How does he do it, Jow Forums? How is he able to SLAUGHTER triggered snowflakes EPIC style everytime?
How does he do it, Jow Forums? How is he able to SLAUGHTER triggered snowflakes EPIC style everytime?
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He's a natural born Jew lawyer. He becomes rabid when put to the task of defending his own opinion. His rage gives people an idea that they can be like him.
Even if he's a Jew, he's done more for the right revolution at it's beginning than any other YouTube "intellectual".
Most of it is staged, the people they bring in is not the brightest and he's good at his job
Do tell mr kraut.... do tell
Go away ben
He was a NeverTrumper
Not that difficult:
>be smart
>be well-read
>cold read
>opponents are literal tards
Leftists only have advantage in numbers and connections. Smarts be damned for them.
His purpose is to gain authority as a right wing thought leader. From there he will fight against the jewish question.
>triggered snowflake
you sound like a fucking normie fuck off this board with your astro turfing since they made that diner there's thread all day long about those cunt, summerfag are obvious as fuck
Redpilled af
He's a kike and he was one of the biggest anti-trump fags pre-election. Fuck this kike weasel.
lessons from destiny
lel I love how the yarmulke is always carefully hidden in pics posted by Shapiro supporting kikes
He thinks shekelpiro fans are organic, not bought and paid for by some israeli agency
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Thomas Paine - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Patrick Little - judeophobe
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Laura Loomer - Zionist
issa meme you dip
Man, We own them all...dumb goyim.
I want him to take on Destiny. Not in debate, in the Thunderdome. Those two little bastards hacking each other to pieces would be great.
Shapiro is of the same style as George Carlin, not a fan of either of them.
Carlin said he would sit in an office in San Fran every day, and keep perfecting his little comedy dialogue, keep practicing the same sentences over and over until it was committed to memory.
Shapiro has done the same thing on about a dozen key issues (immigration, healthcare, education, taxes, marriage, SJWs, 2nd amendment...) , he just travels from University to University saying the same stuff, and the university students just ask him the same tired old left-wing questions, and he gives them the same answer.
How to become zionist?
It's quite ironic for a german to be worshipping a jew. Lol
>able to SLAUGHTER triggered snowflakes EPIC style everytime?
Ben Shapiro: Follow These 10 Rules When Debating Leftists
This. I used to watch most debates/public events he was involved in, but stopped because it got really repetitive.
Been Shapiro CUMS facts on sjw and makes her SWALLOW it down.
someone post the one with the ten youtube videos increasingly PUTTING FEET UP ASSES with LOGIC and FACTS. Ben Shapiro DEMOLISHES a HOSPITAL FULL OF PALESTINIAN CHILDREN with FACTS AND LOGIC
>still supporting trump in 2018
how is richard spencer a zionist you subversive cunt
>not shopping the G into a J
You had one job memefag
why do mods let this faggot jew get spammed here
ya pushing for the iraq war as a 19 year old snot nosed kike was so intellectual
sage this kike
Fuck off Ben you filthy kike, nobody likes you. Your proxy isn't fooling anyone.
I died at "breaks his dick off in her mouth with a Thomas jerfferson quote"
>ywn have ben shapiro's swag
why even go on desu
Holy kek
Is he the MOST beautiful man in USA?
here you go
Did you used to shill for Destiny?
small change
It's baffles me that anyone actually likes him. He has 0 redeeming qualities. Who is he supposed to appeal to? How many young right of center cucks exist?
probably a lot more than young far right spergs
I hope all Jews get executed one day