forsaken country.
Now lets go see the fireworks
I unironically enjoy bud heavy.
It's far from my favorite beer and isn't something I'd order at a bar or a restaurant but there's something refreshing and American about ending a hard day of work by cracking open a can of Budweiser and lighting up a Marlboro Red. Smoke the cigarette quick and chug the cold one quicker. Something about the low quality nature and poor taste really changes your mindset and gets you into the mood to relax and let loose.
I am proud of him. He's my handsome tacticful genius. You sound like a salty loser though honey. Maybe you should make different fwends.
i stopped reading after you said ur a "soldier". you "soldiers" are just rapists, murdering cowards that deserve to be spat upon and barred from participating in this shitty racist backwards ass barbaric cuntry. fuck cant wait til im done with college so i can move the fuck out of this shitty country and finally fgind culture worth caring about. oh and owning guns isnt a proud thing, shows you have a small dick and are a coward
what the fuck is up with all of these faggot ass threads today? it's even worse than normal.
fwends lol. you sound like the typical basement dwelling trumpanzee. 2018 is upon us and either we retake this country from u retard rednecks by vote or by force. you choose racist
Is this the most obvious foreign bait thread to date? China maybe?
Nobody is stopping you from going to Mexico/Canada. Just start walking north/south until you’re no longer in America.
Problem solved. Have a great day.
chinese have it better than you fat fuck ameritards. i dont even identify as american anymore i am so ashamed since russia trumpy got hacked into office. fucking orange retard will be the end of all for all his war mongering hate speech
What's with all the bait today?
love seing dead us "soldiers". makes me feel good knowing the world at large cares enough to butcher you fiends
4th of July and April 1st are the worst days to be on 4 Chan. Go outside and bbq something. Thank me later.
The bus doesn't run this far out, nigger.
If you don't like it you can leave.
i'm glad my uncle died in afghanistan besides US troops for nothing.
Kill yourself dude you're literally in the worlds only modern Empire. You are the Roman of our times you fucking degenerate.
>worst shithole on the planet
The world would die off is the USA just disappeared. So stop fucking coming here, stop asking us to protect your 3rd world shit hole and stop asking for gibs, Keep fucking with us and we will come and spread democracy and fuck your shit up. Just fuck the hell off already.
Nice LARP, feds. I am sure there are plenty of free bubba burger bbqs on Quantico today - kindly fuck off
when im done with my degree in English History, a MASTERS btw, I will be moving to the UK, full of history, culture, and few amerishits like you fuckwads. so go lick some vets boot while he has ptsd from to much CoD on base. srsly those US soldiers, i dont say OUR cuz i dont identify as american anymore, are the fucking worst of the worst and they each deserve an ied . fuck off america. fucking die on your birthday
glad your worthless kid raping uncle is dead. hopefuly u die soon to
No ones stopping you from leaving
>I will be moving to the UK, full of history, culture
Earning masters degree in English History yet doesn't know about the numerous pogroms, genocides, and mass enslavements England and the UK have perpetrated throughout its history. Doesn't know how many millions of people the UK has oppressed and repressed the world over. If a history of ill-treatment of people is the metric by which you judge a nation or a culture, the UK is far worse than the US.
Now that is quite rude, fellow fine young gentleman. Please expel your emotion in private, to preserve your dwindling dignity.
excuse me? over a thousand years of tech advancements, architecture, cuisine, language, folklore, music etc. but here you are spewing stupid shit nonsense with NO source for such a stupid remark. you fucking racist amerishits enslaved africans for HUNDREDS of years
get out you fucking kike rat... go to israel hopefully you get nuked by iran after
>who are the irish?
How many Africans were enslaved by the British over a period of how many years?
You're the historian, give an answer.
How many Irish were enslaved by the British?
How many Africans enslaved and oppressed under British colonialism?
How many Indians?
How many Native Americans were massacred by the British? The smallpox blankets crap was perpetrated by a British officer leading British troops.
Come on, faggot, give an accounting.
u dont get to just any loaded questions and expect an answer. move on you low iq trumpanzee
Hell yeah! Gotta thin the heard of undesirables(niggers) if you catch my drift ;)
Daily reminder that Jews will always crop up to destroy American holidays.
typical racist low iq nazi trumpanzee
Daily reminder that slavery in the US was started by the British when it was still British soil.
Only a shithole because of browns blacks and moslem immigrants. No such thing as racism only realism R.A.C.I.S.T ... Realistic Awareness Considering Immutable Statistical Truths. you are a nigger spic, Mexico is open move to your socialistic paradise you have nor ight to be an AMERICAN fuck you to death