Jews did 9-11

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Other urls found in this thread: bollyn

Jewish psyops to make the right seem like conspiracy freaks

Forget about Jew controlling banking, media, Hollywood and higher education


9-11 was the distraction. fuck off rosenstien.

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Israel did do 9/11 though.

Jews did the holocaust and pogroms


A bunch of Israelis were arrested celebrating under the guise of 'documenting the event' under a fake company called Urban Moving Systems. They were later found to be mossad agents. The FBI confiscated the photos they took but released them for some crazy (((reason))).

This isn't a 'conspiracy theory' because you can read the FBI reports on it, and it is all 100% verifiable.

Let’s not give a shit, let’s look at who is controlling media and Hollywood right this second

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You are right and the real Alex Jones agrees.

Saudi Arabia owns Hollywood!

So the 18 Radical Islamic Terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans were actually totally innocent?

This wasn't a Muslim hate crime after all?

This was an orchestrated attack from George Bush (a fucking white male btw)?

wtf how could we have been so wrong about Based Islam?! wtf I hate huwhite ppl now.

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ok.... you are starting to know some shit
start to follow the jew through out the history and (it is going to be a wild ride) come back with your findings

let me help... start with their holidays and search why they are celebrating that holiday ( it is usually when they killed more 70% of a new civilizations population... and they are sure they have destroyed that civilization... Persian Empire, Egypt, Roman Empire, Babylonia, Assyrian civilization, Petra... French revolution, Russian revolution of 1917.....)

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How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Reformat that shit, you Hungarian Boomer.

>now with even LESS citations!

I’m not saying you’re wrong because I’ve actually done the research but unsourced infographics are not going to win people over.

9/11 was an Israeli masterminded False Flag with help from traitors in the WH, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and NSA. With generous assistance from the Lying MSM.

Attached: Israel911.png (384x320, 309K)

All the Neocon Boomers are guilty >:3

We'll have to hang them for treason and seize their assets.

I always knew we couldn't trust our white leadership. Those poor brown Muslim jihadists were all framed!

Jews aren't white. They claim to be Semites, which are yellow/brown.

We're calling them "boomers" now? Why can't we openly call them white?

Jews aren't white.

I agree, but you are calling out George Bush and the entirety of the American Government ... Which is not Jewish but white. George Bush was central to this murderous terrorist attack yes? He was white.

To say what you imply:
White leaders (with Jewish help) did 9/11 and murdered 3,000 Americans. Muslims are complete innocent (and based).

Roses are reds,
Violets are blues
9/11 was done by the Jews.

Attached: 300 american jews died.png (530x313, 237K)

I don't know that George Bush is a Jew. I mean i guess he's from one of the bloodlines and he's also a Satanist per Skull & Bones and a neocon. But I don't think that's a basis for trying to suggest that Jews are white.

So we are to use code? So dont say whites day "boomers"? Help me out here, there was Jewish help obviously, but stop pretending this wasn't a white mans attack. Either way the Muslims dindu nuffin right?

Jews love stupid puns like this.

What code? What code are you introducing? Jews aren't white. They're Semites, just like the Muslims. Why are you trying to say Muslims din du nuffin?

Bush is an Anglo. We're very similar to Jews but not the same. Ferengi in Star Trek are accused of being Space Jews but they are actually Yankee Traders.

Is that really what you think, user-kun?


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You keep misunderstanding, intentionally i suspect. Jews did 9/11, we agree. They were only a small percentage of the top brass of American leadership though so it was mostly whites (with Jewish help who we agree are not white). You can't claim complicity of FBI, CIA, and the entire executive branch without 90%+ white involvement (controlled by the Jews of course).

So I agree, we agree, Jews did it by somehow making the 90% white leadership do how am I wrong in saying these murderous white fucking males also did 9/11?

>Jews aren't white
Again I agree. When you say "lets hang the boomers", what do you mean then?

I'm not going to go into the Venetian Black Nobility and all that too far because that's not my area of expertise. But I don't know that I'd paint Bush and all Anglos with the same brush. I'll just say that. I'm more interested in the Babylonian Satanists, and the Bush family is very intertwined with that crowd.

>Jews did 9-11
No they merely helped in order to stop the American agencies from derailing the plot. They played a significant role though, yes. However nothing could happen without the sanction of Bush Snr

I can't claim complicity of the FBI and CIA? What were they doing, sitting on their thumbs? Who did Brzezinski work for or any of the countless figures predating the neocon takeover?

Honestly, who are you shilling for? Mueller, who took up his position mere days in advance of 9/11 and is even more complicit than Chris Christie or Jeb or somebody like that?

>So the 18 Radical Islamic Terrorists who murdered 3,000 Americans were actually totally innocent?

quite a few of them weren't even on the plane, they came forward afterwards. (((Someone))) likely cloned their passports

I very clearly said let's hang the Neocon Boomers. Can you name any for me? Do you know where they come from?

I gotta go weed my garden but you just keep pushing, kike-lover. You're a good foil.

I wonder what GHCQ or maybe the rest of the five eyes has, just in case the NSA doesn't :3

>Jews aren't white. They're Semites,
no they are not

Oy vey! Anti-Semite!

Google Semitic dumb dumb

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.
1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.
1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
>Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

They certainly benefited from it. Not sure if we will ever know for sure. I do believe bombs were planted through the WTC though.

In theory everything, In practice who knows, but seeing as Evelynn Rothschild made sure he had a prime time seat for the event I'm sure we're well aware.

Being co conspirators I doubt any leaks will come from our side

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> the American agencies
Were mostly white male leadership with a few Jews
> nothing could happen without the sanction of Bush Snr
A white male

This sounds like a majority white male plot. Now I still believe Jews did 9/11, even I they were only 10% of the total conspirators, but if white males made up 50-60-70% of the total murderers, why can't we call out white males for having played a majority role?

At least we can all agree that Muslims and Islamic jihadists were entirely innocent. I bet those men weren't even on the plane and were home with their families.

Allegedly the leaks about pissgate came from one of your dudes, so who knows what backstory could be useful in the future :3

You forget the NEO COHENS.

Have you seen the work of christopher bollyn?

>I can't claim complicity of the FBI
Of course you can! And I agree, this mostly white male agency with white male leadership was instrumental to 9/11.

I wonder how much of the Jewish-Italian Mafia would be considered to be white? Meyer Lansky and the Chicago croud, Hillery etc. Bill? I don't know. CIA? Are Irish Catholics sometimes niggers, too?

"EX" spook

It wasn't a leak it was a terrible attempt of smearing him. It was so unprofessional I very much doubt it came from us. Disinfo is meant to be believable

Is he really such a thing as an ex-spook? If he was retiring anyway, there's not much trouble in using him as a high-profile cover story character.

But it makes you wonder. Back in the Bush days, who was it you had in power? hmmm. Depending on how things go, one almost wonders if anything like that could factor in to May and Brexit. Doesn't her husband benefit from bomb contracts or somethign like that? My memory is a little soft on that.

Can someone give me a qrd on Jews did 9/11. I would really like to listen to Ryan Dawsons video on it because I think hes pretty good, but its 5 hours long.

>let's hang the Neocon Boomers.
So white people?
>quite a few of them weren't even on the plane, they came forward afterwards.
So the Muslims are totally uninvolved. That's what I thought. They were completely innocent!

This attack was done by George Bush, a FUCKING WHITE MALE, and the cia and FBI mostly white male... But obviously they were doing it for the Jews

My question is, (we agree the Jew did 9/11) since the white males did most of the work and we have the threads all the time were we list all the white males involved..
Why can't we ever say "whites did a lot of the helping".... Its whatever long as we all agree Muslims are the real victims here.

I always heard the rumor that jews got a text not to get anywhere near the world trade center that day, but I recently visited the 9/11 memorial and I see plenty of jewish names. Do they put fake names in the memorial?

Pic related

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No, Ashkenazi Jews. Do you really think Jow Forums hasn't been over this time and again for like a decade or more?

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OK, in your estimation, out of the hundreds of conspirators, what percentage were racially white and male? 80%? Again, I still firmly believe Jews did 9/11, and that any white majority involvement was out of manipulation..
I just want to know how much blame I should assign to these murderous WHITE FUCKING MALES.

Get me a list of last names. I'll give you an estimate.

No, it's Jew York.

You should have seen the big pits they left there for 5ever because the Jews refused to rebuild anything in order to maximize the psychological impact of the neocon PNAC "new perl harbor."

>Is he really such a thing as an ex-spook?

I'm pretty sure he was working for himself.

A Intel agency would (I hope) do a far better Job than repeating fan fiction Jow Forums sent to a kike journalist. If I find out it was MI6 I want a fucking tax rebate !!

tipchecked btw and in fact Donald Trump offered to rebuild something there early on, but the Jews wouldn't have it. lel

>This attack was done by George Bush, a FUCKING WHITE MALE, and the cia and FBI mostly white male... But obviously they were doing it for the Jews

It must be nice to be so ignorant that you are always right. Because actual investigation is for "FUCKING WHITE MALES" whilst leftists and muds just repeat what others say with zero scrutiny

Jews have never been afraid to kill their own to further their needs. 300 American Jews died on 9/11, about 10% of the victims. This just makes the crime of the Israelis more heinous, as they committed fratricide.

Spooks that don't stay on the shitty payroll of office grinders generally work for themselves before long. They just have friends and connections and sometimes have a little more fun and games later in life.

The Jow Forums fan fiction is a little bit debatable, even if it came out right on time and had the ring of truth. I think we should investigate for sure, especially since some communist subversive elements are all abord the idea that some kid went to jail for sending Kike Eichenwald a flashy gif because he was a Russian operative (I kid you not.)

Im down with that

Dominik Suter is in the states right now. Find him and the israelis are finished.

Thats a half truth, it happened but it was only half dozen or so that got the message

. christopher bollyn bollyn

if you've not seen his work check it out

Ah yes, those religious fanatics which drank heavily, snorted coke, and lived with pink-haired strippers.

and of course I did my Pilgrimage too while staying in NYC

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So just to recap so I got the "code down":
-Jews did 9/11
-90% of the conspirators were white (non-Jew), but never explicitly speak about whites so as not to tip off weak minded whites that this is really a lefty white hate these.
-Muslims were not involved in any way, the 18 Islamic radicals weren't on the plane, but don't explicitly be overly sympathetic to Muslims or else the target demographic of these threads might get tipped off that they're being manipulated to hate themselves and their country

That about right? I'll do better next thread guys, now that I understand the hidden messages we're pushing here.

The WTC was home to many business offices.

"What, skip work and risk not making more shek- I mean, dollars?"

Honestly I was rather unimpressed with that place back in the 80s. WTC was a much cooler place to visit even if the food at the observatory was also garbage.

>complicity of FBI, CIA
How was the FBI complicit in 9/11?

Didn't investigate it properly and shut it down when they got too close to the truth.

Robert Mueller. We could go on to Henry Kissinger, who chaired the 9/11 commission or whatever, but the FBI didn't even have Osama on the most wanted list.

If you want to go up from there we could ask why the military wasn't scrambled. But that might require a closed-door session or whatever they called it back in the Oliver North days. Is he really the new head of the NRA or something like that???

There were three main groups:
1.Demolition teams (Israeli): Gelatin, E-team
2.Showtime teams (Saudis): "hijackers"
3.Cleanup team (FBI,CIA): hide teams above and create new narrative

It was a Drone.

Attached: drone hit pent.png (337x262, 112K)

I can believe both

Obvious shill/bate. Trying to debate with emotion.

>Shekel for a good goy

According to the Nuremberg code, genocide is a class "A" war crime, punishable by death.

We coudl easily ask the Jews what kind of genocide they were conducting with their illegal demographic operations, such as were carried out by boats into italy or Australia, or UPS into the us. One wonders what exactly certain politicians are proclaiming these days.