Riddle me this

why the fuck is everybody blaming Germany in the refugee crisis?

These migrants are crossing literal hundreds of countries illegally and nobody's stopping them, how is this not those countries' fault for not protecting their borders?

And these are Euro countries we're talking about here

Is this bizarro world?

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because germany is against throwing them back from where they came from, and acts against strengthening borders of EU border countries

Because its Merkel who wants them in so your shit industry can grow with cheap labor.
>hint: she backed down recently due to the rise of the far right

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Why are not you throwing them back then? Why are they even allowed to cross your countries legally?

Also there is no cheap labour in Germany

your nation's laws boldly and openly welcome the invaders and ignore their crimes. the most perfect representation of germany at the moment is a 5 foot 9 skinnyfat man with glasses apologizing to 5 blacks for not being inclusive enough as they rape his wife and kill his children.

Germany or better said Merkel is against the enforcement of the borders and wants to force other EU members to accept migrants because she says so

Because Merkel gave them an invitation.

Faggot. They dont even come here. They want your welfare.

You give them free shit for doing it. You are literally the reason for the crisis. Because they would not come if they didn't think there would be a mountain of free shit at the end if they just get to germany or sweden while being born brown. It's the same reason I hate my own government. Stop giving the illegals free shit for being illegal and they will stop coming. How is that so god damn hard to understand?

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We are staring to stop them. We got your back senpai, just support what we r doing.

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Angela, stop posting.

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>"close all the harbors"

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Read about the Kalergi plan. This shit has been planned for decades. The elites are only just realizing that it's a stupid plan, so now they're going back to the drawing board, trying to figure out a way to fix things and destroy whites at the same time.

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>AI AI AI! Tutte le ragazze italiane vogliono cannoli neri

why does the United States receive literally zero blame for the refugee crisis?

Dubia started it all up. He did it not because of Bin Laden but because of his family oil stock.

I don't give a fuck I'm wanking off to that thots arse.

>Why not throw back then
Because the EU doesn't want that

>acts against strengthening borders of EU border countries
>your nation's laws boldly and openly welcome the invaders and ignore their crimes.
>Because Merkel gave them an invitation.


Merkel invited them you dumb fuck

Didnt Germany currently just agree to be more strict about it?


show me that invitation please

>literal hundreds of countries
Are you a literal retard. I mean, are you literally retarded?

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It will be handing the world to the Asians though, I wonder what their plan is for dealing with them.

because your leaders invite them in and keep fighting for their "right" to stay you colossal fucking retard.
let's not forget your own women hol,ding up Refugee Welcome signs and cheering for them at the station

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German NGO's and Merkals insane policies that cause the crisis, how can you be from Germany? have you not read a fucking paper or been on this site in the last 2 years?

Your government and people literally invited them.


Stop giving them free shit and letting them do whatever the fuck they want and people woill stop blaming you.


Your understanding is bizarro. If you put out ten kilos of cat food every night and your neighborhood is suddenly filled with stray cats, it’s not the fault of your neighbors that the cats are there. It’s yours because you offered stray animals reoccurring food.

>offering help to the eternal kraut
You must be stupid.

What a sad and pathetic country you are.

>Hurr durr Merkel didnt invite them

>Merkel openly invites everyone to come in
> Germany imports them by plane
> Germany threatens sanctions against anyone who refuses to take them

Didn't Germany invite these migrants to come?
And when countries did start putting up fences and patrolling their borders, didn't Germany threaten these countries?

This is also a good point, Merkel didnt only invite them, but also tried to strongarm the rest of EU into taking them

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what the fuck are you talking about

yes, in Germany nobody will die from starvation or freeze to death

How is this related to every single other country in Europe abandoning their border patrol duties?

Are you inviting Mexicans with your exubarant lifestyle then? Hypocracy much?

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>countries take on unsustainable debt
>ok, let me help you out. just promise to don't do it again
>ebil NAZI Merkel! stop telling us what to do

>countries almost collapse under refugees
>ok, let't suspend Dublin. we'll take a few of your hands
>open borders wide and blame the Germans for everything wrong with Africa

Southern Euros don't understand charity really.

Apparently Germans don't understand honesty. We've always had an immigration problem, but Germany has created the crisis.

Attempting historical revisionism isn't going to work.

everybody but Germany breaking the law is what happened, fucktard

Does Dublin ring a bell for you?

Using the burgers' analogy:
> puts out cat food every night, enough to feed ten strays
> one hundred strays come
> you feed all of them
> you then blame your neighbours because the strays crossed their yards to get to yours
Literally you

Dublin II is the law by which we're forced to take them fucktard. We want it to go away.

I am well aware of the problems with refugees before 2015.
And how Italy always insisted we should take some.
Then when it got too much we obliged and get the blame in the process.
What's Germany got to do with Lybia and Syria being a mess?

not our problem, renegotiate international treaties like a big boy then and stop blaming Germany for your failure as a sourvereign nation to uphold the law withing the legislational sphere of the European Union


I am pretty sure everything in Europe if you boild it down is genuinely our fault
They are completely right in hating us for everything.

>merkel and her satanic party invite all these muslims
>give them free money and free house
>forbid police and media to report most crimes
>then you even reelect merkel because you are so brainwashed and all you care about is your shitty playstation or whatever and
you dont even do your own research

finally your wake up in hell because you hate jesus so much :/

We didn't invite them, our European neighbours, against international law, just didn't stop them

> Forces countries into shitty treaties
> 10 years later when everyone is furious at Germany

>We didn't invite them

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Nobody forced you to join the European Union dumbass

Germans having empathy doesn't relase foreign nations from uphold the law, dumbkraut

YOU invited them. And YOU want to use them as a political weapon against Poland and Hungary.

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You realize other countries can see that "empathy" and interpret it like they want, right?

1. You hadn't invited the millions into Europe when we joined
2. You threaten to sanction anyone who doesn't open their border.

I love how Germans try this losing PR battle. Everyone here thinks you're assholes.

EU laws pushed by German bureaucrats made it illegal.

That totally doesn't matter, as in Europe there is a rule of law. It was first other European nations breaking the law and now blaming Germany that they're not... shooting migrants on sight?

>That totally doesn't matter
see the other guy posting literally the same picture?
That picture we have seen a million times
It matters.

We didn't invite noone and immigration has always been a hot topic for mediterranian nations, dumbass

And by "here" I mean Malta. Germany and Merkel are squarely blamed.

That and the NGOs. Guess who is funding the Sea Watch which is fighting against Malta in legal battles to bring in more immigrants in? The Evangelical Church of Germany.

Yes it has, but not to this extent. And you were already linked evidence of them being invited by the Dutchanon.

>We blame unfuckable lardarse
Not the average tanned german

It is a natural thing to do because Germany (followed by France) is the major player in the EU. People need a singular villain to vilify a complex system, kind of like hating Merkel when everyone knows that she is a small part of a complex machine.

Who elected Merkel?

> Merkel
> A small part
Our foreign minister recently said that if Merkel falls, the EU may fall with her.

Wir schaffen das, that's why you fucking retarded cunt.

>being invited by the Dutchanon.
She had to open the borders AFTER none of the MED COUNTRIES stopped them

And now you are blaming Germany that we are not shooting them on sight or doing your work respectively?

No, Germany is the last resort of legal integrity in Europe. Yes, we are suffering. But we are suffering from your failure as a nation to ahold to international law.

> throws open doors of Europe
> blames every other country for not barricading the open hallways
Germans really have an inability to take responsibility for their actions, apparently.

Well except the Nazis, they'll blame themselves for that one forever

Plain disingenuous to turn "We can do it" (directed at a national audience, after ~100000 people came into the country) into a "Everybody's welcome"

That is why this refugee crisis is actually a good thing
We are replacing ourselves and soon there won't be any germans anymore destroying Europe
You are welcome.

Merkel could stop it at any time but no... there is no obergrezne
she even broke eu laws and opens borders

and yes we invited them
i saw it on the news when i still had a tv back in 2015.... some random reporter in syria and in the background are posters from the german gov (using our tax money) sayin some shit like: come to germany, we need workers

because Merkel sucks Soros dick and invites more and more of them in.

what the fuck

We HAD to open the doors because the sole alternative was to shoot unarmed hordes of migrants on sight

This is a situation that was first possible because you chose to singlehandedly abandon YOUR duties

Imagine millions of Eastern European peasants crossing Germany to get to Malta because they're not treated like animals there - would Malta be to blame for their high living standards and moral integrity or Germany for neglecting their duty as a member of the European Union to protect their borders?

True but you're replacing yourself with Turks

Anything is better than Germans.

>posters from the german gov
Yes, no way those were fake of course.
German gov does it all the time.
Smugglers who earned 5k a refugee had no incentive to print that shit

Germany invited them you retarded kraut

> Germany tells them to come, offers them stupid amounts of gibs, more than lower wage workers in Germany, let alone most of Europe
> Threatens countries for not giving immigrants similar gibs
> Threatens Italy, attempts to subvert its election because they want to turn back immigrants
> Threatens, runs toothless sanction proceedings to take away Poland's vote (toothless because it requires unanimity of all other countries)
Okay BLM whatever you say.

>Wir schaffen das

>some random reporter in syria and in the background are posters from the german gov (using our tax money) sayin some shit like: come to germany, we need workers

Uh, some leftist paid shit did invite them? Lmao you're delusional. Germany has been betrayed by Southern Europe AFTER BAILING THE FUCK OUT

those ungrateful fucks

And what was Germany or Merkel supposed to do?

Germany effectively controls a lot of the EU's actions due to being an economic power compared to the rest of the countries.

Merkel and our halfwit of a prime minister goes around Europe saying everyone must “take responsibility” for something they were clearly against from the beginning. It’s the most retarded show on earth.

Our PM says the same. He's a cuck, but in this case he's just trying to get people to alleviate the burden that he DIDN'T cause.

Important distinction

Germany didn't tell them to come, we only chose to not beat them up after the situation was becoming a humanitarian crisis that YOU allowed to happen

In Germany we have a saying: "Haltet den Dieb" oder "Stop the thief!"

This is exactly what is happening here.

The retarded refugee situation is the result of failed politics from med nations

>Germany didn't tell them to come,
Yes we did.

Prove we didn't or shut the fuck up.

>Yes we did.

Show me a single government document, Antifa doesn't count btw you retarded piece of shit

If the med SHITS can't protect their borders, maybe Germany has to annex them to enforce the law again

Everyone agrees we did. So the burden of proof lies with you.

I saved your pic but didn't read your post. I just wanted you to know that.

Because Germany invited them to come

>burden of proof can be replaced by democratic vote

yeah I guess Germany is to blame for Greek debt situation as well because everyone in Greece would agree YOU FUCKING IDIOT

Are you fucking stupid?

Wir schaffen das?

Muti Merkle?

Where have you been, Johan Hans Blindberg?

the least I could do

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Kike. You might have.

Why would those countries care? They're just passing by. Not their fault fault our countries are so cucked we willingly give away billions to foreigners that murder and rape us in gratitude

They pass through us and go straight to Germany, thank God.
Didn't you call them in? Well, enjoy the free borders.

fuck it i dont care anymore, if you want to continue living in your fantasy pony world, then okay go for it
im out

you are so blind you even think you evolved from a monkey lol