Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Venezuela

>During the 2016 presidential election, Bernie Sanders refused to answer questions about Venezuela during an interview with Univision. He claimed to not want to talk about it because he's "focused on my campaign." Many suggested a more plausible reason: Venezuela's present economy is an example of what happens when a state implements Bernie Sanders-style social democracy.


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>It's an economic program marked by price controls, government expropriation of private property, an enormous welfare state, central planning, and endless rhetoric about equality, poverty relief, and fighting the so-called "neoliberals."

>And, as Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has helpfully explained, "There are two models, the neoliberal model which destroys everything, and the Chavista model which is centered around people.”

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This "journalist" campaigned for Hugo Chavez. After he died the left really started to separate themselves from the movement there.

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> Lat Am nerd

> Venezuela was news while it was good news and while Chávez could be used as a banner for the left and his antics provided comic relief. But as soon as the country began to spiral towards ruination and Chavismo began to resemble another Latin American authoritarian regime, better to turn a blind eye.

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He argued that Chavez wasn't a communist but that the Bolivar movement was proto Trotskyist. Like any serious person cares what commie they are modeled after..

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Cognitive Dissonance is a helluva drug.

>To the leftwing mind, the explosion of poverty that results can't possibly be the result of bad economic policy. After all, the Chavismo regime got everything it wanted. It redistributed wealth at will. It "guaranteed" a living wage, health care, and plentiful food to everyone. "Equality" was imposed by fiat over the cries of the "neoliberal" opposition.

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Bernie's entire campaign was based on tactically refusing to speak about things. If he actually talked about his plans it would be impossible to masquerade as just a "socialist." He tastefully refuses to comment on things that make him sound like a Communist.

lmao, so to avoid the reality that socialism/communism doesn’t work they use the name of the leader for the economic system? i guess that means we aren’t living in capitalism but james madisonism?

>taxtically refusing to speak about things

So, just like the MSM?


Yup, it's a proven tactic closely tied with the ability to talk for an hour and say nothing of any real value.

When MSM claimed Venezualians were fleeing to Columbia .They lied, in fact they were Columbians being deported.

>When MSM claimed Venezualians were fleeing to Columbia
Some of the Venezuelan upper class have dual citizenship. If they're going to bail anywhere they're going to bail to CoffeeLand.

Venezuala is being sanctioned and it's oil storage is being fucked with by USA. If socialism is so bad let it fail on it's own.

latin american intellectuals everyone

>If socialism is so bad let it fail on it's own.
It was living on borrowed time, directly at the USA's expense I might add. Chavez ruined every Venezuelan industry other than oil down to livestock and agriculture. They import everything and export only oil. Even while they were making bank on the War on Terror Venezuela was going down the shitter. The drop in oil prices fucked them sure, but insinuating that the US is responsible for Venezuela isn't appropriate.

>nezuela's present economy is an example of what happens when a state implements Bernie Sanders-style social democracy.
i am pretty sure Bernie wanted to copy the Scandinavian model which is not like Venezuela at all

No, they must learn.

>copy the Scandinavian model
So basically raise taxes to 50%, socialize all natural resources, and fail immediately because Scandinavian countries are majority white and the US is not?

I don’t understand how hyperinflation can exist when you can just tell people what their money is worth.

I’ve never seen chuck e cheese go through hyperinflation.


Jow Forums bulshit aside, what's happening in Venezuela is the clasic US invasion plan.
In this case, it worked great because HedgeFunds had quite a grab of the country already.

It's a bit like the spread meme for italy:
> MSM discredit elected politicians
> Hedge Funds and big capitals leave the country (unemployment)
> Financial Powers cut any credit line
> CIA tries to corrupt anything, and organize falseflag attacks coordinated with MSM
-- we are here
> UN condemn the government
> US come up with WMDs or humar rights violation as a CasusBelli and start bombing
> Big capitals and Hedge Funds come back and "rebuild" the country (actually just take oil)

maybe it would fail but again what Bernie wanted was not the Venezuela model so it make sense that he doesn't want to talk about it

>Jow Forums bulshit aside
I posted a major mainstream media article

>It's a bit like the spread meme for italy:

oh you mean live on deficit spending since the 70s to the 2010s without a fuck given, and then cry when momma Merkel tell us to clean our room?

Which makes him a moron at best, since it's an excellent time to explain where his policies differ.

>leave the country
Now why would companies do that. Is there some sort of communist shitter group trying to expropriate their property or am I just discrediting them

I agree but Chavez and Maduro are shit and this sort of economics doesn't fucking work.

You must learn The globalist Miners and Oilers are not your friends.They are back in your country to take the resources for little in corporate tax . Trump gave them your national parks to strip mine . Your Anwar oil will go straight to Asia .Once the pump is turned on there will be few jobs created.

Because "that's not real communism".

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Failed again.Sweden did once have %50 corporate tax . It was a great country . Now it is a capitalist country Sweden has large mineral deposits Corp tax is now %23
Sweden is capitalist . Many changes in Sweden as spiraled down the path of capitalism.

Same in Chile Nixon embargoed the fuck out of it . The globalist miners then hired the army to coup de etae the country . All for low corporate tax . Chile has since lost it's whiteness.

why qualify it with "corporate" tax rate? user didn't
>The Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden stands at 61.85 percent. Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden averaged 56.78 percent from 1995 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 61.85 percent in 2017 and a record low of 51.50 percent in 2000.

Chile's economy grown by 150 percent over the past 25 years

Funny how it was....
Until it wasn’t

Why do (right-wing) americans hate basically the economic policy of the 1950s?

They privatized the postal service (among other things) for fuck’s sake.

the world moved on

"One grape drank, plz!"

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So why do keep seeing waves of Veneniggers in my city selling me their useless currency?

Yet many conservative americans idolize the 1950s when it comes to values, traditions. How odd

wow it's almost as if turbo capitalist economy won't let you keep a "slow" culture!

and yet this is the reality we live in, for now

Fuck off nigger. What is happening in Venezuela is the same communist terrorist tactics to silence and rob the population and it has been happening since Chavez. Communist militias ride motorcycles into neighborhoods shooting at people and the bolivarian police are complicit. The malnutrition rate is staggering while government official have amassed personal fortunes of hundreds of millions of dollars.

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There won't be any migration in an isolated, tightly-controlled economy(and society). 'Japan is a good example. Opening up' the economy or liberalizing it gives capitalists a free hand to import cheap labour because there's no regulation or the rules are just not followed. Just look how immigration increased to Scandinavia after the liberalization in the 90s

japan will let you discriminate against non japanese if you have a business
there is nothing capitalist about the ((civil rights act)) because I am now forced to cater to the uncivilized

>Iraq: has oil, weak country
>US invaded under a BS reason
>Venezuela: has oil, weak country


Israel has no use for Venezuelan clay.


Do you actually unironically believe it was ever about oil?

War would be an improvement.

The left only talks about Venezuela when they think they can blame it on Trump.

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Only slightly related: Chavez loved to blame the Jew for everything.

You mean "transphobic alt-right propaganda article." Because it disagrees with me, that makes it alt-right propaganda, and transphobic too.

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they don't talk about it because then they must admit that all their stupid ideology is a massive pile of shit

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