PNW White Ethnostate Daily Question

How do we get rid of all the Californians and their pet Mexicans?

(The White Ethnostate will consist of Washington, Oregon and Idaho plus B.C. Canada)

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Export them while saying "Make Mexico Great Again", kinda like the exile of the Jews, pick any time

No it won't. It'll consist of the south and Appalachia.

>How do we get rid of all the Californians and their pet Mexicans?
By making cities illegal. Everyone are to live on a homestead or farm, and live an honest life off the land. Those living by the coast may be fishermen.
Those who seek to work in industry has to permit for it.

The Californian and (migrant, honest Mexicans live on the Mexican countryside) Mexican desires an unhonestest and parasitical life in the city. Deny them that, and they shall infest another unfortunate area.

Ok this is a productive idea.
The South and Appalachia are overrun with niggers and redneck miscegnation. The terrian is not defensible. Thanks for playing, try again!

Interesting. I've had the same thoughts. With modern automation cities are no longer needed.

It's what I'm here for. Spotting patterns, reapplying them where fitting.
Imagine the types of cities we could build, if we went tech. It'd be nice to have an agreement that no one would live in them. They'd be strictly for culture, tech, and community functions.

moving from texas to washington in about a month with my white wife and kid. should be comfy.


>implying all of America isn't white land
fuck off.

Awesome. What's your IQ test out at? Are you an INTJ?
Welcome. You picked a good time to come weather wise. Plenty of jobs here at the moment.

Uh, have you been living in a cave? We're being swarmed by Spics, niggers and other shits whilst the Jews orchestrate the who show. We need to take a piece foe our own exclusive use before we can take back the rest.

Instead of exposing the Zionist deception and reclaim our Nation, you'd have it retreat inna woods? You know if you spent as much time redpilling the sleeping masses as you do spamming your bullshit we'd have fixed these problems already..

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Now I know you are a shill. We aren't "innawoods" here and you know it.

KYS faggot.

>They'd be strictly for culture, tech, and community functions.
Indeed! As they were intended for! Living in them brings nothing but alienation, and alienation brings us the absurd political movements we see today.

Never been tested. INTP, raised by Js. My grandpa tested over what was measurable in the 60s, back then meaning 180+, both of my parents are smarter than most. People are always impressed, but I attribute that to people always assuming attractive people are idiots and I'm more mentaly involved than most...

I'm pretty sure this will be what the USA looks like when it becomes Balkanized.

Attached: download.png (5400x3585, 1.36M)

This is so sad. Makes me feel sad for the oklahoma province

Like an inverted Corbusier setup. Cities have everything- but no one lives there. Owning land should be expected of families. Sustainable townships should take precedence with community living. With a nat soc overtone to everything of course.

Have you seen the trailer for that Domestic something movie?? It's hilarious what they're trying to push. "The Plow Boys" is one of the province names, does not remind me of Proud Boys at all...

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I'd see it happening where there's only one home per city block, no commie blocks or crowded conditions. Of course no non-whites. Each home would have garden, workshop, etc. The remnants of Seattle would be dynamited and bulldozed, then returned to nature. Perhaps the Space Needle could remain but that horrible EMP building would be obliterated forever. There's be a heavy emphasis on the maritime industry. Basically we'd create White Utopia.
IQ is hereditary. Realize that we need the average IQ people on our sidfe, they have their place. We can't all be rocket scientists.

That looks fucking retarded....

I know I'll get terminal brain cancer if I watch this.

>How do we get rid of all the Californians and their pet Mexicans?
Make their anti-White policies and their anti-White presence illegal in the homeland.

As long as we have our National Mythos (as J Campbell would put it) we could have every IQ variant in its place. A civilization needs common archetypes, standards of behavior, that we all abide by and aspire to. Make White Civilization Great Again. The American Dream was fueled by the Protestant work ethic. We will once again need a common set of virtues to run a civilization smoothly across all extreme ends of every bellcurve imaginable.

Exactly what I was thinking. It was a nice addition to all the Purge trailers going on right now too... "hollywood" is getting aggressive with it

Go full Cesar Legion on their ass.

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>Exactly what I was thinking. It was a nice addition to all the Purge trailers going on right now too... "hollywood" is getting aggressive with it
The Jews control the virtually the entire flow of information.

If people resist the message of the new purge movie, the Jews will simply claim "See! This reaction is why we need more movies like this!"

If people accept the message of the new purge movie, the Jewish will simply claim "See! This reaction is why we need more movies like this!"

They know in either instance that the most you'll do is complain. You won't actually attempt to stand up to them in any real way, shape or form. Because you haven't in the past 60 years.

Isn't the Northwest hostile to people who move there who aren't originally from there?

>Isn't the Northwest hostile to people who move there who aren't originally from there?
Who cares?

Move there, don't act in such a way that'll get you noticed, keep your head down and wait/prepare for everything to go to shit.

This 100% The cunstruction worker and the Scientist would have equal respect.
Yes, they are getting very aggressive with it because they know >>>it's coming

*construction worker

Sorry, I can't type today. Need more coffee...

I haven't noticed any hostility at least in my city, but in the more rural areas there is suspicion of newcomers which is typical for anywhere.

>tfw mutt born in the PNW will you at least let me flee the shithole of Tacoma I have no loyalty to you peckerwoods

This is the correct answer. If only Covington were more, shall we say, photogenic things would go easier for us.

You can always move to San Francisco and be with your own kind.

>If only Covington were more, shall we say, photogenic things would go easier for us.
Well he's got a great voice, that's for sure.

But if someone can't focus on the message and how the messenger looks, it's a good bet they weren't going to do anything for the White race in the first place.

Greetings from Ozarkia! We share your dream of a White ethnostate here. Multiracial empires do not fly. What doesn't fly will fall, and we should push it and say "fall faster." When (not if) the Balkanization of the American Empire happens we will see feudal states cut out of the chaos. Looking at the demographic trends of the past census we see White flight from the coastal regions of the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards. Whites fleeing to the Appalachians, Ozarks and midwest. Nogs have been moving en masse to the deep south, goblinos up into the south west and a mixture of all untermench has over run most all urban centers.

When it goes down, I wish you all the best of luck. I look forward to establishing a solid trade partnership between PNW and Ozarkia. Here's looking forward to the Day of the Rope.

>But if someone can't focus on the message and how the messenger looks, it's a good bet they weren't going to do anything for the White race in the first place.

This. Even if Covington were a 10/10 Chad (((they))) would still find a reason to complain and shill.

Best of luck to you too Comrade. If your stronghold in the Ozarks becomes untenable you are needed here to fight alongside us to secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

>This. Even if Covington were a 10/10 Chad (((they))) would still find a reason to complain and shill.
They always do. Because they can't counter the NWF's message so they have to attack the messenger. Or simply dismiss the plan out of hand.

It's because most of the people here want to LARP and talk about saving the White race without actually lifting a finger (and thus incurring risk) to do it. Things are much too easy for them right now.

>Things are much too easy for them right now.

Going with the flow is so much fun for them, they don't have to think about the future. The good times won't last forever.

I know, I'm the same way. The past 10 movies I've watched were offbeat "gnostic" philosophical themes.
I'm thinking of starting up a project with my dad, we talk a lot about everything, and it seems important at this point to try and persuade the 5% of persuadable people, as Scott Adams would say. Persuade them to pull out of the game and start building for a future of their own creation. But I'm not sure what the best way to go about that is...

>Going with the flow is so much fun for them, they don't have to think about the future. The good times won't last forever.
Yeah the NWF is ahead of the curve in that regard. It's move up there and prepare while it's easy because when shit goes down it'll be that much harder.

Of course not thinking about anyone else and not thinking of the future is ingrained into Whites these days.

If something like the NWF doesn't happen, they don't realize they'll be 70 years old, living in a third-world non-White nation, living in a nursing home staffed by non-Whites, either completely alone or visited once a year by their mixed, communist homosexual grandchildren until they're given the hot shot because it costs too much to take care of them.

We have no influence or control of the airwavesso reaching out to a receptive audience is virtually impossible. I have put thought into this and keep drawing a blank. It's a tough nut to crack. All by design, it shows how much the Jews fear the truth getting out. We're in a virtual lockdown.
Sadly you are totally correct. At a minimum whites should be concentration here and preparing for the eventual Balkanization which is an absolute inevitability. Never before in human history has a multicultural and diverse society lasted more than a few generations and we are no exception.

>Sadly you are totally correct. At a minimum whites should be concentration here and preparing for the eventual Balkanization which is an absolute inevitability. Never before in human history has a multicultural and diverse society lasted more than a few generations and we are no exception.
Indeed. It's funny because if Hillary won, the NWF would be in a better position.

But I guess we'll have to wait until the president after Trump who'll be the most anti-White ever and punish Whites for voting for the "racist."

>But I guess we'll have to wait until the president after Trump who'll be the most anti-White ever and punish Whites for voting for the "racist."

This is exactly what I dread. When they come back into the will be in punishment mode. It's going to get bad, very bad.

*When they come back into power

>This is exactly what I dread. When they come back into the will be in punishment mode. It's going to get bad, very bad.
How bad depends on how Trump exits the White House. If he's impeached or he loses re-election it'll be less worse than if he doesn't get impeached and wins re-election.

If he wins re-election that will absolutely drive the anti-Whites truly insane.

Just move to Montana and buy up cheap farmland

We pray that those autists on the kvg threads are successful

How to drive certain families out of town?

Die "muh whyte skin" larpers

The anti-whites are already going bonkers. We live in interesting times.

Have enough people in the town passively hate them that they move out

This is true. The algorithms would need specific targeting and big trends would have to be followed for ultimate exposure. I was thinking a socratic mocking target of conspiratorial fact is the best way to sneak past the cognitive dissonance
But I also want to put up billboards for stefan molyneux... that's still in the marketing works

Free association in the market. Don't interact with them economically

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This. We had a neighbor move in from California with an adopted nigger kid. It took about a year of them overhearing my friends and I saying nigger etc and playing Nazi music beforethey moved back to California. But move they did. Was subtle about it.

You'retalking over my head.Socratic mocking target?

Americans elected Trump, your Jewish meme comics are almost as risible as you are.

>Captain America attempting to assault the legally elected and not convicted of any crime President of the USA

With the definition of conspiracy being 2 or more people working together for a common goal, there's a ton of economic fact providing quite a different narrative for every event. By socratic, I mean well placed questions to interrupt the normie thought main narrative. So along the way the simple questions are supplied followed by substantiated evidence that reshapes the normie narrative. The only way to successfully do this is by making fun of "conspiratards", but in the end inserting new ways of viewing common events... like the youtube Joycamp used to do.

Ok so that's what I've been doing...

Checked. I'd love to hear what ya got! I haven't really started, I've been mining topics

Read and implement this book:

"One has to wonder whether Eric Frank Russell applied firsthand knowledge of espionage or sabotage when writing his 1957 classic, Wasp

>plus canada
if only you knew, my dear, dear burger.

Attached: canada.png (500x442, 250K)