Why does every US holiday degrade into soldier worship?

Why does every US holiday degrade into soldier worship?

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hey man it's a true test of martial skill to have a manufacturing power house completely out of harms way while you wage war 10000 miles away on nations that have either been engaged in war for years already or are third world countries

we must honor the troops

because all the U.S. has ever really been good at is attacking people and war

1/3 was patriots 1/3 wars torys and 1/3 didn’t care but 3% picked up a rifle and fought for our freedoms and kicked these people out
>pic related

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...only to end up as besties and die in their wars. Britty gool

Rainbow flag coming thru

>we only honor the troops who fight in wars we won
Are you stupid or something?

Damn the shills are doing it so wrong.

It doesnt. Your vision is laughably narrow. Go back to pulling your little pud to traps, fag.

cuz freedumb

>fag flag
I dont read fag flag posts.

Because that is the only sane thing left, people used to respect soldiers everywhere. Military was integral part of every country, now it is just another occupation


1812 we were enemies and all the sudden in 1914 we were helping them I wonder what happens in 1913?
>The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C. §§ 221 to 522) is an Act of Congress that created and established the Federal Reserve System (the central banking system of the United States), and which created the authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (commonly known as the US Dollar) as legal tender. The Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.
>"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men
Wildrow Wilson

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Modern form of Hero worship in the sense in which Carlyle spoke. The question is: Are modern soldier Heroes?

It sells trinkets

It's disgusting. Today is our birthday. Fuck the troops. They had nothing to do with it, and today, the majority of them actually fight for foreign nations and multinational corporate interests and against our national sovereignty. I'm sick of hearing about their shit. How many fucking holidays do we already have for them? What we need to do is get rid of the volunteer service and implement mandatory military service for everyone over 18. These people are not special, in fact, this country was founded on the idea that every fighting age man would be in the militia.

Gotta spend at least a few days each year praising those brave goyim who went to war for glorious Israel. The rest of the year they can just keep being homeless.

Because it makes cucks cry.

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yes goy stop traditions. Feed your kid full HRT pills, watch the kardashians, and listen to Miley Cyrus.

>Fuck the troops. They had nothing to do with it,
Oh then who defended our constitution from the brits to Spaniards to the Nazis and Japan, Commies from USSR etc?
>Pic related
Who needs troops /s

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WW2 founding mythology. Worship the men who gave the Jews power to create 'modern' America.

ummm, how about technology, economics, and a free society? We are by far then best at those too, but we are damn good at war.

It gives Jews another excuse to talk about the nazis and the 6 gorillion holohoax.

The only actual threat to the US constitution was the Brits, the rest just wanted regional hegemony (or in Spain's case to keep their colonies).

>Russia defeats Germany in WW2
>"Hehe, we gave Russians some supplies so... we like totally won the war."
>Get fucked in Vietnam by rice farmers
>Utterly fail to control the middle east. Just fuck things up even more for everybody, including ourselves.
>Meanwhile, Mexico has encroached on our Southern border, completely taking over many US cities. No one that can actually do something about it seems to care.

Every US holiday is about soldier worship.
We love our soldiers.
How do people miss it?

>t.retarded boomer

We got technology and economics from a total war spending footing. The same footing cost us a free society.

WWII was the our transition from Republican Rome to Imperial Rome. It's not something to be too upset about, but it feels bad to know we exist in the society the Founders were hoping we'd manage to avoid.

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>These people are not special, in fact, this country was founded on the idea that every fighting age man would be in the militia.
Yeah then the founding fathers found out how fucking retarded that is.
>implement mandatory military service for everyone over 18
That's how you get a shitty fighting force, the best fighting forces are always volunteer only and have a strong espirt de corps.

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This, only bugmen disrespect our men at arms. Just because our government as of late sending them for “muh oil” doesn’t mean we should disrespect the men and women who died for the cause.

It's amazing to me the selfishness of your generation and the complete lack of self awareness you all have. You were spoiled and raised by idiots. Now you all are a pox upon humanity. I truly hope you all die.

Americans are completely saturated in military service nonsense and fake patriotism.

Useful tools on the hands of others who don't care abou them or their country.

You're all welcome for my service


The 4th is about telling England to fuck off.
It should really be celebrated on July 2nd (the date the declaration of independence was written)

>Commies from USSR?
ding ding ding

Then why is our military so mediocre?

Keep in mind that this generation was raised by the generation that decided the WWII generation was the peak of American dignity.

History makes it pretty clear that mandatory service and compelled service both work perfectly fine. The reason we won't bring back the Draft anytime soon is that costing everyone two years of their lives in a critical career-building age has serious economic consequences down the line.

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You let jews take over our nation while you were busy self-flagellating.

Because it's primarily an industrial sector rather than a warfighting sector. The actual fighting is being done by a smaller and smaller subset of the armed forces. The real goal is to keep the foundries and shipyards running.

>Then why is our military so mediocre?
It isn't. It is the greatest in the world. No other country in the world can compare to our ability to project force across the Sea.

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Oh that’s it? How about mass production, assembly lines. Industrial farming, modern medicine, Self governance, right to bear arms. Man on the moon, robot on mars. Gallelio flying passed Pluto and into outer space. Fuel cells laser radar cotton gin barbed wire abolishion of slavery, woman’s suffrage, equal rights, skyscrapers, airplane, Corvettes and mustangs. Harley and shwinns, bowling baseball football TV telegraph and telephone internet computer barcode iPhone

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Why is our country being absolutely butchered in the south by a bunch of third world shitstains?

Our military isn't very effective on its one and only primary duty.

When has the US ever been good at war? You've lost nearly every single one. You won your Revolution only with extensive help from the French.

>>Then why is our military so mediocre?
One aircraft carrier has more power than 99% of military in the world. We have 10

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There's also the problem that the American military is increasingly dissimilar from American society as a whole. The military is conservative, religious, in better standing with the law, and generally better educated than the comparable civilian population. The military requires enlisted to have at bare minimum a GED, and that's more than the rest of the country demands. There's also no AFQT keeping people below the 25th percentile out of Wal Mart.

Then there's the family history divide. The military is increasingly a separate, parallel society in itself, with generations serving, rather than a cross-section of the country as it was until Vietnam.

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ooooohhhhh not this shit again... are you sure the gubment would force them to go if these monkeys had the brainpower to realise they're 'fighting' for evil and chose to stand up to it instead? and if it did, wouldn't that be a bit enlightening? don't you think they actually seek this completely undeserved admiration? don't you think yid has you worshipping them in order to keep the supply of retards signing up? if you don't, then do explain your theories. otherwise, shut the fuck up and watch me despise these pathetic tools used to destroy humanity. no respect, no admiration, not even pity. they're way below that. lol at your imbecile 'heroes' just lol... gtfo you garbage!

Americans are brainwashed. That's all there is to it. Everything they believe, they believe 100% but it's all a lie. They do the opposite.

The US doesn't have a genuine history or culture to celebrate

>extensive help from the French.
Lol is that what common core teaches now?
No they just sold us arms, no troops unlike hessians(Germans) who fought with redcoats.

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Lol your generals were shit, especially Washington. You'd have gone nowhere without the crucial aid of Lafayette.

You came in late after much of the important fighting was done to play battleships in the Pacific.

>Those gymnastics
>That flag....wait...
Opinion discarded

>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
No history ha, only the most important document to self governance to free people was created

The world under American hegemony has been the most prosperous, productive and objectively peaceful it's ever been. Pax Americana has given the human race a golden age by every significant metric.

Without us you retards would be tearing each other apart, like you did every century for the last 3000 years.

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>That's how you get a shitty fighting force, the best fighting forces are always volunteer only and have a strong espirt de corps
That's also how you get a nation of lazy, historically ignorant bootlickers that post pictures of WW2 and a 50-star flag on independence day.

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It's also the most BLACKED.

Shut posting has reached epic lows today. 1/10

>Russia defeats Germany in WW2
British intelligence, American steel and Russian blood

>There, he was made a major general; however, the 19-year-old was initially not given troops to command. Wounded during the Battle of Brandywine, he still managed to organize an orderly retreat
Again you’re understanding of history is flawed

Do “we”, or are we just told to support the military since birth by the media and state?

Most people I know, behind closed doors do not appreciate the military and think it’s un-American.

It's a nice way of putting it. Just so you know, America sent things to Nazi Germany as well, and were just waiting to see who was going to win before entering the war. They were fully prepared for a Hitler-run Europe. Claiming any victory there is LOL.

>WW2 and a 50-star flag
FYI in WW2 we had 48 stars

The USA already reached epic lows when it failed to hold its own against literal rice farmers.

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>independence day
We should be worshiping niggers tbqh m8

We had been out of Vietnam for almost two years when Saigon fell. We just chose the wrong Vietnamese to help.

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>The NVA and VC were the same thing
The absolute state of BLM education.

Vietnam wasn’t a war that was planned to be won. CIA (deepstate LBJ)funded the north through Cambodia to keep the war going so military industrial complex can profit.

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We're posting Webms now? i guess we can do the same

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In order to have a genuine history, a country must have a group of people who've historically been associated with it. How does that work when anyone from anywhere can be "American," and no one is any more American on account of ethnicity? It's like saying your family has a history when anyone can join it when they want.

Soldiers think they’re hot shit because they have to do physical exercise and that makes them “tough” even though there are hundreds of different blue colllar jobs which are much more physically demanding and have a higher risk of death. They are essentially glorified welfare queens, 1 in 10 might end up in a dangerous situation fighting in some war for Jews but most of the time they’re just sitting on base jerking each other off. There is not a class of people more spoiled in modern times than American soldiers.

Market Garden was pretty bananas.

Amazing what armed country men can do huh?

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Normal people already know why.

Cue the euro blackedposter
You faggots are predictable

>b-b-but we sent more things to Russia!
America was totally prepared for Hitler running Europe. That is real history right there. They just waited to see where the tides were blowing. Claiming any part of WW2 is kind of a joke.

Rifle behind every rice field works just as well as rifle behind every blade of grass

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Riiiiiiight, because you dont have ghettos like everywhere where else that has money and the smarts

I like how there's always some hilarious bullshit technicality from burgers whenever you bring up their failures in Vietnam.

Because they have guns and if you’re mean to them they’ll shoot you


I didn't mean to reply to you, what the hell. Either way you're still wrong but
meant for

Yeah they went a bridge too far m8

The armed forces want to inject themselves into everything as much as possible to facilitate easier recruitment.

>America was totally prepared for Hitler running Europe
I wonder who helped?
>When the Remingtons, duPonts, Rockefellers, Mellons, J.P. Morgan, George Herbert Walker, Samuel Bush and Prescott Bush, as well as other representatives of America’s corporate elite decided to overthrow the government of the United States in 1934, they recruited retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead it.
>The group intended to establish a Fascist regime that would send undesirables, including the unemployed, the Jews and political opponents to concentration and/or extermination camps.
>a tire salesman before becoming one of the biggest Nazi collaborators in US history
>Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.Prescott Bush

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t.burger flipping mong

Because without war there is no power. Pacifism is weakness. Humans are gangbangers by nature, so mobb deep and get good at war.

Pre-America we used to just kill niggers and arabs that would encroach on our lands. Now, with the American world-police watching, they throw a shitstorm whenever we kill a black or an arab. Nope. Now we have to accept the niggers and arabs into our lives and watch them rape our women and steal our property. Do anything about it and the Americans will go bananas and intervene for the sake of those poor oppressed niggers.

How do you define 'great' lil'Timmy?

t. Memeflag chickenshit talking trash about another country while too cowardly to show his own flag.

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>hundreds of different blue colllar jobs which are much more physically demanding and have a higher risk of death.

Not really. No blue collar jobs are demanding any more except a very select few like firefighter. Work is easy in the modern world.

>this country was founded on the idea that every fighting age man would be in the militia.


It sucks that they failed.

Because 'soldier worship' is how the US military maintains a solid stream of recruits ready and willing to die for Israel.

Hype them up and tell everyone how great they are, and watch as people eagerly lineup to follow in their footsteps.

I probably have sustained more injuries working in restaurants than the average American soldier does exercising and wasting ammunition so their budget doesn’t get cut.


What ball busting nigger you are, completely ignorant of history if you honestly think any of this has to do with the USs ability to fight and win battles. Fighting and killing is the only part of the war the US was good at, but you knew that and are just being an epic internet contrarian cool guy out for (yous). Epic ftw!

You can’t win a war when you fund both sides. And did we really lose Vietnam war? Withdraws troops but army of Rothschild central banker went in after setup factories and modern society. Now they make shoes and clothes for Walmart