Why does every US holiday degrade into soldier worship?

Why does every US holiday degrade into soldier worship?

Attached: World_War_I_veteran_Joseph_Ambrose,_86,_at_the_dedication_day_parade_for_the_Vietnam_Veterans_Memori (1870x2810, 1.57M)

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hey man it's a true test of martial skill to have a manufacturing power house completely out of harms way while you wage war 10000 miles away on nations that have either been engaged in war for years already or are third world countries

we must honor the troops

because all the U.S. has ever really been good at is attacking people and war

1/3 was patriots 1/3 wars torys and 1/3 didn’t care but 3% picked up a rifle and fought for our freedoms and kicked these people out
>pic related

Attached: C4AF6124-F4B2-4C7F-8C38-15FD254DE43A.jpg (800x500, 136K)

...only to end up as besties and die in their wars. Britty gool

Rainbow flag coming thru

>we only honor the troops who fight in wars we won
Are you stupid or something?

Damn the shills are doing it so wrong.

It doesnt. Your vision is laughably narrow. Go back to pulling your little pud to traps, fag.

cuz freedumb