Christian Man Dies Because Muslims Refuse To Treat Him

"The doctors refused to treat him because they were fasting and said my son was 'napaak (unclean),'" Irshad Masih, his mother, told Pakistan's Express Tribune.

And these are the cunts we are importing to the west? Makes my blood boil. When the crusades finally do start we have to make sure that Islam is purged out of this earth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Vengeance is mine thus sayeth the Lord, but God can forgive a thief.

What do you think about sinning intentionally to protect our nations and then asking for God's forgiveness? Is that acceptable?

>Is that acceptable?
That's God's judgment to make. I am a sinner. With blade and hook I would peel apart the man who let my son die. That's what I know.

>When the crusades finally do start

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Right on brother

What's so funny? Are you a muslim immigrant in france? Get out of Europe if you value your life.

Do your own dirty work for once Chaim

What's funny is you thinking that a "crusade" will actually happen

you dont have to fast if its a matter of life or death. its just an excuse to let him die

its happened before you nigger

So it will happen again?

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Pol has a retarded complex that bothers me a bit. I've killed Muslims for the Jew, it's what the US Military is for lately, but you guys laugh when Ahmed posts a .webm with my brothers getting wasted.

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Without a legit source, I'm gonna say that this story is bullshit.

There are easy, fast ways for Muslims to become ritually 'pure' after dirtying themselves by breaking religious rules before prayer or during periods of fasting. They even have certain methods of becoming ritually clean if water is not available.

A muslim doctor therefore wouldn't refuse on the grounds that they'd become dirty. They routinely become ritually dirty working in a hospital anyway, every single time they come in contact with blood or bodily fluids.

Not only that. We will have your head on spikes. We will make sure you cockroaches run in terror.

>le Jow Forums is one person meme
Don't you ever get tired of being retarded?

This is retarded. I'm Pakistani and the value of human life in Pakistan, regardless of your religion, is pretty much NOTHING. worth less than dogshit. It's similar to India and certain parts of China. People die everyday, there are no worker rights. The medical system is a libertarian American dream come true where all hospitals are for profit and if you don't have the money you're refused treatment. Stop trying to make it into Christian vs Muslim because it's not. But you knew that, didn't you? Unless you are a literal retard who didn't realise he was linking to an evangelical Christian propoganda website, CBN = Christian Broadcast Network

I never laugh when any American gets hurt. Even if the jews are using the US military, I believe that the muslims deserve it. They hold beliefs completely antithetical to Christianity and we can't be safe as long as there are muslims in our country.

God bless you for your service Sir. I truly respect and admire all warriors.

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All talk, no action

Do you sell this headband?

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>Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Praise the Lord , He will lay vengeance on the wicked.

Also these

>t. muslim
Could not be more obvious that you are a muslim retard. The very second line is the link to the article.

No, I just studied Abrahamic religions at one point for a minor at school.

>They hold beliefs completely antithetical to Christianity

Just like Jews then. Cmon Moshe tell me about the 100 Goyim slaves your going to get

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Show that flag, Shlomo Shinkelberg. Christianity and Islam have more in common than you think

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sorry I meant 1000 Goyim slaves

If the man was muslim, he would have been treated because only muslims are clean. And Christians are unclean. So fuck you satanic paedophile worshipper. They specifically did not treat him BECAUSE he was CHRISTIAN

Also it seems that you have linked to an irrelevant story..

Lol Islam is basically Arianism which is a branch of Christianity that was the most popular before the Byzantines
Islam has more to do with Christianity than Judaism

tl,dr: you're a Jew

Dude, no. I have family members die because they couldn't afford treatment. You're talking out of your ass. Pakistan is a third world shithole, but not because of Islam. Plenty of Muslim countries have waay better systems and standard of living.

>And Christians are unclean
Jews believe this too

>t. everyone I don't like is Schlomo.
Even the Jews are going to hell because the do not believe in Christ. Christ was 100% the messiah that was to come and when he did come they killed him.

Shut the fuck up you're retarded, Christians are considered "people of the Book" they're not "unclean"

This is why I keep arguing that we need to stop all forms of Muslim immigration to this country. These people don’t views us as humans, they’re literally cancer in human form.

That's not true though. If the guy was Muslim and the doctors came in contact with his blood or other bodily fluids, they would have become 'unclean' anyway. It's not like touching blood and shit from a christian counts different from touching blood and shit from a muslim lol

t. redneck
I can't believe there are some people typing shit like this and believing it

>t. everyone I don't like is Schlomo

and everyone you don't like is a Muslim

Read the article sandnigger before spewing bullshit. You say one thing and then you do another. Your taqqiyya won't work here.

Name one.

Wow, truly sounds like a reliable and unbiased source!

>Muslim Ethiopian dies because Christians refuse to feed him.
not even mad

Ironically if it was a white guy or an American the piece of shit doctors would have jumped over each other to treat him, but since it was a brown, borderline black person from an underprivelged class he was refused. You don't understand the degree to which South Asian people worship white people.

>These people don’t views us as humans,

Neither do Jews

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So what if he's a redneck? He is a lover of his country unlike you, you fucking coward. You left your women back and you came to Europe to rape white women. Instead if coming to our countries and making them shit with your shitty ideology why don't you fix yours?

>When the crusades finally do start we have to make sure that Islam is purged out of this earth.

When we stop teaching relativism in school (all cultures and races are compatible, all cultures and races are equally capable, all cultures and races can learn to live with eachother, etc)

>Your taqqiyya won't work here.
Neither will your Pilpul

Muslim texts and teachings call for the eradication of anyone who isn't Muslim. But go ahead and bury your head in the sand some more. If you're lucky some mud might come up and bury his cock in your ass while you're bent over.

Plenty of Muslims here in Texas. I see how you guys treat women. I would respect you more if you lived the way your religion dictates but in your own countries. Why are you and the paki living in Europe? Why can’t you live in a Muslim country?

>you fucking coward. You left your women back and you came to Europe to rape white women.

So your saying he's a foot soldier of Zion?

Kiss my ass. I neither do taqqiyya not pilpul because unlike you I am a firm believe in Christ and his teachings. I dennounced jews here

pretty based.
they stand up to their code.
fuck christards.

I could go on, some of these countries have universal healthcare. What you people need to realise is that a country is more than just the religion of the majority of its people. Socioeconomic and cultural factors play a huge roll as well

Please honestly either educate yourself or kill yourself if you actually think the Quran calls for the 'eradication of anyone who isn't Muslim' in any circumstances and as a chore teaching

t. hasbara

Confirmed Israeli, why don't you show your flag?

OP why should I, an American citizen, care about the desert mongrels? Why should i care about the faiths of those from there? Why should my life have subtle allusion to that region? I do not follow.

>daddy sandnigger please give me more cummies!

You'll have the right to say this when your filthy jewed army will fuck off from the Middle East, fighting and getting killed for (((them)))
And stop thinking Muslims are a monolith. We aren't from the same ethnicities or culture, you seriously take as an example for 1.8 billion of people the Muslims you see in Texas?

>t. hasbara
I didn't even know what that term meant. I had to google it. And no, I am not pro-Israel. And neither am I pro-plalestine. Both of you need to get nuked.

>. Both of you need to get nuked.
France and Israel or Palestine and Israel? I'm fine with both

the leftie narrative that keeps shitskins like you safe is falling apart, what do you think is going to happen when it's gone? do you think all the shit you've done will just be forgotten?

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Leave the country cockroach

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>implying Muslims are somehow 'allied' to the left
>implying breitbard is unbiased at all
Are you a joke?

>>implying Muslims are somehow 'allied' to the left
I only see them voting Labour here

Thankfully, religiosity is on the decline.

That’s great why don’t you go live in those Muslim countries instead of the Christian one you reside in now? Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable?
>Implying the US army is the reason you’re living in France right now. I agree we do need to get rid of all our ties in the Middle East, Jewish and Saudi (Muslim BTW). But don’t think for one second that if we leave that Muslims will be able to destroy Israel. If anything we leave and Jewish state would gobble more Muslim land.

And so is your country. All the curses of the law of Moses are evident in your country.
When they're all completed there will be none of you left.
Praised be Christ for the destruction of the ungodly.

>If anything we leave and Jewish state would gobble more Muslim land.
Lol sure while they couldn't handle an Iranian proxy at their borders?
Destabilizers of local politics there as well as terrorists wouldn't get funded at least

come try to be a muslim goatfucker in America. we'll lynch your whole family ;)

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Firstly Germany is not a Christian country, it's secular. I live in Eastern Germany, most people here are irreligious (due to commie past). Secondly I'm secular myself so I don't mind what religion the people around me have as long as they respect my rights. Thirdly germany's economy is way better than any of those countries I mentioned, so as an engineer I can find work here.
That said I wouldn't mind living in Bosnia or Turkey, I have been to Istanbul and it's one of the most comfy cities I have ever visited.

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Would facefuck

A "crusade" implies travel to a faraway place to fight evil on its own land.
We don't need to crusade, because evil now dwells in our backyards.

why are jews and muslims so dumb and evil?

I don't think so man. They had captured a lot of our lands before we decided to fight back. This time we need to be quicker.

Both of them think they own the world. One wants everyone to be slaves and another wants everyone to either die or become muslim.

You never see this kind of thing from Christians

>Thankfully, religiosity is on the decline.
this is why the West is dying, we've given up on the Christian God!

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a crusade is a religious war. not sure why you think it has anything to do with traveling somewhere

stop talking crap about crusades n shit we are just going to bomb them more than bush clinton and obama combined.

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Oh nigger please, in Central Africa Christians hunt Muslims and animists to kill them

Exactly. We give millions in aid to these countries and all that happens is that they come to our countries to slit our throats. They have no sense of shame, no fear of God, no love of God, or even basic decency of a human being as evident in the article.

Nazi Larp is right the crusades were fought out of necessity, they were a series of defensive wars to prevent further invasions. I have a slightly different timeline than most. For me the crusades started with the reconquista and ended at the gates of Vienna

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I like your spirit Aussie bro

there was a french nigger ITT saying christians and muslims have a lot in common lol. what we breathe the same air?


>is muslim
>calls someone nigger
you know youre a nigger too right?

There was a small window during the "Golden age" where Christians were well treated. Jizya and Slavery put an end to that

Don't worry frog we will get to the trators long before the actual crusade.

We're all niggers deep down

For anyone who doesn't know about the real crusades history youtube channel check it out !

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DEUS VULT BROTHERS. Keep the thread alive. I am going to the gym to remove all my anger on the machines there. Will be back in an hour.

The moment we leave your kind will be begging us to come back and save you from the Jews.
>Firstly Germany is not a Christian country, it's secular.
Most German are Christian, their laws are Christian based, their custom are Christian based you dumb paki.
So what are you saying that all those Muslims countries are still inferior to Christian countries. Also “engineer” all you pakis and poos claim your “engineers”.

Lol nigger you're FIGHTING and DYING for the Jews, and you think we will beg you to come back?

Fucking kek, you guys are the reason Muslims are still a religion.

Yeah. The holy land is with jews now. Good job.

>Jews believe Jesus is a false messiah
>Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah of God but not His son
>US: yes!!! gib land to the jews!!!