Women in the work force

Has anyone here worked in any environment with women?
I would like to know if it was only in the places where I worked or if other people have gone through this experience. It can not be just coincidence.
Everywhere I worked women simply did not work at all. They spent all day making gossip. And in the end a boss who is a mangina would throw all the work, which was their duty, behind my back. And if the boss was a woman the same thing happened.

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Men are better workers 100% but I have encountered decent female workers.

Yes, they may exist, but the proportion is negligible.

>Everywhere I worked women simply did not work at all. They spent all day making gossip.


There was only one place where I worked that had a woman who actually worked (or supposedly worked because I spent all day locked in the office and the people who worked there told me she was drinking all day whiskey, so I have no way of knowing if that's really true) but overall in all the other places I worked I did not find a single one that actually worked.
In this office the other women spent all day on orkut and messenger (it was in the past decade) in other places women simply did not work.

I've worked in Hotels for years, more than 50% of the staff are women, waitresses, housekeepers, receptionists etc, they can be very good, but one thing is certain, never allow your girlfriend or wife to work in the hotel trade (if she's attractive), they all become whores very quickly, if it's not senior management or bad boy chefs then they're off screwing the guests.

Its the worst possible hell imaginable. They have no filter on their mouth, they talk shit all day and you can't do anything back, they make shitty workers, they try to belittle you, they form groups and try to get you fired. This is in an office environment. I spent years working blue collar jobs and never had to deal with that type shit, so it was all new to me.

Quite a few years ago I worked at a credit union that was approximately 90% female (as is most of the financial sector in regional banking). The women would gossip, talk shit constantly behind others backs about clothing, shoes, how much weight someone had gained, etc.

Some were very hard workers and I got along with them, but for the most part they were only there as tellers to look at men's bank accounts to find themselves a sugar daddy to knock them up and get a big ass diamond to show off to Karen across the hall.

I worked in a HR department for about a year, the women did their work but they were painfully slow at it, none could type in the computer without looking at the keyboard, they didnt know how to use functions in excel and would take 20 minute breaks every hour, i found myself doing most of the work in the office because of it.

Worst of all is you having to do 2x what your job is and be paid x and she gets another x for the work you did.

That's when you're not taking the blame for some shit work she did and the boss can not blame her because she make that face crying.

I would like more people to share their experiences so I have an idea if the problem was just me or if this is something common but it seems like few people in / pol / work or have worked.

working in a work place with majority woman. Suck.
And sucks hard. Everything is made a big deal of.
Even the simplest of projects
And if your firm and a woman gets upset. Your in your managers office talking about feels
when you try and play the same game, they tell you, your feels have to be wrong. it's a misunderstanding.

I fucking hate working in environments were it's majority women.

I worked at the theater

>workplace party
>dance on the pole with a hot gymnast girl she’s like 35
>next day she walks by greets me and we are both laughing
>I tell her “I totally jerked of to you later”
>laugh it off

That same day receive a sexual harassment complaint from an unknown 3rd person

Long story short, turns out some ugly women I never even looked at filled the complaint, the hit gymnast milf laughed it off and didn’t care about it

Got off the hook because of it

This was like 6 years ago before the SJW craziness of today

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don't you love their little groups LOL

and eventually the little groups have falling outs. And they form new little groups. Which have falling outs ect.

Al bundy has it right. "i don't try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other"

so true.

>This was like 6 years ago before the SJW craziness of today

Lol. I was born in the early 80's. I find it funny when someone says that 6 years ago we were not living this politically correct of today.

gossiping, nice to your face and talk behind your back or passive aggressive, everyone wants to be the one uncharge, always bringing in food, constantly asking you to donate to some cause or sign some card

Relay for Life, American Heart Association, Some Downs Syndrome shit, St. Judes, United Way e-mails begging to donate CONSTANTLY.

>And in the end a boss who is a mangina would throw all the work, which was their duty, behind my back. And if the boss was a woman the same thing happened.
Then get a new job.

I worked with this woman who sold our goods often for cheaper than we bought them on the grounds that "we needed to turnover the stock". No one could dare to mention to her that we needed to sell the stuff at a profit in order for the company to make money as it would have provoked a tantrum or just bitchy sentiment.

The comapany went bust and we all lost our jobs. It was the biggest vinyl distributor in Europe.

They're alright. The only ones I enjoyed working with are the ones who think like men.

From my internship in IT
>All man team except one woman
>She has a seperate room from the rest, the biggest
>Vague smell of cheap perfume
>Leave early all the time
>Only work on Apple stuff,with nothing but Apple softs(we had less apple computer than windows ones)
>Doesn't move anything, have other techs moving the machines from and to her desk

From my jobs as store clerks
>Women are less knowledgable about what their are selling
>Basically only says "I tried and it works"
>Only sell the same things over and over
>Wonder why she gets so many returns

That's what I did.

I work in a career field dominated by men, and many of those men are aggressive Type-A personalities. Everyone is intelligent and very used to conflict - both verbal and physical. I have a female coworker, a female supervisor, and a female boss. The coworker is a typical drama queen moody bitch. Every day I hope that she quits or gets let go. The supervisor is, hands down, one of the most intelligent, professional, and competent people I’ve ever worked with. She is great. The boss is extremely intelligent, very passionate about our work, extremely supportive, and everyone respects her. She’s rad. There are two other older women in the office that I barely interact with. I’d describe one as a den-mother but she’s retiring soon so she doesn’t care anymore, and the other I’d describe as a wicked witch that my moody coworker will probably turn into. Outside of our office we interact with female counterparts in other offices...there are some typical drama bitches, but most of the other women just seem like normal people who do their jobs and keep their heads down.

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I work with a lot of older women, so like 40s-60s and they’re surprisingly capable. Then again it’s not an office environment, but I’m pleasantly surprised by their performance so far.

Work in an office of 15 people, 4 are women, 2 work like normal humans, the other 2 spend their time passing the buck and gossiping

Ignorance is bliss I guess

How would a guy go about screwing hotel staff? Get them on the job or what?

Same experience here senpai. Women just spend their entire day gossiping and complaining, and refusing to do manual labor. If any boxes or containers come in they delegate it to the men.

In stark contrast to my male colleague, who basically only ever says "morning" and "I'm on it", minutes before finishing whatever task was given to him.

Women totally lack the concepts of teamwork, brotherhood and getting shit done.

I joined a team with a female boss. We write computer software and they had written so much messy code. One good thing about writing software is that every line of code is attributed to the person who wrote it through version control. She’s no longer with the team and we have a new boss that I’m working with to get everything cleaned up.

I worked in a large office for a cruise line. Many were women. Very superficial place. Some of the ladies worked "hard" but others were total slackers. The guys there were cucks for the most part, aside from a few veterans and other dudes. I'm glad that I quit and went to college, because having a woman majority workplace can get very annoying. I felt like I had to tip-toe around eggshells.

Only ever had one female subordinate and she was decent. The worst developer on the team, but could still get work done.

Has anyone ever had a terrible customer service experience with a man? The only shitty customer service experiences (cashiers, waitresses, bartenders) I've ever had were with, unsurprisingly, women.

My experience is that women are mostly okay in the workforce. They do tend towards the emotional, crying a lot and whatnot. Not totally useless though.

>Has anyone here worked in any environment with women?
I have on some occasions. In all of them it was front end - back end relation. Had fun until got bored.

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>Everywhere I worked women simply did not work at all. They spent all day making gossip. And in the end a boss who is a mangina would throw all the work, which was their duty, behind my back. And if the boss was a woman the same thing happened.

These are shill threads collecting opinion data for market research just so you know. Don't respond to them legitimately. Just post the most ridiculously fake stories you can so eventually they will stop posting them.

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I once worked in a place where one of the women went with a neckline that her boobs looked like it was going to jump out of her shirt and with pants so tight it was transparent. She spent all the time talking to the boss all day and when she was not talking to him, she was smoking marijuana outside the building. The boss told me to do all of her work. I could not take more than two weeks of it.

Women do the least work and are least skilled in the workforce. They also consistently miss work to have kids, take time off for their sick kids, etc.

Yeah, worked at a corporate spa a few years ago. Everything you have said is true, lazy gossiping cunts and slobbish as well. There were a few who actually worked on about my level but they were older. The pro about the situation is if you're good looking and not totally autistic you can fuck them super easy. Just make sure to keep it quiet or bitches will get jealous and try to mess it up for you.

one filipino chick put in work (more work than her countrymen by an order of magnitude), but she was literally too short to do several of her expected tasks which caused production halts

every other woman I've ever worked with was insipid, lazy, talentless, and cried their way out of being fired on a semi-regular basis

>Work experience at a dentist's
>All women, apart from 1 male dentist
>Lots of patients all day, everyday but it ran like clockwork
>Hygiene procedures always followed, everyone got along and patients were happy

I can't complain, sometimes it works.

Im a women, and have mad many jobs and didn't do shit lol much more usefull around the house, earrands for my boyfriend and such. Also who wants to be a wage slave so

They're useless and worse they slow down all processes
>I'm gonna call them tomorrow
She won't.

>miss work to have kids
Brothers wife got laid off from Verizon when she got to month 7. Dumb cunt was stupid enough to sign the lay off papers without talking to a lawyer.

>Most women to dumb to even know when they're getting fucked by based employers

Security guy here.

>10% of us are women because muh diversity muh soggy knees
>all ugly
>all annoying
>all aggressive and rude as fuck to customers
>all provoking and escalating situations instead of de-escalating as they should
>always the ones creating drama between coworkers
>always the ones provoking unnecessary aggressions
>always the ones calling in sick 5 minutes before the shift because "women issues"

Jesus Christ what a mistake.

Some women are OK workers but almost all of them across rhe board will burn you to management for no reason. I have been dumbstruck by this behavior.
By all.means burn a coworker if it gets u ahead but for no reason?

Sums it about up.

I just finished my year of internship at a gov hospital were 75% of the interns are women.

All of the things that past posters have said were applied here. The endless gossip, the laziness and the comploting against men.
The only thing that stood above everything was the fact that they never do anything unless they're told to, they totally lack initiative and are only guided by the law of minimum effort. Some just outright whore themselves to get a special treatment by their male superiors, if you aim at women at the same rank as you you'll never ever get any kind of pussy.

They're mindless degenerates and lack any trace of morality. The only few that can't be placed into this category are the ones who show masculine traits... oh, and they're outlawed by their own kin.

The building is literally filled with bedrooms, I've lost count of the bitches I've banged at work, it's just a case of having an understanding with at least one housekeeper, preferably the head housekeeper, then you get to soil some sheets no questions asked. The manager at my last place was a fucking animal, he used to specifically target girls who considered untouchable, married in love or whatever, and he had this one room he used to like using. The head housekeeper used to say 'Room 421's occupied again' to let us know he'd scored another home run.

But if you're talking about being a guest and banging a housekeeper of waitress then just fucking ask them, they won't be rude to a guest dude, they may smile and say no, but you'd be surprised how many will take you up on it, assuming you've got the goods of course.

please don't make fun of the kid
she has a disease and i wish her the best
be a man and delete the gif op

this is why men need to just go MGTOW

funny you don’t hear shit about equality when it’s a female dominated field. huh

White women deserved to be murdered with a cheese grater. I mean they should be positioned upside down and slowly grated, from their foot soles down to their skull caps, manually, with a cheese grater.

It's honestly amazing to think about what white men and white countries could have been if there were no white women.

Asian women and part Asian women are the new gold standard for white men in 2018.

I think she is fun and cute. I wish her the best too.

i remember once being extremely down and depressed and i came across one of the kids videos, where she sings and dances
made my eyes watery and realized to cheer up and be happy with what i have and my health
im hard as a stone, dont cry for years and will keep my feelings to myself as a man should, but she made me feel
you're a good lad
dont mind me, had to share

If you felt offended, I'm sorry. I found this image on the internet and found it funny.
If I could erase the image and post another one in place, I would.

What a baby back bitch.

All the women at my place are good workers and a few are total qts

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Whatever you say rabbi.