Jesse lee peterson goes to the GHETTO

asks if they love white people and trump, its AMAZIN

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>cotton picking is fun
>jim crow isnt bad at all
>blacks should go back to the plantation , theyre lazy and entitled

A true poltard cant help to love this very smart white man trapped in a blacks body

Holy shit the mad nigga rapping about 6 min

he is, he even told some african immigrant to go back to africa for complaining about slavery

Is Jesse a coon? Or just a man who's tired of complaining and blaming other people and actually wants to improve things for his race?

Blacks have such a weird culture man, if they want to stop complaining about YPEPO they are a coon.

At least when we blame Jews for influencing our lives, we actually have evidence that that group has done things to hurt us

>tired of complaining and blaming other people and actually wants to improve things for his race?

do they not understand the questions he is asking? why can he not get a straight answer??????

nobody ever answers what he asks in a straight manner, be them black white spic or whatever

people dont want admit they dont know shit or they realize they're acting dumb midway through and get ashamed to commit to dumb positions

Americans have low IQs

Because he’s talking to nogs with IQs lower than the size of their Air Jordans.

Jews brainwash Blacks to hate Whites to serve their interests, even though the rationale side of their brain knows the "WYPIPO BE OPPRESIN US N SHIT" narrative is absurd.

Slavery was/is semetic and opposed by the overwhelming majority of Whites, with Jews even initiating a civil war in the US to keep the skekels flowing then blaming Whitey for the war after they lost. White colonisation in Africa has led to Africas pop going from a tiny amount to multiple billions

Jow Forums do you love black people?

unlike blacks who dont have a single shred of evidence to link white people and damaging behavior to black communities

Jesse thanked God for slavery before

I love black people who stay in the Caribbean/Africa.

>do they not understand the questions he is asking?
if you think college educated black are retarded, well, hoodrats are 2 deviations below even that

no, if i loved a people based solely on appearance i would be a racist

the guy at 9 mins can't even string together a sentence or an idea. democracy was a mistake

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> how old are you
>twen un
> fuck Trump
> he takin all da free money

Fucking hell lads its only 30 second in.

>free money
Top kek, how can people even ever shill these blacks?

He wuz Jews and shit

It's a "black Hebrew Israelite" aka a crazy cult


(((Children of the Lie)))

jesse is the opposite of a coon. jesse is an honest man who criticises blacks because he wants them to be better. Jesse has plenty of criticism of whites too, because he loves all people.

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This is so sad to see the low intelligence

I think he just kept the clips of dumb black people and edited out the smart ones

I love the video where jesse lee peterson goes to the slutwalk protest and starts asking girls, "are you a slut?"
>uh, errrrrr . . . um . . . uh . . .

Is this in collaboration with MDE the editing is fucking great.

He's in the ghetto, the smartest people don't live there

I love this man

I fucking love this guy. He honestly has me reconsidering my role with Christ. I knew prior to him about family units breaking down having a lot of adverse effects on society. Even myself I have gone through horrible things growing up that I didn't forgive people for. That shit is not good. Let go of your anger and hate, forgive your enemies. Become the greatest version of yourself. Be the change you want to see. Quit drinking, smoking, and running from your past. Forgive and forget.

the only guy who liked Trump was the bum who likes him because he "talks shit".

There are barely any average intellect humans in nigger ghettos its a complete subhuman hive.

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It is,

Man unfortunately a lot of these people are ((college)) educated. The colleges in our country spit this bullshit non stop into their lessons. If I am ever blessed enough to raise a family of my own I do not plan on sending my kids to a college the girls will be raised on making things and keeping the home in order and the boys will learn a business or trade. Fuck ((college)) they're run by the followers of satan.

Leave it to a leaf to mock someone for spreading a positive message. I love you man, find god. Fix your life.

>the abbo & the guy who followed was the smartest people interviewed

wow more proof that the majority of blacks are dumb as the brick they just smashed grandmas head in with for her wedding ring.

Expulsion is a preference to genocide

I used to feel that way. I think that if we were truly able to cut out illegal immigration. Cut out degeneracy from our culture here in America, and get people back in connection with god we could fix america to the way it was prior to the civil rights riots and everything else that has happened since. Blacks used to have families, go to church, have jobs, etc. There weren't nearly as many single mother households. The last few generations are raised by the children of the lie. The children of lie are the followers of satan and are pure evil. Let hate go, there's a better way. I don't want you guys to think I'm a cuck who wants to give people everything. That's not the case, people need to work for what they get, and I fully advocate defending yourself in a situation where evil tries to take you from us.

I need a boomer image for this post.

>30 seconds in

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Your mocking doesn't work bro. You're tainted by the children of lie. Find Christ accept him and fix your life. It's the only way to save this nation, created under god. I love you man. Forgive your past and love yourself. God bless you. I'm in my earlier twenties so have fun with that one man. I know the truth must be frightening.

Somebody hurt you didn't they? If you're a man you'll never be a real man until you let it go and forgive. You can't be a masculine person with that kind of thought system. Get some help. If you're a women find a strong man, your dad probably failed you and for that I'm sorry. You need to let go of the lie of satan and get right with god.

I don't understand? Candace Owens told me that the blacks were waking up and leaving the demokkkrat plantation! There was even a Kanye tweet!!!!

Sorry my first post wasn't showing up until now.

They need Uncle Ruckus

Holy shit. This is coming from a commy flag

To be honest I bet he gets more white pussy than anyone so many dumb white guilt bitches love black men who hate them it’s a weird dynamic

The OG Commies would bash modern ones face in for their perversion of what they fought for. And i say that while despising any form of communism

Do you love your father?

This video is from February

Who doesn't?

Feels bad man